2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

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Results are only viewable after voting.
Gen X has had enough of the BS, that's what happened.
Insult them all you want, they really don't give a bleep.
They'd rather be left alone and be able to afford groceries and rent or a house.

There was push back on socialism, globalism, social issues, open borders, etc.., but it's mainly about the economy.
Open borders was the next biggest concern. If liberal democrats don't understand that, they're doomed to repeat their mistakes in the future.

Demonizing half the country isn't a successful strategy.

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Again, deporting workers from jobs that no lower class US citizen will do and/or adding tariffs for all imports usually WILL NOT improve the economy. In fact, it will probably make it worse. It doesn't take an economic genius to figure that out.
Thing is though, you can't always blame the voters, not when people are unconvinced of your campaign, when people are disappointed in your party and when the other campaign is heavily financed by billionaires and thus is highly capably to mislead and brainwash people. I agree that Trump should never again have been president, but the Democrats hasn't done very much to stop him or his party have they? They couldn't stop Roe v. Wade from getting teared up. They couldn't stop various "education laws" and anti-lgbt laws from being passed in various states. But they sure as hell can tell people that those things are wrong and that's why you should vote for them regardless of what they've actually done about it!

Yea, I can still blame voters for electing the insane guy. Yes. Regardless of your criticism of the Democrats, the insane guy is insane.

while having no real policy on their own or even willpower to do anything about the "bad guys" and their actions, and then playing the blame game when they predicatbly don't get elected. I'll admit, I don't know if parties or party politicians always do the last part, but I do know that atleast some of their voters has a tendency to go down that route - yourself included. I'm sorry but it needs to be said. In any case, such behaviour certainly doesn't help when you're trying to battle bad faith actors, by attacking people who may not even necessarily be bad people at heart (as I've said before, genuniely bad people generally constitute such a small minority they'd never get anything done on their own), just that they're ignorant and have had their ignorance taken advantage of.

At this point, whatever ignorance is getting taken advantage of is their own responsibility to clean up. It's not like the information isn't out there for them. I don't know what you want me to do about the bad guys other than vote against them. There were actions that could be taken, not anymore.

TLDR: It is so, so easy to blame people voting for the wrong party and call them all kinds of descriptors. Chances are though, it may not represent reality. What the reality is, is that the Republicans and their associates are doing a damn fine job at attracting voters

By lying to them and scaring them? Yea. The Democrats told the truth, but half the country has their fingers in their ears. I suppose you want them to lie and scare people? At some point, you really do become as bad as what you're trying to fight.

the Democrats and their associates didn't do enough. Simple as, end of story.

There was no "enough". Harris did basically everything right. It wasn't enough. At some point you have to stop pretending that the problem is with the people actually trying to do the right thing and realize that the the problem is with the people trying to do the wrong thing. The American people just didn't believe the threat. Now it's too late.

But with these results at hand, one could atleast admit that the Democrats did a gamble and it didn't pay off.

I don't know what you wanted them to do. What gamble didn't pay off? I just saw a group of people (formed from democrats and republicans) trying everything they could think of to stop the lying asshole from winning. Nothing worked because too many people are tuned out.

TLDRTLDR: I'm getting pretty ******* pissed at this kinda attitude, especially given how unproductive it is and always has been in the political world. If I'm sounding like a piece of work, I apologize, I just felt like I needed to say it.

I'm getting pretty pissed at people blaming the folks working hard to do the right thing for the fact that scumbags are good at tricking idiots. You need to start pointing the finger where it belongs - on the bad actors.

There is no such thing as productivity anymore. Did you not notice? The autocrat and his cronies won.
Yeah definitely one of the worst parts of the next month or so is going to be all the same dumb people crawling out of the woodwork repeating their same dumb arguments thinking that Trump winning somehow makes them smarter or their arguments having any more merit.
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I think the whole campaign was mismanaged from the moment they refused to be open and honest about Bidens state of mind and Harris being shoved in as the candidate was done too late. Trump winning does not surprise me one bit, it saddens me that a man like him can be elected, then re-elected, he isn't a good leader. But Harris wasn't a strong enough candidate, and by the time she was hastily put in place and Biden stood down, there wasn't enough time to build a solid enough campaign around a strong enough candidate IMO. There had to be better people to run than those two.

But the question remains, now Trump has won, who will really he called NG the shots. The toupee?
Honestly, I don't think there not being enough time was the issue, in fact she seemed more popular earlier this year. They simply squandered whatever advantage they had by trying to appeal to right wing voters assuming that the left would vote for them no matter what, which didn't work.

One could argue that the election was basically done when the Gaza War started. Given that Putin has some relations with Hamas, it wouldn't surprise me if Putin deliberately started a new conflict in the region in the hopes that it'd affect the presidential election, which as it turned out happened the following year. Plenty of time to discredit the Democrat party, but not so far away that people will forget about it by election day. It's almost as if he couldn't have timed it better.
One could argue that the election was basically done when the Gaza War started. Given that Putin has some relations with Hamas, it wouldn't surprise me if Putin deliberately started a new conflict in the region in the hopes that it'd affect the presidential election, which as it turned out happened the following year. Plenty of time to discredit the Democrat party, but not so far away that people will forget about it by election day. It's almost as if he couldn't have timed it better.
USSR tried something similar in the 1960s and it backfired on them badly at the time. I doubt he would try that same tactic.

The past year definitely did not help the Democrats at all. While they obviously had no control over the ME war, the protests did not help their cause. In addition while the Biden administration DID do something about the border, it might have occurred too late for it to be a positive for Harris. The bussing of migrants over to the big cities didn't help isolate the problems of the border either.
Honestly, I don't think there not being enough time was the issue, in fact she seemed more popular earlier this year. They simply squandered whatever advantage they had by trying to appeal to right wing voters assuming that the left would vote for them no matter what, which didn't work.

If that were true, and I don't think it is, then the left wing voters that stayed home are as stupid, or even moreso, than the brainwashed right.
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I don't think there's any additional Putin conspiracy theory needed for the Gaza stuff. Netanyahu and Trump were both making it obvious that it was being deliberately prolonged and escalated until the election happened to make Biden look bad.
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The government spending tons of money on things that do not benefit the American people in the slightest.
Agreed, but Trump isn't going to change that. Republicans in general as just as free with handing out tax dollars as the Democrats. If Trump truly wants to cut out useless spending he needs to do away with Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, farm subsidies, all corporate welfare, and slash military spending by like 50%. He won't though because all the stuff is important to his base, so he's going to cut things that actually have a purpose like the National Weather Service.
I don't think there's any additional Putin conspiracy theory needed for the Gaza stuff. Netanyahu and Trump were both making it obvious that it was being deliberately prolonged and escalated until the election happened to make Biden look bad.
I think the argument was that Putin started the Gaza war to throw a wrench at America. Not to prolong it.
Again, deporting workers from jobs that no lower class US citizen will do and/or adding tariffs for all imports usually WILL NOT improve the economy. In fact, it will probably make it worse. It doesn't take an economic genius to figure that out.
Maybe they'll use some common sense and only deport the illegals who aren't contributing in a meaningful way and give the ones who are a green card/ path to citizenship. 🤷‍♂️
Total nonsense. Harris was a very strong candidate, and had enough time to make her case. There is no excuse for Trump winning, none. Harris is not to blame for this. The American people voted for a complete and utter scumbag. That's the problem.

Harris did a insanely good job. We elected the absolute train wreck anyway. Time to reflect.
I think both are true at the same time. Harris both failed to gather more moderate votes and also due to administration policy ended up alienating very young voters who hate Israel and want peace in Gaza. Further still, I'm convinced that spirits were so high that some Democrats simply didn't vote - as they wont to do - because they thought it was in the bag. I felt that happiness, though if you'll recall I was originally hoping they'd stick with Biden for the sake of "stability" and trust, followed by me supporting Whitmer or MObama or especially Mark Kelly.

As @dylansan suggested, turnout was lower overall, with Trump getting 74m votes in 2020 compared to 72m in 2024, while Biden got 81M vs Harris's 67M, a spectacular underperformance by 14M votes, holy cow. Fourteen million people just...didn't. They either didn't like her or they didn't care anymore, because Trump's numbers didn't increase either. The map is going to be a complete reversal of the previous one with simlar margins in the opposite direction, while all other states are tigher wins for Harris or bigger losses.

Dems totally screwed the pooch.

But it's also true that we've got a lot of assholes in America, both men and women. In Ohio, 49% of women were for Harris, 50% for Trump. You can't explain that. Women can't explain that. I assume it's a stark generational divide. The only women I know in my personal life who support Trump are Gen X and older, all of whom either already have kids or are never going to.
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USSR tried something similar in the 1960s and it backfired on them badly at the time. I doubt he would try that same tactic.
I recall at the time there was talk that Trump, knowing (or more likely having documentation on) Israel's capabilities and weaknesses as part of his various briefings as President, could have told his strong buddy Putin, who told Iran, who told Hamas...
Gen X has had enough of the BS, that's what happened.


Hi. Gen X, here...whatever that means beyond my having been born between 1965 and 1980.

What, uh...what kind of moron purports a collective viewpoint and ventures to substantiate that assertion with a graphic that, at best, shows just barely half of a collective shares a purported viewpoint?


Oh...[sucking teeth]...nevermind.

Insult them all you want, they really don't give a bleep.
Wait, should that be "we" or are you actually asserting that a collective of which you are not a part has a particular attitude?
Demonizing half the country isn't a successful strategy.
They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
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I think the argument was that Putin started the Gaza war to throw a wrench at America. Not to prolong it.
No I get that but I don't think Putin needed to be involved with that particular thing to begin with. I absolutely wouldn't put it past Netanyahu to false flag the whole thing entirely by his lonesome.
Maybe they'll use some common sense and only deport the illegals who aren't contributing in a meaningful way and give the ones who are a green card/ path to citizenship. 🤷‍♂️
You make that process sound so simple! It'll be a piece of cake to separate the contributors from the non-contributors. There won't be one mistaken deportation.
Meanwhile in California the results of the ballot measures were a pretty mixed bag. Voters declined expanded rent control and some other progressive items but also voted for some bond measures and continued some taxes. The one that is getting attention though is Proposition 34, which require certain participants in Medi-Cal Rx Program to spend 98% of revenues on patient care

The long and short of it is that the AIDS Foundation has a pretty long history of using some of its funds to promote expanded renter protections via ballot measures, which this year was Proposition 33, which appears to be defeated. The supporters / "creators" of proposition 34 crafted it basically to explicitly target the AIDS foundation to prevent them from using any grant funding from the federal government to promote ballot measures. 34 is so narrowly written that it may apply to just a single entity.

The whole ballot measure process in CA is a true mess, with big monied entities using it as an end-run around the state assembly to try to get laws passed by barely-informed voters. Both Prop 33 & 34 should not be on the ballot...they are far, far too in the weeds for voters to decide on, and they are far from the only ones. Direct democracy is a pretty dangerous thing...I strongly believe voters could and would vote for contradicting positions on different ballot measures on the same ballot if that opportunity was available.
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And if you delete this post it just proves it.
Is there a name for this type of argument style? It's obviously Trump's favorite bit as well as all his cronies and supporters and generally anybody who has an aggressive bent. What the technical term?
Hi. Gen X, here...whatever that means beyond my having been born between 1965 and 1980.

What, uh...what kind of moron purports a collective viewpoint and ventures to substantiate that assertion with a graphic that, at best, shows just barely half of a collective shares a purported viewpoint?
It's a majority of a demographic. A "collective viewpoint" that turned the tide in this historic election, represented clearly in a graph.
You can call me, or them morons (oh ouchie, my feelings!), it's still what happened.

You make that process sound so simple! It'll be a piece of cake to separate the contributors from the non-contributors. There won't be one mistaken deportation.
We could start with the ones committing crimes, that would be common sense.
Is there a name for this type of argument style? It's obviously Trump's favorite bit as well as all his cronies and supporters and generally anybody who has an aggressive bent. What the technical term?
Erasing history.
The Democrats have the exact same issue as most leading "left-leaning" (not that the Democrats are particularly left but anyway) parties around the globe, whether it be Labour or other Social Democrat parties like the one in my country, and that's the fact that they rely faaar to much on not being the "bad guys", while having no real policy on their own or even willpower to do anything about the "bad guys" and their actions, and then playing the blame game when they predicatbly don't get elected.[...]
A common, returning theme. Pretty comical.
It seems like you're saying that Trump supporters, and only Trump supporters, found themselves in indefensible positions and voluntarily went elsewhere to find places they could be with likeminded people rather than a place where views are challenged - creating their own "us vs. them" division.

However your original post - "look what happened to the Trumpers on this board" - suggests that this was visited upon them by this site, specifically, with members "othering" them.
Of course we othered them, just as they should take responsibility as well. I don't know what the way forward is when dealing with such divergent viewpoints as the progressive left and the right wing.

Other places like Resetera are so far to the left that it's not just limited to Trumpers who feel excluded.

The west is going to have to learn how to foster an environment where tribalism is managed otherwise we're all in trouble.
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It's a majority of a demographic.
It's actually a majority of a bar on a graph, and "majority" isn't particularly meaningful when the differential on that bar is just eight points.

What, specifically, does the bar represent? I'd wager it's a simple "voted for this or that," in which case it doesn't represent Gen X as a demographic, rather it represents Gen X who voted in a particular election...a meaningfully smaller demographic and, again, just barely half of it.

A "collective viewpoint" that turned the tide in this historic election, represented clearly in a graph.
Not a collective viewpoint, if only because the collective is composed of disparate enough elements. But it's certainly not a collective viewpoint because I'd wager that the bar represents a simple "voted for this or that" and does not go into the factors that drive the choice. And again, it's still just barely half of those in said collective that voted one way rather than the other.

This is just you attributing to barely half of those of a particular age who voted one particular way your own viewpoint; pure fantasy.

You can call me, or them morons (oh ouchie, my feelings!), it's still what happened.
This would be more persuasive, though still not accurate, coming from one who hadn't just cried like a little bitch about "demonization." As ever, the "**** your feelings" crowd is very concerned about their own feelings.