2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
Yeah I was gonna say Haley isn't like, lining up to say "Vote for Harris;" but she's basically going out of her way to avoid actually criticizing her. I don't think she wants anything to do with Trump; and certainly not as the emergency failsafe choice after his preferred golden boy was found to be stupider and more ticket derailing than Sarah Palin.
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Is "Gen Z voters" an oxymoron?
You might see Gen Z turn up this time to vote. The oldest of the Gen Zers are about 26 so for many of them this will be their first election. Even among the older ones last time it was old man v. old man and prior to that, most weren't old enough to vote. Put a younger candidate that can at least speak intelligently to younger people and they'll likely have a reason to vote. Keep trotting out the same useless garbage like social security, and they're probably not going to care.
POSobiec is offering some succour to fans of the cushion-pusher. Vance only wants people to be stripped of their vote if they choose not to have kids. Checkmate, libs!

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You might see Gen Z turn up this time to vote. The oldest of the Gen Zers are about 26 so for many of them this will be their first election. Even among the older ones last time it was old man v. old man and prior to that, most weren't old enough to vote. Put a younger candidate that can at least speak intelligently to younger people and they'll likely have a reason to vote. Keep trotting out the same useless garbage like social security, and they're probably not going to care.
I don't know the specifics, but I'm going to assume when it comes to the age demographics without children, it's Gen Z leading the way because they're young & not all that far removed from being minors themselves.

Which is why JD seems intent on committing political suicide with Gen Zers saying, "People with kids should have more votes b/c they have more stake" & "Higher tax rates on childless Americans" (which sounds contradicting). It's not going to matter if he's referring to people who don't want kids instead of those who are waiting til' later on, that's openly advocating that childless Americans' voices are not equal.

And honestly, this right on par with Vivek who said, "We should raise the voting age". These people are still going to hit that age eventually & many of them are going to have kids eventually. They're also going to be the voting power for coming decades. They're not stupid, they will remember politicians who tried to disenfranchise them right as they were eligible to start making their own impact on the country.
You might see Gen Z turn up this time to vote. The oldest of the Gen Zers are about 26 so for many of them this will be their first election. Even among the older ones last time it was old man v. old man and prior to that, most weren't old enough to vote. Put a younger candidate that can at least speak intelligently to younger people and they'll likely have a reason to vote. Keep trotting out the same useless garbage like social security, and they're probably not going to care.
Praying I Hope GIF by The Paley Center for Media
I don't know the specifics, but I'm going to assume when it comes to the age demographics without children, it's Gen Z leading the way because they're young & not all that far removed from being minors themselves.

Which is why JD seems intent on committing political suicide with Gen Zers saying, "People with kids should have more votes b/c they have more stake" & "Higher tax rates on childless Americans" (which sounds contradicting). It's not going to matter if he's referring to people who don't want kids instead of those who are waiting til' later on, that's openly advocating that childless Americans' voices are not equal.

And honestly, this right on par with Vivek who said, "We should raise the voting age". These people are still going to hit that age eventually & many of them are going to have kids eventually. They're also going to be the voting power for coming decades. They're not stupid, they will remember politicians who tried to disenfranchise them right as they were eligible to start making their own impact on the country.
It's even stranger that JD is a millennial and should know exactly what millennials are going through. Granted he's an older millennial like I am, but whether you're nearing 40 or just hit 30, you'd feeling the same sort of strain. And, of course, this article hit today, which explains why millennials and Gen Z aren't having kids (spoiler alert: it's the economy).

Non-paywall: https://web.archive.org/web/2024072...and-gen-z-having-kids-its-the-economy-stupid/

If JD wants to speak to the younger crowd, maybe he should quit banging couches and read the room.
Even if they could, fat chance in hell Trump would. No way he'd be willing to take that big of bruise to his ego, and admit he's made a mistake. Regardless, this was predictable that'd they start going after Vance right away. This news cycle, just like the lock step honeymoon that the media is showering Kamala with currently, will subside and pass.

On a personal note, I was always scratching my head with vance, even before he got hired. I know the majority of the MAGA base seems to like it, but no one has ever accused the garden variety MAGA base of thinking bigger picture from an optics, future and strategy perspective.
He doesn't have to admit a mistake, he can do the typical Trump thing and say he is terrible and always was terrible. Nothing matters with Trump voters. Nothing. He could start ritualistically sacrificing them, and they wouldn't leave him.

And he chose Vance because he figured the election was going to be a cakewalk, it would drive turnout of the assholes, and he could have a yes-man pet for a VP. Now that he actually may be forced to fight for moderates and independents, Vance is a huge liability because he's wholly unlikable to anyone that isn't also an asshole and basically all women who probably find him repulsive at best.

Vance is simply reverse carpetbagger cashing in on his authenticity to enrich and empower himself. It's blindly clear he doesn't give a **** about anything.
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Republicans are going to listen...right....right?

It's absolutely hilarious to me how saying people who won't have children should be forced to pay more in taxes than those who build families is just the most toxic way imaginable of talking about the completely standard and unremarkable child tax credit. How is the bitch so bad at this?
@TB, any thoughts on this report that Trump wanted your Governor as his running mate?
Reports suggest that Donald Trump had settled on North Dakota Gov. Doug Bergum (R) as his running mate when his two sons, Don Jr. and Eric, “went bat **** crazy” and insisted he choose Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) instead.
NBC News: “With the clock ticking last week to the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump met privately to discuss his running mate search with two of his closest advisers: his sons.”

“The conversation quickly turned tense when the former president indicated that he was leaning toward Doug Burgum, until recently the largely unknown governor of North Dakota — but someone whose low-maintenance, no-drama personality would never threaten to outshine Trump.”

“That’s when Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump chimed in.”

Said a GOP operative: “Don Jr. and Eric went bat—- crazy: ‘Why would you do something so stupid? He offers us nothing. They were basically all like ‘JD, JD, JD.”

It is a locked article, but I'll post the referenced article as well.
It's also worth noting, because we cannot let this fade from the light, that Nick Fuentes (who is Mexican) thinks having sex with women is gay.
Using that logic I am incredibly straight.

Republicans are going to listen...right....right?

You just gotta hate them eating their own, right?
the joker popcorn GIF
He doesn't have to admit a mistake, he can do the typical Trump thing and say he is terrible and always was terrible. Nothing matters with Trump voters. Nothing. He could start ritualistically sacrificing them, and they wouldn't leave him.

And he chose Vance because he figured the election was going to be a cakewalk, it would drive turnout of the assholes, and he could have a yes-man pet for a VP. Now that he actually may be forced to fight for moderates and independents, Vance is a huge liability because he's wholly unlikable to anyone that isn't also an asshole and basically all women who probably find him repulsive at best.

Vance is simply reverse carpetbagger cashing in on his authenticity to enrich and empower himself. It's blindly clear he doesn't give a **** about anything.
Why I don’t necessarily agree with your assessment, I do agree that Vance is an opportunist…like most politicians I suppose. Regardless, the Trump campaign must have polling data that shows some sort of upside to having them. Or maybe there were skeletons in other potential VP picks closets. Who knows.

Oh yeah, I'm sure when choosing potential VP picks (for both parties), the ability to fill the vacated seat with someone from the same political party dynamic comes into play too. Especially for Senators

What’s interesting is that the Trump campaign had to have known that Biden was going to drop out regardless, with Kamala getting the eventual nod - and they still picked him in spite of that. Maybe to counter the potential of Shapiro being Kamala’s Vp pick? I dunno..

VP picks tomy knowledge, haven’t really affected a presidential election in any meaningful way in the past.

I’ll be curious to see their strategy nonetheless
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I don’t know. When I was younger and nuclear war was real, I always thought if the president dies or killed, does the Vice President have what it takes to step up. After that failed Reagan assassination attempt, we would have gotten Bush. We got him any way.
Twelve years was enough of that. So, Clinton/Gore seemed pretty strong to me back then. I’m sure Gore would have been as strong as Clinton, in Clinton’s absence.

Bush/Cheney. I was questioning that VP choice. No doubt I felt “not another Reagan/Bush” era with Dubya in the Oval Office. However with Cheney it was another old fogie stogie with old man ways to bring things back to the wonderful Eighties if George W wasn’t around.
Other than Clinton/Kaine vs Putin-Trump/Pence, maybe those past elections did hinge on the VP.

To me it seemed as Trump with his people tried to do a Biden/Harris. This time keeping it a Bro Squad with the old man schooling the young guy. If Trump/Vance win, can the country really afford any ill will happening to Trump?
If Trump/Vance win, can the country really afford any ill will happening to Trump?
No, not even a little bit. Vance is like Trump but stupider, with less respect toward women and a higher propensity to make love to a couch.
VP picks tomy knowledge, haven’t really affected a presidential election in any meaningful way in the past.
Well congrats, Vance has a chance to make history.



Since 2000, vice-presidential nominees typically have had a net-positive rating immediately following the convention, at plus 19 points. Vance, however, is polling at minus 6 points just one week after accepting the vice-presidential nomination and officially embarking on the campaign trail, the network found.
Palin came in at +26 in 2008 for comparison.

But damn, who could have seen this coming.
Vance heavily underperformed in his 2022 Ohio Senate race, at least compared with how other Republicans performed in the state that year. Vance defeated his opponent, then-Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan, by only 6 percentage points. In comparison, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine crushed his Democratic opponent, former Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley, by 25 percentage points in that same cycle.

The same ticket as DeWine and was way behind. Guy barely has any business being in the Senate, zero business as VP. He was only picked b/c they thought the election was wrapped up. He does not counter anyone, esp. Shapiro who polls well with Trump voters in Pennsylvania.
Well congrats, Vance has a chance to make history.



Palin came in at +26 in 2008 for comparison.

But damn, who could have seen this coming.

The same ticket as DeWine and was way behind. Guy barely has any business being in the Senate, zero business as VP. He was only picked b/c they thought the election was wrapped up. He does not counter anyone, esp. Shapiro who polls well with Trump voters in Pennsylvania.

I mean…

I don’t think Palin had anything to do with McCain losing in that election. President Obama won that election because he’s….well…. Obama.

But like I said, I’ll be curious to see how the Trump campaign utilizes Vance in the coming months
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They can utilize him by keeping out of interviews & speaking very little.

Bringing up past quotes from him is something every politician faces; just blatantly going, "LOL, everyone was too focused on the crazy cat lady joke. But I am doubling down on the actual thing that people were criticizing" is clearly the wrong choice when conservative voter Dave Portnoy is blasting you to his followers & Tomi Lahren is calling you out on Fox News for driving away voters.

This guy also does not have any charisma. Getting compared to Jeb Bush "please clap" is pretty bad so far.
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I think he’s fairly well spoken..

But other than that, you’re not going to get much of an argument out of me. At face value, I think there would have been better hires.



I can already see one of his token campaign lines;

“If I can change my mind about Donald Trump, then I think the American People should be open to changing their minds, too…”
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This guy only changed his mind b/c he needed Trump & Thiel to save his Senate campaign. Trump said it himself, "He's wants my endorsement so bad, he's kissing my ass". Trump didn't want this goof ball, Jr. did.
@TB, any thoughts on this report that Trump wanted your Governor as his running mate?
Up until about 6 months ago, Doug was pretty generic. But then he completely sold himself out for Trump, likely figuring he was a lock for VP. He comes across as completely different now.

I don't agree with a lot of articles I've seen McFeely write but this one is pretty accurate:

He said the quiet bit out loud again...

Given his repeated accusations of vote rigging, despite his own record of vote rigging, it is crazy that so many of Trump's supporters can't see Trump for what he really is - a complete fraud and a true danger to democracy. Trump even had the audacity to ask last week, 'what have I ever done to democracy??' (to his own cult followers, of course...), and then he says the above just days later.

For once he is telling the truth though - another Trump presidency would endanger every American's right to choose their leaders.


Oh, and calling his prospective opponent "a bum" already is just Trump all over, is it not...

Stay Classy Will Ferrell GIF
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