2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
If you have to constantly lie, then you have no balls. It shows no one can trust you.
Again, ignore Joe Biden. He lied during the debate, repeatedly! But, it's ok with the libs over here. Does Trump lie, of course. Every politician does. Ignorance is bliss I guess in regards to Joetato.
He brings up old media lies, thought I'd refresh memories of real collusion.
I mean the Senate investigated and found proof that there was collusion between Trump and Russia.

And if you're inclined to read the actual source it comes from:

This isn't discounting that Hillary is likely corrupt in some way, the Clinton Foundation is a good example, but once again, Hillary was never the president.

It’s not about trust, but fear.
Fear what? If you constantly lie, nobody is going to believe you when you make threats.
Again, ignore Joe Biden. He lied during the debate, repeatedly! But, it's ok with the libs over here. Does Trump lie, of course. Every politician does. Ignorance is bliss I guess in regards to Joetato.
Biden isn’t the one being discussed.

Although, this is a perfect post to highlight irony.

“Biden lies!!! Say something! Trump lies, but it’s ok, politicians lie.”
Rainbow Thumbs Down GIF by Mind Pump Media
I mean the Senate investigated and found proof that there was collusion between Trump and Russia.

And if you're inclined to read the actual source it comes from:

This isn't discounting that Hillary is likely corrupt in some way, the Clinton Foundation is a good example, but once again, Hillary was never the president.
So from that I get, you had Russians who were trying to give Trump's associates information. that wasn't true and was a set up .and it was from 2020? And it leads into the Mueller report which honestly proved nothing. You're also dealing with intelligence agencies from 2016 the Obama administration, for information. The same one that illegally interfered and Trump's campaign. I see you get your information from NBC very unbiased source.

Fear what? If you constantly lie, nobody is going to believe you when you make threats.

Biden isn’t the one being discussed.

Although, this is a perfect post to highlight irony.

“Biden lies!!! Say something! Trump lies, but it’s ok, politicians lie.”
Rainbow Thumbs Down GIF by Mind Pump Media
This is the 2024 Presidential election thread. Do you need a reminder?
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Fear what? If you constantly lie, nobody is going to believe you when you make threats.
Case-in-point: Putin making nuclear threats.
So from that I get, you had Russians who were trying to give Trump's associates information. that wasn't true and was a set up .and it was from 2020? And it leads into the Mueller report which honestly proved nothing. You're also dealing with intelligence agencies from 2016 the Obama administration, for information. The same one that illegally interfered and Trump's campaign.
The report it discusses is from the bipartisan U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired by Mark Rubio.
Case-in-point: Putin making nuclear threats.

The report it discusses is from the bipartisan U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired by Mark Rubio.
Yes I see that. But, it does not prove that Trump colluded with the Russians. It's simply proves a known fact that Russia/Putin interfers and our elections. I honestly think that Russia thought that Hillary would win,like most Americans ,and they wanted to undermine her chances. I get that they're trying to make a direct connection between Trump, his associates and the Russian government. But it doesn't.
Yes I see that. But, it does not prove that Trump colluded with the Russians. It's simply proves a known fact that Russia/Putin interfers and our elections. I honestly think that Russia thought that Hillary would win,like most Americans ,and they wanted to undermine her chances. I get that they're trying to make a direct connection between Trump, his associates and the Russian government. But it doesn't.
Trump's associates did have a connection to the Russian government. The Senate report confirmed and expanded on the 2016 Trump Tower meeting. It showed that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was in business with Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russki intelligence officer.

The Hill article I linked explains some of the takeaways:

It's been proven time and time again that Trump's associates had a connection to the Russkis and while little was presented that Trump himself dealt with it, it's hard to believe Trump when he said he had no knowledge of it. You don't have everyone around you involved in something and not at least have an inkling about what's going on. Unless, of course, Trump is an oblivious buffoon or a bumbling idiot.
Attempting to lead through fear is pretty much the number one sign of a weak incompetent, unintelligent person.
But, "peace through strength" works too. It's also foolish to think your friends will always have your back. but especially ,when that friend is the one paying all the bills.
Do you think Biden projects strength and intelligence right now, not weakness? Honestly
This is a far cry from your comment that Biden wants genocide, or that he is fine with it as a cost of doing business. Honestly it looks like shifting goalposts.

It's very difficult to respond to this. You don't link much of it so I'm left having to look up actual words used. For example "invading" is an interesting word. It's also nearly impossible to know what is being said privately. But I think you're getting side-tracked on Biden managing Israel from where we started, which is that you were claiming Biden wants or is ambivalent to genocide. That doesn't appear to be the case.

Israel is indeed committing war crimes. The Biden administration appears to be putting (not enough) pressure to stop that. But I wouldn't confuse that with the idea that the Biden administration wants to see war crimes, or is committing them itself. And further, I wouldn't then pass that on to Biden voters to claim that they also want to see war crimes, or are responsible for them.

It is possible to criticize the Biden admin for handling of Israel (for any Trump supporters, do not take this to mean that Trump would do better, it would be worse because he'd encourage it), without hyperbole, without claim that he wants to see genocide, or that the Biden admin is genocidal itself, or that Biden voters are. You're not just sacrificing the truth by going there, you're also alienating people you probably intend to persuade.

I agree. We do not have to blindly support allies who commit war crimes. I'm not sure why we "support" Israel militarily at all to be honest. It seems like they've got it covered. Maybe that's naive of me. I'd like us to help them a lot less. If they start to get attacked by Iran or something, maybe we get involved, but I'd like our involvement to be our involvement. Not handing them weapons and letting them shoot whoever they choose with them. And definitely applying more, a lot more, pressure to prevent them from committing the awful acts they are.

You could argue that this is almost directly contradictory to my stance on Ukraine. That I'm more than happy to give Ukraine weapons and let them shoot whoever they choose, and for us to not be directly involved. But Ukraine is different. Ukraine is fighting Russia, and at least for now, the use of weapons seems super clear. When it's not, let's not keep handing them weapons. Also it would be bad for the world for the US to get too directly involved against Russia.
I disagree that Biden is putting pressure on Israel. Pressure on Israel requires the admission that Israel has done something wrong. When the international community says Israel has done wrong, and the Biden administration rejects it, that's not pressure. It's the opposite. It's cover.

Calling for a ceasefire is not pressure. Pressure requires potential consequences. The Biden administration has repeatedly refused to impose consequences or even threaten to impose consequences. It has rejected conditioning weapons or aid on a promise not to commit war crimes (a condition which only matters if Israel commits war crimes). Not only that, it hasn't even asked Israel to accept a ceasefire, because it claimed Israel had proposed and therefore accepted the most recent ceasefire deal, even though it hadn't. How can you pressure someone when you claim they've already done what you've asked?

The only thing even approaching real pressure was the call not to invade Rafah, and when they did it anyway, the US not only didn't act, it denied that the invasion happened.

The Wikipedia entry for the Rafah offensive is well cited.

Here's a source (May 9th) for Biden saying he'd stop sending bombs to Israel if they invaded Rafah (which also includes and admission that US bombs have been used to kill civilians i.e. an admission of culpability in war crimes).

Joe Biden
I made it clear that if they go into Rafah – they haven’t gone in Rafah yet – if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities – that deal with that problem.

Here's a source (May 22nd) for Israeli infantry (Nahal Brigade) entering Rafah, the fifth infantry division to do so.

Here's a source (May 28th) for the US denying that attacks on Rafah cross their "red line", even after tanks were seen in central Rafah.

Here's a source (June 25th) for Israeli tanks going deeper into Rafah (how do you get tanks into a city without invading it?)

Here's a source (June 19th) for the US denying Netanyahu's claim it had withheld any weapons from Israel.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
We genuinely do not know what he is talking about. We just don't.
How can you put pressure on someone when you deny outright A) that they acted against your instructions and violated your terms and B) that you are imposing any consequences on them for doing so?

Perhaps Biden doesn't want a genocide. But I disagree that he has obvious moral opposition to it.

There are two options here.
  • Biden knows Israel is committing war crimes yet continues to provide them with weapons (he has basically admitted to this in that May 9th source). In this way he knows that he is facilitating war crimes and has made peace with it, whether or not he actually wants it to happen.
  • Biden doesn't think Israel is committing war crimes, which means he's either unfathomably uninformed, or just doesn't think what has happened counts as war crimes, which requires him to think crimes against Palestinians don't matter.
It's impossible to know what's inside his head, but based on his actions, I have no choice but to believe he's okay with what's happening because he continues to facilitate it. It's not just that he's failing to stop it. He's providing the means for it to happen and he can stop doing that any time he wants. I already pointed out that it's against US law to provide weapons to an entity committing war crimes. If he admits that Israel is committing war crimes it gives him legal means to stop the shipments.

It's easy to explain Biden's occasional "tough" talk on Israel. He knows it's political poison to publicly support war crimes. He knows it has to seem like he cares about what Israel does. Throughout this whole thing, the impression I have of Biden is a man who is deeply frustrated by the criticism of his handling of the situation and the damage to his image, and irritated with Israel's crimes for making his job harder. Even upset that it damages Israel's future as a Jewish state. Not a man who is so offended by Israel's callousness and treatment of Palestinians that he will do whatever he can within the bounds of his political strength to right the wrongs and fight for justice.

Can I prove what's in Biden's heart? Of course not. But I'm judging him by his actions, not his words. And to me, his actions say "I support Israel 100%".
Trump's associates did have a connection to the Russian government. The Senate report confirmed and expanded on the 2016 Trump Tower meeting. It showed that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was in business with Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russki intelligence officer.

The Hill article I linked explains some of the takeaways:

It's been proven time and time again that Trump's associates had a connection to the Russkis and while little was presented that Trump himself dealt with it, it's hard to believe Trump when he said he had no knowledge of it. You don't have everyone around you involved in something and not at least have an inkling about what's going on. Unless, of course, Trump is an oblivious buffoon or a bumbling idiot.
KK was working in and around Washington DC and US Embassies for decades it seems. He did get close to Manafort well before Trump's campaign. Point made. Still no evidence of actionable collusion by Trump
But, "peace through strength" works too. It's also foolish to think your friends will always have your back. but especially ,when that friend is the one paying all the bills.
Do you think Biden projects strength and intelligence right now, not weakness? Honestly
Bidens fine. He’s an intelligent guy, who try’s to make the best choice for the greater good, and will do what he has too, despite not always liking it. Besides, i’ve seen Biden perform admirably in some pretty uncomfortable situations. While i don’t always agree with him, he has earned my respect, as a man.

The world is a very tumultuous place presently. Just yesterday an article popped up stating that putin, and lil kim, had struck a bargain which included north korean troops, on the ground in Ukraine. This is how world wars begin.. And if you think Trumps clownish behavior would back them off..your wrong. Guys like putin, made careers, out of making guys like trump, puppets. Do you really think we need a puppet at the helm now? I don’t..
Bidens fine. He’s an intelligent guy, who try’s to make the best choice for the greater good, and will do what he has too, despite not always liking it. Besides, i’ve seen Biden perform admirably in some pretty uncomfortable situations. While i don’t always agree with him, he has earned my respect, as a man.

The world is a very tumultuous place presently. Just yesterday an article popped up stating that putin, and lil kim, had struck a bargain which included north korean troops, on the ground in Ukraine. This is how world wars begin.. And if you think Trumps clownish behavior would back them off..your wrong. Guys like putin, made careers, out of making guys like trump, puppets. Do you really think we need a puppet at the helm now? I don’t..
You think Biden can quickly assess a situation and make a decision? The guy can't even read from a teleprompter! "He's never been on the right side of a foreign policy decision" Robert Gates. "Never underestimate the ability of Joe to f things up" B. Obama.
Wagner was Russian asset, its official info confirmed by Putin recently.
"Recently" on an attack that took place in 2018....
Putin and Trump could resolve this undercover without anyone die, if they want to. They don't.
Of course they do, Trump has already given it away that his idea of resolving this without any death is basically with holding aid to Ukraine.
Everyone know about it could happen, Russian army was ready to go in early 2021.
You're missing the point. A former US President admits to knowing Putin had plans to invade & told no one.
You need to be in power to prevent anything. As we all know in 2021 Trump wasn't in charge, more like charged
LOL, you just said they could resolve this undercover. Trump himself said he could resolve this without taking office. :lol:
Trump dont want to pay for European defense, if Europe dont want to pay for herself. Not sure how you come to conclusion that Trump giving Europe to Putin.
Trump's idea of making Europe pay for itself was doubling the percentage of investment that the smaller NATO countries could not achieve. It effectively sets NATO up for failure.

I come to that conclusion when Trump also openly says it out loud.
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"Recently" on an attack that took place in 2018....

Of course they do, Trump has already given it away that his idea of resolving this without any death is basically with holding aid to Ukraine.

You're missing the point. A former US President admits to knowing Putin had plans to invade & told no one.

LOL, you just said they could resolve this undercover. Trump himself said he could resolve this without taking office. :lol:

Trump's idea of making Europe pay for itself was doubling the percentage of investment that the smaller NATO countries could not achieve. It effectively sets NATO up for failure.

I come to that conclusion when Trump also openly says it out loud.

Each country is required to pay a percentage of their GDP into NATO. Many of those countries do not do that. Trump saw the imbalance and wanted it corrected. Looking at that data. 2014 barely any put in 2%. Post Trump. Many did meet their obligations
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Each country is required to pay a percentage of their GDP into NATO. Many of those countries do not do that. Trump saw the imbalance and wanted it corrected. Looking at that data. 2014 barely any put in 2%
Read your link.
In addition to direct funding, each country is expected to spend 2% of its national GDP on its own national defense or military spending. Although this is not an explicit requirement of membership, it is viewed as a measure of a country’s commitment to NATO and common defense efforts.
Making the effort is all NATO was concerned about.

Trying to double the percentage or threatening to leave is purposely attempting to subvert NATO's alliance.
You think Biden can quickly assess a situation and make a decision? The guy can't even read from a teleprompter! "He's never been on the right side of a foreign policy decision" Robert Gates. "Never underestimate the ability of Joe to f things up" B. Obama.
Yes. Because i know Biden’s an intelligent man with a fair amount of life experiences. Not some trustafarrian twatwaffle wanna be. I don’t think you appreciate how much of a puppet your guy is, nor how dangerous that could be in todays world.
Read your link.

Making the effort is all NATO was concerned about.

Trying to double the percentage or threatening to leave is purposely attempting to subvert NATO's alliance.
I guess linking stats does get through your head. You can see the imbalance of funding in 2014? Some paid in almost nothing. The US paid more than all combined! Not even our continent!
Yes. Because i know Biden’s an intelligent man with a fair amount of life experiences. Not some trustafarrian twatwaffle wanna be. I don’t think you appreciate how much of a puppet your guy is, nor how dangerous that could be in todays world.
How do you reconcile the fact that all of our adversaries are threatening all of our allies right now? But that didn't happen under the former president. I mean you keep saying he's a puppet but a puppet to who? Are biden's life experiences when he was a professor, a truck driver, , a naval Academy appointee? Or when he watched his house burn down or was walking around at ground zero the day after it happened? Maybe when he was getting arrested in South Africa? 😂
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How do you reconcile the fact that all of our adversaries are threatening all of our allies right now? But that didn't happen under the former president.
What are you talking about? Everyone still hated everyone pretty much the same. There was no magic peace between 2016-2020.

I mean you keep saying he's a puppet but a puppet to who?
@Imari put it best years ago:

The more concerning thing is [Trump's] debt. If you ever have to apply for a security clearance, they pay significant attention to your finances because it's a very easy way for an adversary to apply pressure. While debt is always going to be higher for someone as wealthy as Trump, to be nine figures deep in personal debt as the leader of the country is concerning.

Who owns that debt? How much leverage does it give them over him? It's not necessarily a show stopper, but it is information that should be publically available so that citizens can be confident that their President isn't being manipulated to disadvantage them.

Specifically this bit:

If you ever have to apply for a security clearance, they pay significant attention to your finances because it's a very easy way for an adversary to apply pressure.
Not knowing to whom he owes money is exactly what makes him such a dangerous puppet.
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