2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
I wouldn't have preferred any Democrat, but especially not Warren, because:
  • She has a ridiculous list of entitlement programs, such as "free" child care, "free" college, "free" healthcare, etc
  • She proposes Draconian anti-trust policies
  • Many (but not all) of her law-enforcement and criminal-justice policies would increase violent crime; though I do support decriminalization of many non-violent, victimless crimes
  • She's a huge proponent of highly centrally-planned economies, which never work as intended
  • She's a huge proponent of social engineering through massive subsidy, which also never works as intended
  • She's anti-2A
In general, Warren is a dyed-in-the-wool, big-government, tax-and-spend Social Democrat. About the only place I agree with her even a little bit is on foreign policy.

Biden is not fine because he is demonstrably in cognitive decline. He's been a lifelong stutterer; that is not the issue. But he clearly doesn't have very resilient grasp of what's going on around him. That aside - if Biden were magically, say, 20 years younger, he still wouldn't be fine because:
  • He threw buckets of gasoline on the inflationary fire started by the Republicans in 2020
  • While a senator, he was a major force behind a huge criminal-justice effort that led to vastly increased incarceration rates, even for non-violent crimes
  • He was a major force behind the "War On Drugs", which has demonstrably failed miserably, at huge cost - financially, criminally, socially, and individually
  • He not only supports the Patriot Act, he wrote a very similar bill even before 9/11 that would have radically increased domestic surveillance
In general, Biden is also a dyed-in-the-wool, big-government, tax-and-spend Social Democrat. Except he's also got a fair bit of Big Brother in him.
Ok.. so i asked who you would have preferred, not why you hated warren.

And i should have been more specific about Biden. The question was more, in this moment, what would prevent you from voting against the disaster, which is the republican party, given the stakes.

Policy debates are fun and all..but this ain’t the time.

That said, im more of an ownership society type person. I find the move toward 401k’s and effects of this shareholder paradigm we find ourselves presently…to be more like the short bus to being commies, rather than a healthy, well managed and regulated, capitalism. Succinctly, we have a whale problem. But to get to things like that we need to get through this. Feeding the hysteria the media’s generating with the omg old guy, with stutter, flubs stuff..! He’s not going to sink the ship.. which is what the other guy and his party desperately want to do. The sooner the republicans suffer a rout and can purge the trumper mentality the better.

Oh and as far as congress moving towards the presidency. The most simple way to state it is this: congress people have influence, privilege, and a cushy existence, with very little actual responsibility.

Now a president, much like a governor, or mayor, has to be an actual shot caller making tons of decisions on a daily basis. You must(should) stay informed and understand and appreciate the costs and ramifications of each of your decisions financially, as well as their influence on present society.

See how ones a lot of pressure and work, the other…much less so.
Ok.. so i asked who you would have preferred, not why you hated warren.
And I told you I wouldn't have preferred any Democrat.
And i should have been more specific about Biden. The question was more, in this moment, what would prevent you from voting against the disaster, which is the republican party, given the stakes.
Nothing will prevent me from voting against the disaster which is the current Republican party.

The question is, what is the best way to do so.
I couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump (even though I did in 2016 because I didn't want Clinton) but I am not a fan of a lot of people from Biden's administration. Then again, I am definitely not a fan of TPUSA which should likely be classified as a hate group.
Do you know who would be great at cooling tensions in the US right now? This guy at the RNC!
I've read a lot of national-news headlights about the guy but we don't know the local reaction at all. Unfortunately, most local newspapers in the country are based in cities and lean liberal. This Winston-Salem paper writes about his recent remarks in a level-headed tone, however I can't fathom the willpower of that woman to write this way about something so profound. According to this local Fox station, the guy rarely agrees to interviews so I highly doubt he agrees with freedom of the press, although he obviously favors his own freedom of speech. He's called reporters "shameful" for asking about his remarks. He offers no defense that he actually said them.

Basically he's an asshole and I can only assume literally everybody in Roy Cooper's administration is tired of his ass. Strange how NC has a totally reasonable D governor but a mentally ill R Lt. Governor. No way this guy actually wins.

Edit: In Ohio, Governor and Lt. are elected on the same ticket. In NC, they're elected separately.
Apparently JD Vance is Trump's selection for VP. I'm not sure that's a wise decision.
J D Vance was the predictable choice after this post on Xitter...

Apparently JD Vance is Trump's selection for VP. I'm not sure that's a wise decision.
Vance won Ohio by just over 6%. Rural conservatives showed up in droves to election this guy and he won everything except urbanized/university counties. And it was close to a much bigger win - here in Montgomery County, he only lost by .2%, a much smaller margin than Trump lost by in 2020. He won the suburban vote big time. His D competitor, Tim Ryan, was a good candidate, but the Ohio D party **** the bed and voters didn't come out the way they should have.

Urban Democrats really only have one thing they need to understand: Surburban white people do not skip votes. They vote in elections like they're getting paid, every single one of them, every single time. Cities are simpy full of poor people and kids who are all lazy and hell and don't care about anything. They are squarely to blame for crap like this happening.

Edit: Apparently Vance grew up in Middletown and literally wrote a book about being a hillbilly and his Appalachian roots lmfao. That is incredible because Middletown is widely understood to be the butthole between Dayton and Cincinnati. It's not a nice place to be and is chock full of people like him.
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A Trump yesman with no really political experience that once called Trump Hitler and vocally viciously hates abortion in any circumstance.

Finally, a win for Biden this week.
It isn't. Read my post above. Even if Biden had run the best campaign he possibly could, Vance will give Trump an even wider margin in Ohio and I think throughout the Midwest than he did last time. Vance will articulate his working-class steelmill roots to the great annoyance of myself.
JD Vance has been chosen as Trump's running mate.

That's JD "You're an idiot if you voted for Trump" Vance. A man who suggested that Trump could be "America's Hitler" and Trump took that as a compliment.
Ohio can only give electoral votes to Trump once, and they already were probably going to anyway. The super toxic guy who is a creep to minors online with extremist anti-abortion views and a personality of a stump isn't going to move the needle for people who aren't white trash any more than Trump already does. Even Fox News was blasting the guy for how bad of a fit he is:

In comparison, Trump selecting someone like Haley or Rubio would have actually been super concerning.
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Vance will certainly help Trump lock down the MAGA vote, but I think Rubio was a faaaar better choice to appeal to moderates. This seems like a dumb move.
Ohio can only give electoral votes to Trump once, and they already were probably going to anyway. The super toxic guy who is a creep to minors online with extremist anti-abortion views and a personality of a stump isn't going to move the needle for people who aren't white trash any more than Trump already does. Even Fox News was blasting the guy for how bad of a fit he is:

In comparison, Trump selecting someone like Haley or Rubio would have actually been super concerning.

Haley wasn't going to say yes to him.
This maybe a dumb question.

Can a candidate run again if they loose?

What I mean is, if Trump was to loose this election, can he run again? Or can he be picked by the next nut job to be his vice and by way of the quitting etc. advance him to big chair?
This maybe a dumb question.

Can a candidate run again if they loose?

What I mean is, if Trump was to loose this election, can he run again? Or can he be picked by the next nut job to be his vice and by way of the quitting etc. advance him to big chair?

The answer to that is a maybe.

The 12th Amendment discussed the minimum qualifications of a President, and presidential line of succession. The 22nd Amendment imposed a two-term limit. But some scholars think it's vaguely worded to just prevent a third successive term or a maximum of 10 years. The latter is possible if succeeding from Vice President (two years maximum) and them completing two elected four-year terms of office.

So it's conceivable that a candidate could manage to run for some time, but with some respite between chances to do so. Maybe that overage thing currently going on isn't so bad, after all (...yeah, this hot take will probably haunt me and age like milk).

In previous years, no President took up the serious thought of a third term. It was a courtesy to the public and unwritten respect for the Office, perhaps. In 1912, Teddy Roosevelt ran as a Progressive Party independent for his third term, as he no longer felt aligned to either party. His son famously was elected to four consecutive terms.

There's also no limit to how many times you can become a candidate. Just ask Vermin Supreme. I forget how many times Joe Biden ran in the primaries, but somewhere between "several" and "many" before 2008.
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What I mean is, if Trump was to loose this election, can he run again? Or can he be picked by the next nut job to be his vice and by way of the quitting etc. advance him to big chair?
Trump lost the election in 2020 and he's running again, so yes he can run if he loses.

The term limit is on elections to the presidency, not for holding it via another means, and there is no term limit for VP. So Obama can be Biden's running mate and can assume the presidency if Biden steps down.
It isn't. Read my post above. Even if Biden had run the best campaign he possibly could, Vance will give Trump an even wider margin in Ohio and I think throughout the Midwest than he did last time. Vance will articulate his working-class steelmill roots to the great annoyance of myself.
Ya, but it might give Biden a bump in Michigan since we hate Ohio with a passion.
I hope you're all correct that this is a dumb move. I mean, I think it's dumb, but dumb is not my first language unlike Trumpers so I have no idea what they think of all this.

Ya, but it might give Biden a bump in Michigan since we hate Ohio with a passion.
Don't make me have to congratulate Michigan on a job well done.
This maybe a dumb question.

Can a candidate run again if they loose?

What I mean is, if Trump was to loose this election, can he run again? Or can he be picked by the next nut job to be his vice and by way of the quitting etc. advance him to big chair?
Absolutely. The term limits rule only applies to the number of actual elections to the office. In fact, even if he was elected to the office twice, thus satisfying the term limits, he could still continue to campaign for office, although it would be impossible for his party to actually nominate him as the candidate since he couldn't possibly be elected again. That would be a very obnoxious distruption on the campaign system and our psyches but it's a very Trump thing to do. The two-year succession bonus that @Pupik mentioned could happen before or after having fulfilled the Presidential term limit because the VP is a different office and therefore Trump could run as somebody's VP. However that would bring up a serious legal question if succession actually did occur within the first two years of that president's term because Trump as VP would only have two years left to possibly sit in the Presidential office. For example if Trump were VP and his President died after year 1, Trump would succeed during years 2 and 3, but then somebody else would have to replace him for year 4 until the next election.

I personally think the wording is very clear, but that latter point has never been tested.
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Haley wasn't going to say yes to him.
She did end up telling her voters they should vote for him, so who knows if she was willing to sell her soul even more.

I thought that he might go for her anyway just to guarantee not only her voters, but the Republicans who would be willing to give him their vote now that someone more level headed in the party was next in line.

Quick, easy, speaking like an alive human being. "He's a clone of Trump on the issues" is what Biden says.

He's also a self-described hillbilly.
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Quick, easy, speaking like an alive human being. "He's a clone of Trump on the issues" is what Biden says.

He's also a self-described hillbilly.

I don't know if he's a Trump clone. He isn't orange for starters.
lol. lmao.


Thinkin' about the Trumpers, once so active in this subforum, what would become apoplectic at the notion--explicit or perceived--that their bronzer daddy is anything like Hitler. But I don't expect to see anything from them, whether they "disinfected from the inside" or sought treatment with ivermectin during the pandemic or they simply noped out.

The Vance pick is so hilarious to me. He shores up no deficiencies apart from age and I suppose he hasn't demonstrated the propensity to spew stream-of-consciousness inanities, but he's basically a lesser Trump lacking the same capacity to motivate the idiot base.
It's strange seeing people come to the conclusion that this is really some clever psychological mind game for Trump's team, that picking Vance shows "Never-Trumpers" that if Vance can accept him, so can they. Or that Vance's remarks means he's not afraid to "keep Trump in line".

Personally, all I see is a Vice President Cheney who spoke against Trump for his daughter, Vice President Pence who spoke out against Trump as someone who served directly under him, & now a Vice President-to be who says he thinks Trump's Hitler. Which is ironically funny given how many people have said, "The Dems keep calling Trump Hitler, it's their fault he got shot". Well, now you can blame his own VP pick, too, lol.
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lol. lmao.


Thinkin' about the Trumpers, once so active in this subforum, what would become apoplectic at the notion--explicit or perceived--that their bronzer daddy is anything like Hitler. But I don't expect to see anything from them, whether they "disinfected from the inside" or sought treatment with ivermectin during the pandemic or they simply noped out.

The Vance pick is so hilarious to me. He shores up no deficiencies apart from age and I suppose he hasn't demonstrated the propensity to spew stream-of-consciousness inanities, but he's basically a lesser Trump lacking the same capacity to motivate the idiot base.
His articles that apparently he forgot he authored:

Opioid of the Masses

Trump speaks for those Bush betrayed

The USA Today article goes over how Vance didn't like Trump at first, but then understood and liked him, but then hated him again (and now likes him a second time or whatever).

The Atlantic is from several months later, during one of those phases when Vance hated Trump.

I understand a person learning as they grow and opinions evolving but this highly educated grown adult switches stances with the wind.
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