- 1,077
yeeeeah..a lapped people a few times during my 24 hour race,but trust me...you will NOT want to do that (suggesting about the whole break thing). If you take a break since you had already lapped them a few times,you gotta remember..they are going to keep going at that constant speed..in other words..really fast
. While you...being parked on the side of the road..just waiting to accelerate and begin once again,would have to wait a couple of seconds for your speed to pick back up to what the opponent's is..he COULD pass you that way. Buuuuut,then again..I shouldn't even really be thinking about this too much because you said,"plus, if youve lapped a guy like 5times over, and lap times are 6mins....that means you could have a 30min waste of time break with the clock goin down" and..yeeeeah...if your racing at Nurb,it's not gonna be,"Okay,well..I'll just make a lap in 6 minutes" it's not that simple. Especially if you are talking about doing it repetively. Ahhhh,well...don't worry about takin' breaks like that though,just so the time can still run down. It's too much of a hassle. Just take breaks when needed,or scheduled. Kinda like when I would take a break every two hours to post on the boards,then I stayed to myself for a little while and posted finishing results
! But yeah..30 minutes really isn't gonna make too much of a difference really..just keep racing or pause the game and take a break,but I WOULDN'T suggest for you to be like,"Well..I've lapped this guy a few times..I guess this would be enough time for me to take about a 30 minute break",then just leave the game unpaused with your car rolling into the guardrail or something. *shrugs* Not like it's going to be ME doing it all over again,but that's just how I see it 
~Ja ne~
~Ja ne~