I officially cannot call myself a BMW fan now... Less so than ever at least...
BMW is no longer talking to me, And I feel BMW Division has lost the plot...
More than ever, Miata is the answer.
This is the least M5 of all the M5, ironically despite having the most amount of power....
Too much and roo expensive for what it is...
Why ? Who is going to buy this car ? For what purposes?
I can guarantee the person buying this car will not use it for what or how much power it has... This is all gonna go to waste....
If that's the new definition of luxury, I want none of it...
Stupid and pointless IMHO
But I guess BMW doesn't care, as long as there is money going to them.
And so i too can play that game, no longer care about how stupid this is getting for BMW
I am moving on, BMW has truly defaced the one M cars that I thought BMw would have not dared comprising.
So long suckers at BMW
Edit: the car is not terrible, but the image they are tying to convey about it and the people they are trying to chase and what this car has become is just no longer what it's predecessors have so carefully crafted their image... This car is drifting away and shredding its previous image for something I don't recognize anymore.
This is certainly an achievement for BMW, but I am really not sure they should have gone in this direction.
Marketing department is definitely aiming at people with money for which image of power is more important than anything in their life... "How to step over everyone else so that you can continue to be that egotistical selfish man"
Mpower is going down the drain in my eyes.
Edit 2: I really wish BMW took inspiration with the T.50
Less is more... More is not necessarily better.
The world cannot go to the more powerful...
It has to go to the people.