2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

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Don is raging. It sounds like he really wishes he was debating Biden instead. Perhaps that's why he desperately wants him back?

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Their whole election strategy revolved around how old and unfit to serve Biden was. And now he is gone they have absolutely nothing. It's glorious how much the right are crying right now. They know it's over*.

*At least I hope it is anyway.
Don is raging. It sounds like he really wishes he was debating Biden instead. Perhaps that's why he desperately wants him back?

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The emphasis on "Hussein" is so telling. Gross.

Edit* Walz got all the smoke for both JD & Trump, lol.
And make no mistake, violent crime was up under Donald Trump. That's not even counting the crimes he committed.
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Whether they've got legitimate complaints or not, here's a list from a Republican Minnesota resident buddy of mine who used to be a Rochester cop back in the day.

"He tried telling people they weren't allowed to have visitors at home over the holidays during covid. And he set up a hotline to report neighbors who were having visitors"

"Allowed the rioters to destroy Minnesapolis during Floyd protests"

"Crippled small businesses in Minnesota with Covid mandates"

"Made Minnesota a safe place for children to get transgender surgeries"

As a resident of a smaller Ohio city that lacks the density of a place like Minneapolis, I generally thought the Covid restrictions in big cities seemed kind of ridiculous. I never had a problem and nobody I knew had any problems, no deaths, anything like that. Ohio wasn't nearly as restrictive. We did our part, but when we were done we were done.

Minneapolis did honestly become kind of a lawless place, and the aftermath has changed neighborhoods landscapes. Minneapolis was damn near a paradise in the late 2010s when I spent a month there exploring the city but apparently a lot of those neighborhoods went through serious demographic shifts after the protests and Covid. Many aren't nearly as peaceful as they were.

Not exactly sure how to avoid some of the mandates but again Ohio seemed to strike a reasonable balance and here in Dayton a lot of local businesses banded together to form delivery services and whatnot. Some popular places didn't make it, so I can imagine stricter rules causing even more failures. Again, times were unprecedented so some failure was going to happen regardless.

As for the surgery stuff, I'm pretty sure it's universally accepted that decisions like that shouldn't be made until a kid is 18? That is the age of consent after all.

Bottom line is Minnesota is a hard place to govern. It's got basically one very large and dense city while the rest of its massive territory is anything from small farming towns to barren wilderness. Democratic policies tend to favor the urban population and urban issues, but half of Minnesota's population lives outside the Minneapolis urban area, despite the state's overall lack of density. Ohio's biggest metro has just over half of Minneapolis's metro population but Ohio's density is four times that of Minnesota's which goes to show how many people in Ohio live outside of urban areas which is why the state leans Republican, but also why urban-centric Democratic policies literally leave half of Minnesota's population high and dry. While Walz did get 52.3% of the vote last time around, about 3% of the vote went to independents and small parties, so it's plausible that he wouldn't even have gotten a majority if those parties didn't exist.

It's entirely possible that Walz leaving Minnesota while rile up the state's Republican voters and Kamala will not be able to hold Minnesota. It's a lot tighter than people seem to think, the party population split is as close to 50/50 as you can get. It's not nearly as "moderate" of a state as Ohio, despite people calling Ohio a "red" state. It isn't, it's moderate, but our rural areas are very densely populated.
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Whether they've got legitimate complaints or not, here's a list from a Republican Minnesota resident buddy of mine who used to be a Rochester cop back in the day.

"He tried telling people they weren't allowed to have visitors at home over the holidays during covid. And he set up a hotline to report neighbors who were having visitors"

"Allowed the rioters to destroy Minnesapolis during Floyd protests"

"Crippled small businesses in Minnesota with Covid mandates"

"Made Minnesota a safe place for children to get transgender surgeries"
These are Republican complaints against every Democrat. It wouldn't have mattered if Kelly, Shapiro, Pete, or even Barack was picked.

Tell your buddy Walz also took full responsibility for his late response, something the Republican Trumpers don't do, & even when he was doing something, the city was then having outsiders cause issue.
At a press conference on May 29, Walz would take responsibility for the state patrol’s mishandling of the news crew, saying, “There is absolutely no reason something like this should happen. Calls were made immediately … I failed you last night in that.”

That press conference was also the first time Walz acknowledged that local officials’ response had been an “abject failure” and that he would now be leading the response. He said he had spoken with President Donald Trump and said that his tweets about “shooting” starting after looting were “unhelpful.” He deployed more National Guard troops and instituted a curfew. Still, more violence and vandalism occurred.

The following day, Saturday, May 30, Walz would fully mobilize the National Guard, speak with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, and acknowledge that the situation had gotten worse because “outside agitators” had entered the region. The protests and riots wouldn’t be fully tamped down in the Twin Cities until June 7.
The emphasis on "Hussein" is so telling. Gross.
I distinctly remember the beginning of this, long before Trump ever thought about becoming president. Shortly after I graduated high school I started working in a machine shop with my dad, I was just doing menial labor and painting, but I spent a lot of time listening to all the guys' favorite radio station, 700 WLW. Bill Cunningham, a Great American. He had a habit of referring to people as a "great American" long before that became a weird thing to say. Before Hannity stole it. Anyway, some old guy who I always thought was just bitching and moaning about the Reds and Bengals turned out to be a maniacal conservative as the years went on. Then Obama began campaigning and people realized he was the front runner. Ohhhh my god, conservative talk radio hell broke loose. It was 2007 the first time I heard Bill Cunningham refer to him as Barack Hussein Obama and obviously Iraq was fresh in everybody's mind at that time which was the whole point. Willy made sure to say the full name every single time. Putting a black guy in the White House is really what set these assholes off as far as I remember, and Trump was the eventual result of their disgust, and the result of him is the blatant hatred and idiocy we're all surrounded by now.

Bill Cunningham has been such a massive influence on this region in southwest Ohio for decades now, frankly I can't wait til the old bastard croaks and 700 withers away as they keep losing listeners. I'm pretty nostalgic for some of the old voices I heard broadcasting Reds and Begals games over the radio, but Willy on 700 WLW is not one of those voices I care to hear anymore.
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I distinctly remember the beginning of this, long before Trump ever thought about becoming president. Shortly after I graduated high school I started working in a machine shop with my dad, I was just doing menial labor and painting, but I spent a lot of time listening to all the guys' favorite radio station, 700 WLW. Bill Cunningham, a Great American. He had a habit of referring to people as a "great American" long before that became a weird thing to say. Before Hannity stole it. Anyway, some old guy who I always thought was just bitching and moaning about the Reds and Bengals turned out to be a maniacal conservative as the years went on. Then Obama began campaigning and people realized he was the front runner. Ohhhh my god, conservative talk radio hell broke loose. It was 2007 the first time I heard Bill Cunningham refer to him as Barack Hussein Obama and obviously Iraq was fresh in everybody's mind at that time which was the whole point. Willy made sure to say the full name every single time. Putting a black guy in the White House is really what set these assholes off as far as I remember, and Trump was the eventual result of their disgust, and the result of him is the blatant hatred and idiocy we're all surrounded by now.

Bill Cunningham has been such a massive influence on this region in southwest Ohio for decades now, frankly I can't wait til the old bastard croaks and 700 withers away as they keep losing listeners. I'm pretty nostalgic for some of the old voices I heard broadcasting Reds and Begals games over the radio, but Willy on 700 WLW is not one of those voices I care to hear anymore.

I've heard accusations that referring to the Vice President as "Kamala" is of a similar vein. It'd be like referring to Mike Pence as Mike. Not something that we heard a lot of. Ever since someone pointed that out, I've been calling her Harris.
That's quite the tone shift from the "out-dumb each other" remarks earlier. Your entire thesis here is that it's a stupid pick, it's so stupid, it's "both-sides" stupid on par with JD Vance. And yet, when pressed, you're refusing to give basically anything to support that and are now retreating into a "I find the strategy of presidential campaigns fascinating". As though your previous post were an academic musing of intellectualism and not an accusation that Harris blundered big time. So big, that it's Vance big.

Let's tie this back into the current conversation. Do you think Harris was doing any of this? What do you think she was doing?

Still seems derogatory. You're also implying but trying not to say that Walz is a big leftie with "I'm sure progressives are very satisfied". I do wish you would just communicate instead of hiding behind innuendo. It comes off massively insecure.

Most of us have been proven wrong several times over on this site. I myself have a big recanting post in the global warming thread, and as I mentioned very recently, I've shifted my politics some since I joined. There is no need to be so afraid that you'll put something out that will be shot down. It's ok if it's shot down, it won't destroy your reputation or render the site unusable for you. What does get in the way is when you kinda sorta try to say something but then refuse to actually commit. That bit is really annoying, especially when you want to pretend that you're much smarter and would have made a better choice.

You came in guns blazing, full of criticism and gusto, and are retreating to a non-position. It's your go-to move. It's not helpful, it's so much easier to have a conversation with someone when they just lay their cards out and are straightforward.

My non-positions is representative of how I think.

It’s also representative of how I invest, which is predictably non-partisan as well


……You honestly think you’re the only smart guy in the room???

***don’t answer that. My personal Toxic Masculinity has left me with little self esteem

At least my homeboy Tex, Joey D, yourself, maybe another fellow or 2 are capable of bigger picture musings…

For the rest of you:


Besides, I’m fishing right now


I've heard accusations that referring to the Vice President as "Kamala" is of a similar vein. It'd be like referring to Mike Pence as Mike. Not something that we heard a lot of. Ever since someone pointed that out, I've been calling her Harris.
I tend to pick whatever name either rolls off the tongue better or is more distinctive. Obama's name had no shortage of either, but both Mike and Harris are ubiquitous. Pence and Kamala are both pretty distinctive names. I think it's just random that Kamala's first name is the distinctive one, and I've never had an issue with referring to teachers or other authority figures by their first names.
I know you've had Sleepy Joe, but they also call him Biden. Does anyone ever refer to Kamala as Harris? It's not a level playing field. No one calls Walz Tim yet.
I've heard accusations that referring to the Vice President as "Kamala" is of a similar vein. It'd be like referring to Mike Pence as Mike. Not something that we heard a lot of. Ever since someone pointed that out, I've been calling her Harris.
I've also heard that, but it's worth noting that her official campaign social media accounts are "Kamala HQ" so it's not like she's asking people to only use her last name. It's also pretty natural to refer to Biden as Joe depending on context.

I was calling her Kamala but at some point I realized I was calling her Harris more often and now that's stuck.

Imagine having the sheer audacity to accuse someone of unconstitutionally stealing the Presidency after unconstitutionally trying to steal the Presidency... interesting, however, that he seems to think that Harris is (or is going to be) the President though.
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A group of US combat veterans led by Thomas Behrends say Walz abandoned his unit by retiring to run for Congress instead of serving in Iraq where three of them died. It's already drawing comparisons to the anti-Kerry Swift Boat campaign in the comments.

Do you think they'll be able to make this stick? Near as I can tell it isn't a bone spurs level of draft dodging. Surely he'd served his time and retiring for documented medical reasons is legit?
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A group of US combat veterans led by Thomas Behrends say Walz abandoned his unit by retiring to run for Congress instead of serving in Iraq where three of them died. It's already drawing comparisons to the anti-Kerry Swift Boat campaign in the comments.

Do you think they'll be able to make this stick? Near as I can tell it isn't a bone spurs level of draft dodging. Surely he'd served his time?
Pretty hard to make that stick in a volunteer service. Plus he was in the damn reserves, most of whom are in there for the career benefits. For example in the AF, everybody knows the transport pilots are in there with the specific goal of getting hired by major airlines lol. They do their time, fulfill their contract or whatever, then leave immediately and don't think twice.

He he wanted to and was allowed to leave the military, I don't know why anybody wouldn't. Sounds like those guys are some sort of pro-combat extremists or something. Some people in the military, especially the army, joined because they want to blow **** up but that is pretty abnormal. Those folks also tend to be quite conservative.
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A group of US combat veterans led by Thomas Behrends say Walz abandoned his unit by retiring to run for Congress instead of serving in Iraq where three of them died. It's already drawing comparisons to the anti-Kerry Swift Boat campaign in the comments.

Do you think they'll be able to make this stick? Near as I can tell it isn't a bone spurs level of draft dodging. Surely he'd served his time?
I doubt it. If anything, it makes Walz look good that he didn't serve in perhaps the most unpopular war in modern American history. But maybe Trump and the GOP will once again defend the invasion of Iraq just to own the libs.
A group of US combat veterans led by Thomas Behrends say Walz abandoned his unit by retiring to run for Congress instead of serving in Iraq where three of them died. It's already drawing comparisons to the anti-Kerry Swift Boat campaign in the comments.
He retired, he didn't go AWOL. No real desertion there.
A group of US combat veterans led by Thomas Behrends say Walz abandoned his unit by retiring to run for Congress instead of serving in Iraq where three of them died.
This is a version of the hypothetical known as the "Off Their Trolley Problem".
A group of US combat veterans led by Thomas Behrends say Walz abandoned his unit by retiring to run for Congress instead of serving in Iraq where three of them died. It's already drawing comparisons to the anti-Kerry Swift Boat campaign in the comments.

Do you think they'll be able to make this stick? Near as I can tell it isn't a bone spurs level of draft dodging. Surely he'd served his time and retiring for documented medical reasons is legit?
I think I'd need something more than a Facebook post from 2018 to even consider it. The post said that Walz supposedly said he'd join his unit, but there's no actual proof he committed to it. Also, it was a letter from 2018 about something that happened in 2005. I can't remember things that were said 13 years ago with clarity.
My non-positions is representative of how I think.

It’s also representative of how I invest, which is predictably non-partisan as well


……You honestly think you’re the only smart guy in the room???

***don’t answer that. My personal Toxic Masculinity has left me with little self esteem

At least my homeboy Tex, Joey D, yourself, maybe another fellow or 2 are capable of bigger picture musings…

For the rest of you:

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Besides, I’m fishing right now

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edit: Didn't mean to quote you here. Oops. Thanks for the fire fighting though, for real.

Imagine having the sheer audacity to accuse someone of unconstitutionally stealing the Presidency after unconstitutionally trying to steal the Presidency... interesting, however, that he seems to think that Harris is (or is going to be) the President though.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the 45th President of the United States speaking with eloquence and intelligence only equaled by John Adams.
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It's couch vs. coach as JD Vance clambers aboard the "traitor Walz" swift boat like it was his favourite piece of furniture:

Vance served as a reporter for a fixed-wing aviation unit for six months.
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