2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

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New thing to giggle at. Trump appears to be regretting picking Vance. :lol:

Two choices Trump. Stick with your bad pick or upend your campaign and the RNC branding.
Either way, it's looking like an amazing waste of an RNC. They double-downed on Biden staying in, just for him to drop out soon after. Now they're the ones stuck with an unusually old, incoherent candidate. If Kamala gets the nomination at the DNC, I bet Trump will be dead in the water right there and then. At least I hope so.
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Either way, it's looking like an amazing waste of an RNC. They double-downed on Biden staying in, just for him to drop out soon after. Now they're the ones stuck with an unusually old, incoherent candidate. If Kamala gets the nomination at the DNC, I bet Trump will be dead in the water right there and then. At least I hope so.
Don’t discount suburban moderates’ ability to hate black people.
I'm actually mildly surprised that anyone in the party is even pushing back on racism at this point. They've sunk that low.
It's a political loser. The base loves it, and the base is large, but normies in battleground states that could be pulled in by policy and mean the difference between winning and losing aren't likely to be so enthusiastic about it.

Edit: I don't know what the timing of these things is but the pleading may have fallen on deaf ears. That it may have isn't even the tiniest bit surprising.

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I will say that Democrats are going to have to be careful to sweep up their own Twitter accounts before she gets the official nomination, because this:


Was not even remotely a sentiment that was exclusively Republican in 2020.
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Republicans: "Free speech!"

Also Republicans: "NOT LIKE THAT!!!"

Nikki Haley has issued a cease and desist to a group urging her supporters to back Vice President Kamala Harris.

The “Haley Voters for Harris” PAC has pushed the former Republican presidential candidate's supporters to help Harris win the election. Haley said Tuesday the political action committee is using her name for deceitful purposes.

“Kamala Harris and I are total opposites on every issue. Any attempt to use my name to support her or her agenda is deceptive and wrong," she said.

"Haley Voters for Harris" said in a statement Tuesday it will review the cease and desist order once it is received, noting its rights to engage with voters "will not be suppressed." The PAC also claimed in a social media post Monday it is not affiliated with the former South Carolina governor.

Haley endorsed former President Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention last week. She suggested even people who don’t agree with Trump “100% of the time” should vote for him anyway.
Vexatious civil litigation to suppress disfavored expression and association is bad, actually.

Of course it's absurd that Republicans sincerely advocate for expressive freedom. They're aggrieved vermin and nothing more. Haley has already demonstrated that it's bad on this. The rat has pushed for law conditioning online speech on verification of identity for "national security" (speech isn't free if the state requires that you identify yourself satisfactorily).

The rat has also asserted that "censorship by tech companies, [especially] censorship of conservative opinions, violates the spirit of the law [and] the [First] Amendment." No. The First Amendment limits government. The First Amendment does not limit tech companies. The spirit of the First Amendment is limiting the action the government can take against private actors. The entire Bill of Rights is all about constraining the state. Laws which limit tech companies' expressive and associative freedoms--how and by whom the service they provide may be used--violate not the spirit of the First Amendment but the First Amendment itself.

The rat pledged to not endorse Trump. A lot of the rat's support was conditioned on it not endorsing Trump. The rat then endorsed Trump and lost support.
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Harris, so far, has been flawless. That won't last, of course, she'll have some sort of gaffe or stumble, but this was a really critical time for her to emerge as Biden's replacement, and she's nailing it. The better she does now, the more room she has for human error later.

I'm actually stunned at the optics of this presidential campaign and how they've changed so much in the last week. We had old angry guy vs old ice cream guy. Neither of whom represented anything fresh. Angry guy promised a double-down on hate from his previous presidency, and ice cream guy promised a double-down on boring (I can still go for boring to be honest). So you had america divided between anger and boredom, both presented in the oldest most out-of-touch way possible.

But now you have old angry white guy against young energetic enthusiastic non-white woman. And suddenly it's new territory (first woman president), progress on women's rights in a time when women's rights are under fire. I know there are women in America who will vote for trump, but it's hard to believe. Harris is fresh and energetic and compassionate. She feels genuinely optimistic - in a time when Americans are weary of pessimism and anger. Trump's optics play horribly. The longer America looks at this scenery, the more they're going to be reminded of Barack - the young guy who changed the picture.

Honestly the longer I'm sitting with Harris the more brilliant it looks. The bloom will come off the rose, but I wonder if it does before the election.


For example, just look at the post about JD Vance talking about women who haven't given birth. The optics of this in light of roe are just mind-numbingly bad for republicans. Kamala, of course, is a mother. And America has embraced her flavor of motherhood in a big way. Not that motherhood should even be a defining characteristic of women - but she IS a mother, and she's a mother in a way that a lot of people are parents themselves. It doesn't just play badly with women, who won't like their self-worth to be reduced to pumping out children the way republicans consistently want, but it won't play well with all of the step dads, and all of the people who have step dads. It feeds fear about roe, and rightly so.

A dagger straight into the heart of one of the biggest weaknesses republicans present.
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Harris, so far, has been flawless. That won't last, of course, she'll have some sort of gaffe or stumble, but this was a really critical time for her to emerge as Biden's replacement, and she's nailing it. The better she does now, the more room she has for human error later.

I'm actually stunned at the optics of this presidential campaign and how they've changed so much in the last week. We had old angry guy vs old ice cream guy. Neither of whom represented anything fresh. Angry guy promised a double-down on hate from his previous presidency, and ice cream guy promised a double-down on boring (I can still go for boring to be honest). So you had america divided between anger and boredom, both presented in the oldest most out-of-touch way possible.

But now you have old angry white guy against young energetic enthusiastic non-white woman. And suddenly it's new territory (first woman president), progress on women's rights in a time when women's rights are under fire. I know there are women in America who will vote for trump, but it's hard to believe. Harris is fresh and energetic and compassionate. She feels genuinely optimistic - in a time when Americans are weary of pessimism and anger. Trump's optics play horribly. The longer America looks at this scenery, the more they're going to be reminded of Barack - the young guy who changed the picture.

Honestly the longer I'm sitting with Harris the more brilliant it looks. The bloom will come off the rose, but I wonder if it does before the election.
I bet Trump is PISSED his attempted assassination has been completely overshadowed by Biden stepping down.

'This was MY TIME!'

Also, I'm not joking.

I agree on your sentiment on Harris. The genuine excitement and optimism on her face is such a nice thing to compared to the perpetual scowl of Trump/Vance and often even Biden. It reminds me a bit of Obama in 2008, that energy. With a good running mate, I think she can be a very strong candidate that will get people actually excited.
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Harris, so far, has been flawless. That won't last, of course, she'll have some sort of gaffe or stumble, but this was a really critical time for her to emerge as Biden's replacement, and she's nailing it. The better she does now, the more room she has for human error later.

I'm actually stunned at the optics of this presidential campaign and how they've changed so much in the last week. We had old angry guy vs old ice cream guy. Neither of whom represented anything fresh. Angry guy promised a double-down on hate from his previous presidency, and ice cream guy promised a double-down on boring (I can still go for boring to be honest). So you had america divided between anger and boredom, both presented in the oldest most out-of-touch way possible.

But now you have old angry white guy against young energetic enthusiastic non-white woman. And suddenly it's new territory (first woman president), progress on women's rights in a time when women's rights are under fire. I know there are women in America who will vote for trump, but it's hard to believe. Harris is fresh and energetic and compassionate. She feels genuinely optimistic - in a time when Americans are weary of pessimism and anger. Trump's optics play horribly. The longer America looks at this scenery, the more they're going to be reminded of Barack - the young guy who changed the picture.

Honestly the longer I'm sitting with Harris the more brilliant it looks. The bloom will come off the rose, but I wonder if it does before the election.
The Democrats really need to make a better push to show what she did. I always thought she did nothing to fix the border problem, but come to find out, she announced a massive investment in Central America to build their economy:

That's huge and probably the best way to combat illegal immigration. If the people in those countries have jobs, they won't need to find a better life here. A more robust Central American economy benefits the US economy too, so I'm all for it.

I wasn't aware she supported a two-state solution for Palestine and Israel and just kind of figured she went along with the more pro-Israel policies of Biden. Hell, I wasn't even aware she supported decoupling the US from China too.

Yes, the information is out there, but I never remember seeing it, or if I did, it wasn't front and center. These are things that will absolutely be positives for some independents, especially those who lean a little more right on certain issues. I get that the campaign just started, but I just find it kind of odd that all along we've been led to believe Harris didn't do a damn thing.

While I'm still not pro-Democrat by any means, Harris is a way more palatable candidate than Biden, and I can vote for her much more easily than I could Biden. Plus, there can be more of a policy discussion when it comes to Harris instead of simply wondering if she has the mental capacity to function. The Republicans are just going to make stuff up, because that's what they do, but they've lost their ace in the hole with Biden's age and mental problem. Now they actually need to put in some effort.
They must have sent her to the same charm school as the Rockford Peaches. Probably sat in Mae’s old seat.

And if 60 is the new 40, then 40 s the new 20, right?
I bet Trump is PISSED his attempted assassination has been completely overshadowed by Biden stepping down.

'This was MY TIME!'

Also, I'm not joking.

I agree on your sentiment on Harris. The genuine excitement and optimism on her face is such a nice thing to compared to the perpetual scowl of Trump/Vance and often even Biden. It reminds me a bit of Obama in 2008, that energy. With a good running mate, I think she can be a very strong candidate that will get people actually excited.
Well, like many things for Trump, he only has himself to blame.

The media even painted a narrative for him ahead of the RNC, with reports claiming he was changing his speech to promote unity. Which turned out to be nothing more than, "Unity is dropping the charges against me whilst I continue being the same person I always was". There was nothing changed about his RNC speech, that was the Trump everyone already had seen a bunch of times in a full length movie.

And I think most of us knew he would go back to that. I believe it was evident the moment he was being escorted away from the podium raising his fist shouting, "Fight, fight fight". He knew he wasn't seriously injured & went for a photo-op. It didn't unsettle him at all that he'd nearly lost his life.
The Democrats really need to make a better push to show what she did. I always thought she did nothing to fix the border problem, but come to find out, she announced a massive investment in Central America to build their economy:

That's huge and probably the best way to combat illegal immigration. If the people in those countries have jobs, they won't need to find a better life here. A more robust Central American economy benefits the US economy too, so I'm all for it.

I wasn't aware she supported a two-state solution for Palestine and Israel and just kind of figured she went along with the more pro-Israel policies of Biden. Hell, I wasn't even aware she supported decoupling the US from China too.

Yes, the information is out there, but I never remember seeing it, or if I did, it wasn't front and center. These are things that will absolutely be positives for some independents, especially those who lean a little more right on certain issues. I get that the campaign just started, but I just find it kind of odd that all along we've been led to believe Harris didn't do a damn thing.

While I'm still not pro-Democrat by any means, Harris is a way more palatable candidate than Biden, and I can vote for her much more easily than I could Biden. Plus, there can be more of a policy discussion when it comes to Harris instead of simply wondering if she has the mental capacity to function. The Republicans are just going to make stuff up, because that's what they do, but they've lost their ace in the hole with Biden's age and mental problem. Now they actually need to put in some effort.
You probably caught a glimpse of it a few years ago, when they played the clip of her telling the people from Guam, "Do not come", but there's rarely any elaboration on why she was saying it. In part, because she was saying the US will enforce its border patrol making it a waste of time, and because she believed money & effort should be spent to build up Guam so its people would find a reason to raise their children there instead of coming here.
Republicans: "Free speech!"

Also Republicans: "NOT LIKE THAT!!!"

Vexatious civil litigation to suppress disfavored expression and association is bad, actually.

Of course it's absurd that Republicans sincerely advocate for expressive freedom. They're aggrieved vermin and nothing more. Haley has already demonstrated that it's bad on this. The rat has pushed for law conditioning online speech on verification of identity for "national security" (speech isn't free if the state requires that you identify yourself satisfactorily).

The rat has also asserted that "censorship by tech companies, [especially] censorship of conservative opinions, violates the spirit of the law [and] the [First] Amendment." No. The First Amendment limits government. The First Amendment does not limit tech companies. The spirit of the First Amendment is limiting the action the government can take against private actors. The entire Bill of Rights is all about constraining the state. Laws which limit tech companies' expressive and associative freedoms--how and by whom the service they provide may be used--violate not the spirit of the First Amendment but the First Amendment itself.

The rat pledged to not endorse Trump. A lot of the rat's support was conditioned on it not endorsing Trump. The rat then endorsed Trump and lost support.
Ah. No teeth. Only gums.


You've got a threat of FEC action under a statute (52 U.S.C. § 30102) over the use of Haley's name that's only actionable if Haley's a candidate, and this whole thing revolves around Haley not being a candidate, and a general threat of investigation for fraudulent activities, without substantive allegation, purely for political reasons. It's unserious, predictable, and deserving of contempt.

I bet Trump is PISSED his attempted assassination has been completely overshadowed by Biden stepping down.

'This was MY TIME!'

Also, I'm not joking.
I just want to say that my post reaction was sincere. I believe your sincerity, and the likelihood that this is the case is simultaneously pathetic and hilarious.

lol. lmao. Obvious fairy is obvious.


Maybe this bitchy priss ought to take a beat before alleging another's propensity for polishing knobs.

lol. lmao. Obvious fairy is obvious.


Maybe this bitchy priss ought to take a beat before alleging another's propensity for polishing knobs.

Even farther than fox news commentators wanted to go. Not a good look. This is just getting started. We've been spared a year of this already.
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Guess Fox is on a roll today. They spent this morning trying to claim Fox & Friends said Kamala was attending "a college sorority" when it sounded like he was saying she was attending "a colored sorority".

My thing is, "a sorority, a college sorority" sounds kind of weird to say b/c yes, that's what a sorority is? A social organization on a college campus? However, phrasing it as, "a sorority, a colored sorority" b/c the sorority is in fact, a historically African-American sorority, well that makes more sense. But, that would make the host look like a racist ass & frankly, I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt given these shows' history with saying false, unhinged things.
Guess Fox is on a roll today. They spent this morning trying to claim Fox & Friends said Kamala was attending "a college sorority" when it sounded like he was saying she was attending "a colored sorority".

My thing is, "a sorority, a college sorority" sounds kind of weird to say b/c yes, that's what a sorority is? A social organization on a college campus? However, phrasing it as, "a sorority, a colored sorority" b/c the sorority is in fact, a historically African-American sorority, well that makes more sense. But, that would make the host look like a racist ass & frankly, I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt given these shows' history with saying false, unhinged things.

It's redundant but it's also commonly so. I haven't seen the clip and I don't know how alike the two words sound as spoken, but redundancy isn't a great reason to dismiss the use of "college."

Edit: That it's common isn't to say that it's only ever redundant. There are fraternities and sororities distinct from higher education and the terms are used frequently to describe gendered associations, and even associations which are not exclusively gendered--public service associations are frequently "fraternal," and though they may now include female members, they're likely referred to as such because female members were once excluded and the name just stuck.

I cannot type.
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