This is being quoted from my other post in the 'Ring 24hr race topic. I will make a new topic as well so everyone can sleep easy ! :
Im utterly ammazed that none of you seem to have figured this one out for yourselves yet, although to be fair it isn't at all obvious.
If you don't know about this you are going to kick yourself right about now ...
To complete a 24 hr race :
Take a LeMans car ( Bentely 8 Speed or Audi R8 )
Equipp with Medium tyres at the FRONT, Hard tires at the REAR.
Set pace to 5 and overtake ON ...
Once your car has overtaken the pack set pace to 3 and overtake.
NOW ->
Leave your man driving, disconnect the optical cable from your PS2 and television ( if you wish ), but make sure to leave the power on. Go about your daily bussiness ! Come back in 24Hrs exactly and ... Hey, you now have a trophy and hopefully a nice car to show for it as well
Belive me when I say that you don't need to touch a thing ...