2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

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Results are only viewable after voting.
LOL, what does this even mean? People own their own bodies. Where are the shades of grey?
For those that only limit their scope of reason in terms of black and white, it’s a hard concept to grasp, I’m sure
Honestly had never heard of it until I heard every Liberal outlet started including it in their lock-step talking points as an coordinated attempt to steer the consumer away from the Democratic Party’s current mess, and back towards Trump. Don’t know much about it to be honest. But from what I do know, it definitely seems to be more fringe, and not at all mainstream amongst the Republican constituents, or the elected officials

I don't think anyone is trying to steer anybody away from anything. It should be focused on because despite of your supposed lack of knowledge about it and your thinking it's only a Republican fringe thing, it isn't. It is deeply ingrained into those people that will be the closest to Trump if he wins and they are hell bent on bringing all of that crap into standard Republican policy.

If anyone is trying to steer or divert attention it would be conservatives trying to divert attention away from Project 2025 because now as the details of it emerge, Republicans are afraid that voters will start to turn against them as they see that Project 2025 is basically a road map to how you set up a dictatorship in America.
I don't think anyone is trying to steer anybody away from anything. It should be focused on because despite of your supposed lack of knowledge about it and your thinking it's only a Republican fringe thing, it isn't. It is deeply ingrained into those people that will be the closest to Trump if he wins and they are hell bent on bringing all of that crap into standard Republican policy.

If anyone is trying to steer or divert attention it would be conservatives trying to divert attention away from Project 2025 because now as the details of it emerge, Republicans are afraid that voters will start to turn against them as they see that Project 2025 is basically a road map to how you set up a dictatorship in America.
And if what you say is true about this so-called widely-accepted-on-the-down-low-wink-wink project 2025 (I don’t know, so I’m going to choose to take your word for it)

Then Republican politicians are just going to do what any competent politician does:

…they’ll wet their finger, walk outside, thrust said finger into the air and see which way the political winds happen to be blowing at the moment
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But from what I do know, it definitely seems to be more fringe, and not at all mainstream amongst the Republican constituents, or the elected officials

That's the number of people who had a role in Trumps administration who worked on a 900+ page document, it's about as far from being fringe in MAGA and Trump terms as it gets.

The Heritage Foundation is already recruiting people and training them to be Trump loyalists and replace independent civil staff if they win the election.

For those that only limit their scope of reason in terms of black and white, it’s a hard concept to grasp, I’m sure
Are you saying that for some people they own their bodies fully, but others don't?
Then Republican politicians are just going to do what any competent politician does:

…they’ll wet their finger, walk outside, thrust said finger into the air and see which way the political winds happen to be blowing at the moment
Evidence strongly suggests otherwise, the political wind around abortion in the US is clear, but that hasn't stopped Republicans from opposing it and doing everything they can to remove the right to access to it. what it did do was make them double down on attempts to hide their intentions around it from the public, you know, just like they are with Project 2025.
LOL, what does this even mean? People own their own bodies. Where are the shades of grey?
For those that only limit their scope of reason in terms of black and white, it’s a hard concept to grasp, I’m sure
Less high-handed criticism and more actual question answering would be greatly appreciated on this discussion forum.
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It'd save a lot of time if you just up and said you don't think women are people rather than just carefully on purpose saying lots of things that show that you don't.
Sure, it would be easier…

Except there’s many shades of gray in between the many different shades of black and white, on a spectrum
"Are women people?"
"Well, it's a grey area."

Amazing Season 6 GIF by Bachelor in Paradise
"Are women people?"
"Well, it's a grey area."
IMG_20240725_133159.pngYou have to wonder if this vast expanse of space was originally intended for a lengthy explanation of why forced birth is justified in some cases, or whether it's simply an illustration of a massive grey area.
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FWIW, I got a vasectomy just after I turned 33. We tried to conceive a few times, but she kept miscarrying. So when we decided not to try anymore, I got snipped because I didn’t feel it was fair for her to go back on birth control when I could just as easily take care of it myself
That is unfortunate.

However, if I do decide to vote at the top of the ticket ... it’ll be for Trump. I mean, I am a Republican
Meanwhile, Republican VP candidate

I mean more along the lines of where has this Biden been at? He doesn't seem like a feeble old man there, joking around, and being personable. Maybe the weight of running for reelection has done wonders for his mental state? I know I would be feeling better if I didn't have to worry about things in a few more months.
I mean more along the lines of where has this Biden been at?
I know. The link was intended to show that this was at a comparatively relaxed speech amongst the party faithful and a long way from the confrontational atmosphere of the debate against orange man. Some people (MAGAs) are saying the actual speech filmed was taken from two months before the fateful confrontation so his mental state may have been completely different. Like Twitler he reused a lot of his material so it's hard to tell.
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I just read an unattributed message which perfectly encapsulates the uncanny valley feeling I get looking at James Vance.

"He looks like a computer generated image of what a kidnapped child would look like as an adult."
He's had more name changes than Leslie Lynch "Gerald Ford" King Jr.

(Apologies for the deadnaming)
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I love that he seems sheepish after this innocuous joke. Trump says 20 worse things about Biden publicly before breakfast.
Yeh, there's something rather sweet about it - an old-fashioned roast style joke, though I bet Trump will be genuinely furious about it.

The last week or so in UK politics has been quite unusual insofar as there's actually a bit of good humour knocking about the House of Commons. The new Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer accidentally called Rishi Sunak 'the Prime Minister' last week, and added "Old habits die hard!", and yesterday Rishi Sunak bid the UK Olympic team good luck, but added "not that I'm the best person to give advice on how to win!"
I watched Biden's Oval Office speech on stepping down from the campaign.

The speech itself was everything we might expect from a politician from 20 years ago. Steady, confident, classy, positive, and "America first". In this last phrase "America first", I don't mean America above all other nations, or American bullying of our allies or anything like that - though this is what is usually meant by that phrase. I mean America above yourself. I mean Biden was more focused on the country than on his own ego and personal ambitions. This used to be what we expected of our politicians. It was a good speech, if a little sappy.

The speech also underscored why he's stepping down - because he struggled with some of the lines. For example, at one point he couldn't manage the phrase "constitutional convention". He bailed, and just said "the conventions that were going on at that time". At no point did it seem like he totally got lost or confused, but there was this tenuous feeling throughout the speech that he would be unable to make it through the next line.

Also I'll never be able to un-hear that old man swallow sound that he made in between paragraphs. He was tough to listen to, even though the speech and the sentiment were on point.
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Unsurprising as it is, the cowardice from @Yard_Sale has been striking.
I watched Biden's Oval Office speech on stepping down from the campaign.

The speech itself was everything we might expect from a politician from 20 years ago. Steady, confident, classy, positive, and "America first". In this last phrase "America first", I don't mean America above all other nations, or American bullying of our allies or anything like that - though this is what is usually meant by that phrase. I mean America above yourself. I mean Biden was more focused on the country than on his own ego and personal ambitions. This used to be what we expected of our politicians. It was a good speech, if a little sappy.

The speech also underscored why he's stepping down - because he struggled with some of the lines. For example, at one point he couldn't manage the phrase "constitutional convention". He bailed, and just said "the conventions that were going on at that time". At no point did it seem like he totally got lost or confused, but there was this tenuous feeling throughout the speech that he would be unable to make it through the next line.

Also I'll never be able to un-hear that old man swallow sound that he made in between paragraphs. He was tough to listen to, even though the speech and the sentiment were on point.
I appreciated the hopefulness he conveyed for the country's future. It even brought a tear to my eye at one point. "But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"

RFK Jr. denies this article is true but I'm not about to watch one of his videos to check.

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The longer America looks at this scenery, the more they're going to be reminded of Barack - the young guy who changed the picture.
Except that Obama didn't change the actual picture. Or, I guess, he changed the picture, but not the reality. For all the stupid HOPE and CHANGE posters, did anything change in any meaningful way? I respectfully submit it did not. That being said, going back to pre-2016 status quo would be a marked improvement over where we are now.
For example, just look at the post about JD Vance talking about women who haven't given birth. The optics of this in light of roe are just mind-numbingly bad for republicans.
The optics are only bad to non-Republicans. For Republicans, they represent the ideal world: 1950s suburban America, chock full of hetero, married WASP couples with 2.5 kids, well-indoctrinated with preapproved Christian faith and appropriate gender identities / roles.