24 Hour race?! Let's discuss please XD

  • Thread starter AE86Driver
yeeeeah..a lapped people a few times during my 24 hour race,but trust me...you will NOT want to do that (suggesting about the whole break thing). If you take a break since you had already lapped them a few times,you gotta remember..they are going to keep going at that constant speed..in other words..really fast :lol:. While you...being parked on the side of the road..just waiting to accelerate and begin once again,would have to wait a couple of seconds for your speed to pick back up to what the opponent's is..he COULD pass you that way. Buuuuut,then again..I shouldn't even really be thinking about this too much because you said,"plus, if youve lapped a guy like 5times over, and lap times are 6mins....that means you could have a 30min waste of time break with the clock goin down" and..yeeeeah...if your racing at Nurb,it's not gonna be,"Okay,well..I'll just make a lap in 6 minutes" it's not that simple. Especially if you are talking about doing it repetively. Ahhhh,well...don't worry about takin' breaks like that though,just so the time can still run down. It's too much of a hassle. Just take breaks when needed,or scheduled. Kinda like when I would take a break every two hours to post on the boards,then I stayed to myself for a little while and posted finishing results :lol:! But yeah..30 minutes really isn't gonna make too much of a difference really..just keep racing or pause the game and take a break,but I WOULDN'T suggest for you to be like,"Well..I've lapped this guy a few times..I guess this would be enough time for me to take about a 30 minute break",then just leave the game unpaused with your car rolling into the guardrail or something. *shrugs* Not like it's going to be ME doing it all over again,but that's just how I see it :P


~Ja ne~
So be prepared to run for 24 hours straight, or let B-Spec ( 👎 ) do it for you in 8 hours (at 3x speed) ;)

The Wizard.
I think i'll find out how by myself, rather than ask... but compliments to the wizard for your avatar, love it!
I think i'll find out how by myself, rather than ask... but compliments to the wizard for your avatar, love it!

Thank you for the compliments, I appreciate it :D The original idea about the avatar was mine, I took the 'lime cat' that you can find pictures of online rather easily, stuck the GT logo on its 'lime helmet', put a wheel and a gear stick, but the end result was not so smooth - I am not that good at Photoshop :indiff: So, a GTPlanet memer that was pretty good at making avatars asked me if I wanted him to give it a go and make one for me with the same elements... I accepted and that's the end result :D

I don't want to make names, but I thank him wherever he is - I am sure he still comes back here in this forum once in a while... It's hard to be away from home ;)

Anyway... I think I know what you want to ask :D
So I will go ahead and answer:

In B-Spec mode you can choose how fast you want the race to be run while you are 'managing' it: you can use up to 3x time compression, which would mean that the 24 Hour Endurance Races, if run in B-Spec, would take only 8 hours. So you could give your AI driver instructions on how often to pit, how fast to push, and how to overtake the opponents, and technically walk away from your PS2, come back 8 hours later, and win the race without ever touching the controller again (except for the first few minutes, when you 'program' how your AI driver is going to do the race) - Now some people call that fun (? beats me) but I would much rather do the races by myself :D

I hope this explains it - if you have any more question about the game, don't hesitate and ask. I will answer :D
I apologize if I gave the impression of being bothered by your questions, previously - it's not the case, I was just picking on you and trying to be funny. I do that pretty often ;)

The Wizard.
Well i will try to do all enduros with out b spec, heck i will try to doo alll of gt4 without b spec. I want to drive all the miles myself
*pokes* Yes you do tend to do that Wizard-san XD! Hehe,that's okay though..as long as you just kinda,tell them..:lol:!! Well...about the fry boy,I admire your courage,but unfortunately a lot of people will not see it this way..and if they do not,then that is also fine,because people are entitled to their own likings,no matter WHAT majority of the percentage of people actually think opposite of what you do :P! Me,I'd rather do everything in A-Spec,but that doesn't neccessarily mean I will call someone all of these curse words for using B-Spec. I have my own opinion,but I don't believe doing that would be a good way of expressing it..that is..unless he/she called me an idiot for using A-Spec,THEN...me and Wizard-san may have to bring him in :lol:!


~Ja ne~
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, I dont have time to surf the whole thread, but someone please tell me there's also night time in these races. If there isnt i will be seriously pissed, because it defeats the whole point of the race.

Sorry for the inconvenience this might have and probably will cause.
:lol:! Sorry..but I believe you are about to be seriously pissed,but...nope...it does not shift to night while you race,so :bowdown: for the hmmm..BAD NEWS :P!


~Ja ne~
wtf how is that possible, its a fuking 24h race for a god damn reason. WOW this almost ruins the game for me, the thing i was looking forward to most. just wow
Thank you for the compliments, I appreciate it :D The original idea about the avatar was mine, I took the 'lime cat' that you can find pictures of online rather easily, stuck the GT logo on its 'lime helmet', put a wheel and a gear stick, but the end result was not so smooth - I am not that good at Photoshop :indiff: So, a GTPlanet memer that was pretty good at making avatars asked me if I wanted him to give it a go and make one for me with the same elements... I accepted and that's the end result :D

I don't want to make names, but I thank him wherever he is - I am sure he still comes back here in this forum once in a while... It's hard to be away from home ;)

Anyway... I think I know what you want to ask :D
So I will go ahead and answer:

In B-Spec mode you can choose how fast you want the race to be run while you are 'managing' it: you can use up to 3x time compression, which would mean that the 24 Hour Endurance Races, if run in B-Spec, would take only 8 hours. So you could give your AI driver instructions on how often to pit, how fast to push, and how to overtake the opponents, and technically walk away from your PS2, come back 8 hours later, and win the race without ever touching the controller again (except for the first few minutes, when you 'program' how your AI driver is going to do the race) - Now some people call that fun (? beats me) but I would much rather do the races by myself :D

I hope this explains it - if you have any more question about the game, don't hesitate and ask. I will answer :D
I apologize if I gave the impression of being bothered by your questions, previously - it's not the case, I was just picking on you and trying to be funny. I do that pretty often ;)

The Wizard.

Nah, its not you mate, i just didn;t want to cause a fuss by giving a n00b style impression, but im sure youll see from my status that i am not. I admit the mode doesnt sound riveting but neither do half a dozen 24 hour endurances. One would be plenty for me, at least in the forseeable future.
To E30 Evo Sport, it has long been a fact that changing weather would not be in GT4 but i must admit that does kind of mess up the idea.
Well...I hope this isn't ALL you was looking for in Gran Turismo 4,buuut..I am not going to go into this conversation again,but I will say..as I have said before,it doesn't really bother me,because I still enjoy the game just as well,buuuut..for all the people who was hoping for that certain change *shrugs* er...sorry? :odd:


~Ja ne~
No doubt I will enjoy the game without the 24 hour races. I am actually glad there is ONE race of that length, but i don't know how i will take to having to do them all to get that 100% feeling. Still, I'll likely end up doing them in A-spec mode anyway, TBH.
*pokes* Yes you do tend to do that Wizard-san XD!

Yeah, I like being a smart-@ss sometimes, but at the end I always also try to be kind to the other people and show respect to them - if you respect/help people, you will be respected/helped when you need it - and give a constructive reply. If I was just picking on them I would just throw in there a couple of flames and then leave without saying anything else :D

Nah, its not you mate, i just didn;t want to cause a fuss by giving a n00b style impression, but im sure youll see from my status that i am not.

Yeah, I noticed you had the 'Diamond Member' status under your name - which can only mean one thing, you have been here long enough to do more than 500 posts, in order to be able to change your status to whatever you wanted - needless to say that kinda left me surprised when you asked THE question ;) :D LOL!

I am assuming that you don't look around/read much on the GT4 boards - which I think it's a good thing - I admire the fact that you were strong enough to make yourself spoilers-free once you will actually start playing the game, which I assume you don't have, since you asked that question.

Me, on the other hand... Well, I couldn't bare going all this time without GT4 and without having some kind of information about it, so I read a little here and there, to give me sort of an idea on what to expect...

I have to say, GT4 is living up to almost all my expectations 👍

About the use of B-Spec - yes, in my opinion, which does not differ much from AE86Driver's, B-Spec is a cheap way to play the game, as you are not actually playing it :D I think, for this time around, since I am not going for the entirely perfect game - I couldn't bother to sit there and Gold all the licenses from the start in order to use up only one day of the calendar, and try to finish GT4 in the minimum amount of days possible, as I wanted to start advancing in the game, unlock new things, kind of have a feel for what's new, you know... I was too impatient to do it perfect - I will use B-Spec sometimes...

By sometimes I mean: just to re-run a race that I actually have already run and won in A-Spec, with the simple purpose of getting the credits for the race and getting the prize car again. And I will do that only if I am in the desperate need of money.

When I will be playing GT4 to go for the perfect run, the next time around, I will only use A-Spec. Period.

About the night-to-day-to night change... True: it's disappointing the feature is not there. True: I would have liked for it to be there. False: I will dislike GT4 because it's laking the feature. The feature will be there next time, in GT5, for PS3 ;)

We can't expect a game to be perfect. There will always be something missing or something people don't like.

We can only expect it to be better than the previous release.

GT4 is not (just) better
GT4 does not even compare to GT3
Yes, it's that good :sly:

People that don't have it, need to hurry up and get it.
People that are complaining, need to enjoy the other aspects that make GT4 a (way) better installment than GT3.

My 2.99 (Euro)cents - I wrote a lot, so it's worth more money ;) And I am from Europe :D

The Wizard.
now i am a new member and have been reading a lot af these conversations and everyone here seems to know a lot. so i want to know how to lode the money u have from GT3 into GT4?

anyone could answer this for me i would appreciate it, thanks :)
AHEM...buddy...YOU can't be serious -.-'. Getting money from GT3 to GT4 has been talked about before,it is not like this is a matter he has created within his head,so please do not just come in here and say,"Y..you can't be serious" as if it is something unbelievable,thank you


~Ja ne~
Okay after more research and learning about A to B spec mode, i'm not quite so annoyed at these long enduros. And also after finding out that the PAL version of the game WILL have a garage battle, with 1000-car limits to your garages.... 's all good...
As for money from GT3 to Gt4? I doubt ill do it, i much prefer the 'start from scratch' approach.
TheWizard, you're playing an import GT4 aren't you?

BTW, my wife loves your avatar!!!

I am from Italy, but I live in the States - 9 months at a time, that is ;)
I go to college in United States, so I am here usually from the middle of August to the middle of the following May. Then I go home for the Summer, from the middle of May to the middle of August.

So, I am playing an NTSC American copy of GT4 that I bought February 22 :D
I will bring the PS2 home with me, this Summer, like I usually do, and that will give me plenty of time to play it. Right now, due to college, I can only find time during the weekend :indiff:

Thank you and your wife for the compliments regarding my avatar :D I didn't know so many people liked it 👍

The Wizard.
Interesting, i'd like to find out how the NTSC and PAL versions compare when PAL is released, though amar212 seems to have spilled most of the beans already, which i do thanl him for, the game can't be spoilt by knowing what i'm up against, i've been waiting far too long to be affected by that!
Interesting, i'd like to find out how the NTSC and PAL versions compare when PAL is released

I am going to keep this spoiler-free:
Reading what amar212 wrote on his thread about the PAL relase that he misteriously managed to put his hands on and comparing it to the NTSC copy that I have been playing for the past few days, I can tell you that they are exactly the same.

For once, we NTSC b@stards got the same cars :D 👍 and updates that PAL users are going to get.

The Wizard.
Albeit they get 15 days of extra game play, but the japanese get 56 days more than the other NTSC folks...
I used to just say "it comes out when it comes out" but my recent look at this forum has led me to want this game more and more
I used to just say "it comes out when it comes out" but my recent look at this forum has led me to want this game more and more

Hang in there, Polyphony001 👍
It will all be worth it at the end: the wait, the grief, the pain, the suffering, the envy, the anger :D

Then, believe it or not, you'll end up being mad at yourself for not being able to quit and walk away from the game :D
Trust me, it's a good feeling :sly:

The Wizard.
Leaving your PS2 on is O.K.

For the Rome Endurance in GT3, I did two one hour shifts over two days, WITH school being factored in...

Basically, there was something like a 24 hour gap between the first stop and second start...

My PS2 is fine; mine I purchased for Chrimbo, 2002...

Anyway, to wander off topic, GT4 is marvelous. :) 👍
Wow Wizard-san,they ask if you were playing Japanese GT4? Hahaha,I remember you complaining about me having luxory of playing through the game while you was still waiting and I told you,"Hang in there!" :lol:! I know it may sound disappointing to some of you,but I've kind of taken a break from GT4 for the moment,because I've been playing Xenosaga: Episode II and Tekken 5 :embarrassed:! I'm also wanting to get this game called "Growlanser Generations" and "Ys" =^.^=!! Don't worry though,I just need a break to play something else at the moment because I've also been slacking on DDR -.-'...ahem..well...kepe up the wonderful work everyone and I hope to be hearing from you all :P!


~Ja ne~
I've been playing Xenosaga: Episode II

Wow! 👍 Xenosaga is one of my favorite RPG's. I have played Episode I (bought it as soon as it came out) and same for Episode II, bought it last weekend, the day after it was released here - just to keep me occupied until GT4 would be released here in the States: a whole 4-5 days later :D

Needless to say, I haven't been playing Xenosaga Episode II at all, as soon as my new GT4 DVD made its way into the PS2 :lol:

I will go back to it as soon as I will feel like I need a break from GT4 - most likely at the end of next week :D

The Wizard.
Im gonnna do it in one go, but its not released in australia until 10th of march so Im getting psyched up already. Basically, Im gonna do it on a saturday through till sunday, starting at like 10 am. I will take breaks to eat and stuff but not to sleep. I am going to use a caffeine tab or 2.
Le Batistador
mine I purchased for Chrimbo, 2002...
Then you and I have something in common.

To Thewizard: I would never question whether it would be worth it or not, but I know i may regret all those lost hours of my life....
To Thewizard: I would never question whether it would be worth it or not, but I know i may regret all those lost hours of my life....

Well, they are definitely hours well spent 👍
Just try not to get too addicted :D

I, for example, play a lot during the weekend - and I don't regret it, for the simple reason that I am stuck in a city (should really say, town) with nothing better to do, as all my (American) friends go back to their corresponding homes (wherever they live, here in the States - which usually is 2 or 3 hours away from here). So, I am pretty much here by myself in the apartment and the only other alternative (rather than playing the PS2 or paying a visit to GTPlanet once in a while) is really just doing schoolwork ;)

Now, if, on the other hand, I had a more intense social life, and still I would choose to spend the whole weekend playing instead of meeting up with my friends, then I would definitely regret it :indiff:

During the week, on the other hand, I go to college, and that is plenty to keep me busy from Monday to Friday, with homework assignments and studying for the various tests and quizzes - so I only manage to put 2 or 3 hours at the most of cumulative gameplay in those 5 days.

Now, when I will go back home this Summer it will be a different story. I will probably go out with my (Italian) friends every weekend and generally every opportunity that I have - I only get to see them for a three month period in a full year. Plus I will have other things to do - go hiking in the mountains (ah, the beautiful Alps and Dolomites - do I miss them :( ), go to plenty of sea places, go visit my relatives pretty often, enjoy the Italian cuisine... 👍

So, the real question is:

1) Do you have anything better to do than play GT4 until your eyes bleed (;))?
2) Or could you be doing something else during that time?

For me the answers to Question 1 are:
a) No, when I am stuck here in the middle of nowhere - when all I care about is college and studying
b) Yes, when I am back home

Which, therefore makes the answers to Question 2:
a) No, because I am stuck here in the middle of nowhere, with nothing better to do :D
b) Yes, because I am back home in Italy, with plenty of opporunities to enjoy my social life 👍

It's all about choice :sly:
Entirely up to the person - choose wisely, or you will regret it

The Wizard.