2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
He still lying moron, so I wouldn't be so sure.
You said no one knows what he will do, but he's at least made some indication. Whether or not he follows through doesn't really clear your statement.
I don't. I said he needs power to be able to do something.
Nope, no you didn't. You said he needs to be in power, not have power. Big distinction there, but you're already on a track of conflating your statements.
You need to be in power to prevent anything
That were the thing until truth about Bucha became publicly available and Zelenskiy said no one would make deals with dwarf
Again, this is completely irrelevant to what you said. Peace talks aren't something as a result of Trump's current candidacy.
the information speaks for itself, but you keep bringing it up.
It does speak for itself. The issue is you're using it to make a claim that very information disproves.

Our percentage was more than double that of than any other!
You made the claim the US percentage was more than double anyone else (til' you edited in Poland), but the information that "speaks for itself" shows that's not true. What you hilariously ended up then doing is assuming that by rounding up the US percentage to 4%, it would highlight how our "percentage was more than double" anyone else. Completely ignoring that Greece at 2.22% & the UK at 2.14% already disproves that notion, you actually ended up twisting the data to show more countries spend half of what we do than before when they are also rounded up. More so, by doing that, 13 countries end up meeting that 2% threshold you want them all to hit when we round figures.

Don't blame me for exposing what an absolute mess you made out of your argument.
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You said no one knows what he will do, but he's at least made some indication. Whether or not he follows through doesn't really clear your statement.

Nope, no you didn't. You said he needs to be in power, not have power. Big distinction there, but you're already on a track of conflating your statements.

Again, this is completely irrelevant to what you said. Peace talks aren't something as a result of Trump's current candidacy.

It does speak for itself. The issue is you're using it to make a claim that very information disproves.

You made the claim the US percentage was more than double anyone else (til' you edited in Poland), but the information that "speaks for itself" shows that's not true. What you hilariously ended up then doing is assuming that by rounding up the US percentage to 4%, it would highlight how our "percentage was more than double" anyone else. Completely ignoring that Greece at 2.22% & the UK at 2.14% already disproves that notion, you actually ended up twisting the data to show more countries spend half of what we do than before when they are also rounded up. More so, by doing that, 13 countries end up meeting that 2% threshold you want them all to hit when we round figures.

Don't blame me for exposing what an absolute mess you made out of your argument.
What you're saying sound ludicrous. No one can edit a post? Wow you got me! But, you're also making **** up. Where did i state the US at 4%? I didn't. You made an assumption. And, do you have screenshot before my edit, like it matters.
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What you're saying sound ludicrous.
It's using the information you provided, lol.

No one can edit a post?
When you edited your post, you changed the claim you made. You've tried to edit it to claim, "The US spends more than all but Poland". Yes, that's true that the US has a higher percentage than everyone except Poland, but that's not what you originally claimed.
But, you're also making **** up.
They're literally your words, lol.
You can see the imbalance of funding in 2014? Some paid in almost nothing. The US paid more than all combined! Not even our continent!
Our percentage was more than double that of than any other!
Umm. Half of 4 is 2? Got it. Then <2 isn't 2.

None of this is true, as evident by your information linked.
It's using the information you provided, lol.

When you edited your post, you changed the claim you made. You've tried to edit it to claim, "The US spends more than all but Poland". Yes, that's true that the US has a higher percentage than everyone except Poland, but that's not what you originally claimed.

They're literally your words, lol.

None of this is true, as evident by your information linked.
Dude, I can't anymore with you. You're exhaustingly obtuse. Conflating small things into mountains. Plus, you're lying about what I've said in my posts. Call me a racist again. The admins will allow it
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Why is it so hard for you see it? Our percentage was more than double that of than any other!

Dude, I can't anymore with you. You're exhaustingly obtuse. Conflating small things into mountains. Plus, you're lying about what I've said in my posts. Call me a racist again. The admins will allow it
Just admit that you were wrong and apologize. Why is that so hard?....

...I think I know the answer to that question. It's because this isn't your figure. You're discovering that an information source you got that from has been feeding you some nonsense, and you don't want to look at that.
Is that where you stuff the SCOTUS with conservative judges who will grant you immunity for any felony?

Let's hope he doesn't celebrate by going on a shooting spree on Fifth Avenue.
Had Hillary won in 2016, I would have anticipated that she would stuff the SCOTUS with liberal justices, and the accompanying downriver rulings for years to come. No biggie.

And keep in mind, I live in arguably the most liberal hellhole state there is….and as a conservative, I still just look at my states politics, laws, and rulings - as a “cost of doing business” if I want to live here - Which I do

No biggie.
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Had Hillary won in 2016, I would have anticipated that she would stuff the SCOTUS with liberal justices, and the accompanying downriver rulings for years to come. No biggie.

And keep in mind, I live in arguably the most liberal hellhole state there is….and as a conservative, I still just look at my states politics, laws, and rulings - as a “cost of doing business” if I want to live here - Which I do

No biggie.
Liberal justices who would have exempted her from the rule of law and regressed your country to the rule of monarchy? It's always fun to wander around in the hypothetical world of "what might have been".
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Liberal justices who would have exempted her from the rule of law and regressed your country to the rule of monarchy? It's always fun to wander around in the hypothetical world of "what might have been".

Did I say that’s what she WOULD HAVE DONE??

Or did I say that’s what I would have “Anticipated” her to do?

Big difference between hypothetical, anticipation, and actuality.

But she didn’t get elected president, and this is where we are now.

Politics —> Policies —> Laws ~ by way of both the transitive and inverse properties.

You really need to put your stones away and learn how to play chess, champ

Did I say that’s what she WOULD HAVE DONE??

Or did I say that’s what I would have “Anticipated” her to do?

Big difference between hypothetical, anticipation, and actuality.

But she didn’t get elected president, and this is where we are now.

Politics —> Policies —> Laws ~ by way of both the transitive and inverse properties.

You really need to put your stones away and learn how to play chess, champ

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That appears to be quite an aggressive response to what seems like a straightforward question. Hope I didn't hit a nerve.
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No nerve hit.

I don’t post here much anymore, because I don’t really care either way.

Ok, ok….

And I’ve had a bit of of Don 1942 tonight.


A lot o’ bit of Don and Johnny.

Regardless, top of the morning to my British brothers across the puddle. Sorry if I came across aggressive 👍🏼
