24 Hour race?! Let's discuss please XD

  • Thread starter AE86Driver
Wow, I just read your this whole topic. AMAZING! I'm going to do the 24 hour straight in a few weeks as well. Congrats! :D

3 more days until US release
I'll use my trusty Action Replay MAX for this......and then, HELLOOOOO F1 Race Car! I used AR MAX in GT3, too. I feel bad for you all who don't have an AR/GS.
Please do not start a discussion about how you can cheat your way through Gran Turismo 4 with an Action Reply MAX. This is not why the thread was created,so you may share with us how you used an Action Replay MAX to get a car that you couldn't earn? I do not appreciate you making a post in my thread (and your first and ONLY post at that) telling us that you feel sorry for the people who do not have an Action Reply. I am sorry,but it is YOU the one I feel sorry for. Please do not reply to this thread again. Thank you


~Ja ne~

P.S. In other news...Kendrew,I congratulate you as well on your success through this WHOLE thread :cheers:!! Hehe,you will have to get 25% complete with the game in order to unlock the Endurance Hall though,so work at it and tell us how you do on your 24 Hour Endurance race :embarrassed:!! I'll be wishing the best of luck to anybody who is participating in the 24 Hour Endurance Race with A-Spec :P! Well...not that that's been said...keep up the good work everyone and keep this thread alive please :bowdown:! I would like for people who are getting this game in the states soon to be able to come in here and discuss about it as well when they are doing 24 Hour Endurance Race,but if we let this thread die,they will probably never find it within other threads :lol:! Please keep it up everyone :embarrassed:!!!
Don't worry about your PS2 either, mine has been on since December 12th (my power went out then) and it is now sharing my battery backup with my PC. It can handle it without a problem, just give it plenty of breathing room and elevate it. Mine runs like new, and its been basicly running for 3 years and ive never EVER shut it off with the switch in the back since the day I brought it (secound day it came out).

Ben 👍
:lol:! I am really glad a lot of your PS2s have not went bad. That's all I usually hear around here,hahaha. "My PS2 won't read blue-bottomed discs ;_;!" or "My PS2s laser disc must be messed up. It won't read anything :scared:!" Hahaha,I have not had this problem yet. I will probably not have this problem out of either my american or Japanese PS2 either :P! They are both SCPH-10000 models. The american was on reserve,so I bought it the day it came out at Toys-R-Us and my Japanese PS2 was purchased off of e-bay for $67 and absolutely NOTHING was wrong with it :drool:. I thank the person that previously owned it and took care of it very well. This is how I would sell my console or games,etc. as well. In really good condition :embarrassed:!! Every time I play a game,I cut on the switch in the back,then push the red button (Reset),then when I get done with the game,I will hold down reset button till it turns from green to red,then I will reach to back of PS2 and cut off main power switch :lol:! I have not had problem with american PS2 for about 3 or was it 4 years now? I have not had problem with Japanese PS2 for 2 or 3 years now as well. Basically for as long as I have owned them XD! Well..anyways..:bowdown: for rambling! *runs off to go play GT4* :embarrassed:!


~Ja ne~
I do not own GT4 yet can anyone tell me what aspec and bspec is?

I know you didn't just ask that ^ :ouch:
It's been answered for... let me count - one bizillion times :D

Since you are new, I will take the time to answer, though - next time, I would advise you to use the search button ;)

A-Spec is the mode in which you are the one actually running the race - just like you used to do in GT3.

B-Spec is the managerial version of the game: the AI drives the race for you, and you can manage the race by telling the AI how often to pit, how fast/hard to drive, and the like...

You get awarded points in both scenarios - these points, if I am not mistaken, unlock tracks for the Arcade Mode - somebody corrects me here if I am wrong...

The more you use B-Spec, the better the AI that drives for you becomes - therefore, if you start using it and get upset because the AI is not good and doesn't race good enough, just keep racing and it eventually will get better.

This is all I know/care to know... I will find out in two more days by myself (f:censored:g GameStop here gets it on the 23rd)

If you want more info, look around in the Forum, and you will find plenty 👍

Remember, 'Search Button Is Your Best Friend' <--- best quote ever :D

The Wizard.
...these points, if I am not mistaken, unlock tracks for the Arcade Mode - somebody corrects me here if I am wrong...
If I may have the honor to correct you, it's days past in the game that unlocks tracks, not A-Spec points. Points are only for bragging rights pretty much. But thanks for responding to the a-spec/b-spec question, I'm tired of being nice and answering it.
If I may have the honor to correct you, it's days past in the game that unlocks tracks, not A-Spec points. Points are only for bragging rights pretty much.

Thank you for your correction 👍 I wasn't sure about that, but I am glad you caught my mistake.

But thanks for responding to the a-spec/b-spec question, I'm tired of being nice and answering it.

I hear you! I don't know which is higher:

1) Avogadro's number: 6.02214199*10^23
2) The number of times that question has been asked/answered


I hope it didn't sound like I went down on the guy too hard, I was only trying to be sarcastic/funny ;)

The Wizard.
im am a new member but i did read through this entire(and i mean the entire thing)thing. i need to say that i give a lot of credit to u guys. u guys pritty much became friends over the amasing feat that is the 24hour endo race.

O, and i am ubsessed with the game and i comes out in america in 2 hours and 23 min :D :D :D :D

hope to come back
later :)
man for all those who are getting together to do a 24 hour race, i bow down to u.( if u play WoW in teh Burning Legion Server, give me a holla il bow to u dere, im Kaimelas). major props. i wish i can od it but i cant. my awake time is very small and i can barely last playing a 24 hour race. though i do have a friend which probably will with his dad and grandfather. yea his grandfather. he owns a ps2 and GT3 and he told me he plays it and the GF can beat my friend. very funny.

but man MAJOR PROPs to the guys who will accomplish and can accomplish it.
man it sucks becaus i can get the game tomarrow when it comes out, but i cant play it til ffri!!!
my parents are divorsed and my ps2 is at my dads house and my mom wont let me bring it home....
i'll have hardly any time to play at all
this stinks!!!!!
*sniffs around a little bit* Hmmmm...? Ne..Wizard-san...this smells kinda...fishy..wouldn't you say? I have not seen a "New Member" on GTPlanet in a WHILE..and for there to be like,3 or 4 that instantly reply to this thread..aaaaand begin talking about (WoW-World of Warcraft *Please do not advertise for another game in this topic unless you are talking in Off-Topic,than you*) and people that cannot spell correctly,but it seems like the people who are making the typos are doing intentionally. It stands out too much...it feels..suspicious. Ahhh,well..maybe that's just me *waves at the newcomer,then yawns and stumbles off to bed* :P


~Ja ne~
Yeah, AE86Driver - I agree... I think that since GT4 is coming out in America in a matter of hours, GTPlanet will see a lot of New Member spawning around and we will have to cope with things like:

'OMG!1!1!1!1111!!! this game is da bomb dude :drool: :eek: are their ferraris and porsches and lamborghinis in the game? please tell me their are!!!!11!111!!!!11!1 :D'

Notice I have mispelled and non-capitalized everything on purpose :D

By the way, did you ever found that Club? You know, I am going to have GT4 in a matter of days, and I would like to be able to join it once I reach 25% of the game and beat my first 24 Hour Race :D :sly:

The Wizard.
By the way, did you ever found that Club? You know, I am going to have GT4 in a matter of days, and I would like to be able to join it once I reach 25% of the game and beat my first 24 Hour Race :D :sly:

The Wizard.

I want to join the club too.. But how would you verify its authenticity??
I want to join the club too.. But how would you verify its authenticity??

Post a replay, after extracting it with an Xport, AR Max, or similar device.
If you don't onw any of those devices, a screenshot taken with a digital camera will do - simlar to the ones that AE86Driver took, they are posted (quite) a few pages back ;)

If you don't have a digital camera either, then you are a caveman and you need to keep up with technology a little better :D j/k

Hell we'll just take your word for it :D
Just be honest :sly:

The Wizard.
Haha,keep up with technology? Now I feel like a caveman because my screenshots were so blurry :lol:! I didn't know how to use it,leave me alone XD!!


~Ja ne~
Referring to posts a long while ago, i'm assuming B-spec mode is like arcade mode, and if so, how does it make your life easier for the 24-hour enduros?
Referring to posts a long while ago, i'm assuming B-spec mode is like arcade mode, and if so, how does it make your life easier for the 24-hour enduros?
Hey Wiz, there's our favorite A-Spec/B-spec question. Maybe I should make my signature the answer and save everybody the trouble of asking.

Poly, A-Spec is where you drive like GT3 A-Spec, and B-Spec is you don't drive but coach the driver.

As far as the 24-hour races on this thread, I feel, and I think AE86 agrees, you do 24-hours in A-Spec, or talk about it in another forum.
how many laps do you guys suppose 24 hours will be? i mean come on, their must be an amount of laps tha is equivalent to 24 hours, isnt there? also i wonder what kind of car is good for this type of race? wonder if you can win it using a AE86 or an old lancer. lolz.
Hey Wiz, there's our favorite A-Spec/B-spec question. Maybe I should make my signature the answer and save everybody the trouble of asking.

Poly, A-Spec is where you drive like GT3 A-Spec, and B-Spec is you don't drive but coach the driver.

As far as the 24-hour races on this thread, I feel, and I think AE86 agrees, you do 24-hours in A-Spec, or talk about it in another forum.

Ok thanks, sorry i imagined that queton may have been asked lots already but didnt have time to read 22 pages worth..
What sort of cars do you find yourself competing with in 24 hour races? Big fast LM race cars or slower road cars, because some of the eundrance races in GT3 had surprisingly stock cars in them, especially the ones u cudnt enter without an unmodified car!
What sort of cars do you find yourself competing with in 24 hour races? Big fast LM race cars or slower road cars, because some of the eundrance races in GT3 had surprisingly stock cars in them, especially the ones u cudnt enter without an unmodified car!
Only plan to use the R8 at the 24 hours of Le Mans 1 Circuit. All without engine upgrades or NOS. The Motul Z and A4 DTM car for the other enduros. 👍
Well..if I wanted to run through the 24 Hour race at Nurb one more time,I would probably try to run it with my RX-7 (FD3S) Type R. It has I believe,about 700 HP? But for all of those that did not read this whole thread..I used the Nissan Skyline GT-R BNR32 V-Spec II model '89. It had about 900 HP. As far as Le Mans cars go,or even Road Cars go for that matter though,naaah..I don't use any of those fast cars. First,I don't like the way they look. Secondly,I don't like the way they handle :P. They corner to well..and that throws off my balance of driving...maybe this is a reason why I hate driving F1s -.-'. Well..anyways..I am not meaning to act offensive towards all of your grip racers or the ones who actually like F1s,LM,and all of those other fast cars,but..I just don't like stuff like that :lol:!


~Ja ne~
Hey Wiz, there's our favorite A-Spec/B-spec question. Maybe I should make my signature the answer and save everybody the trouble of asking.

Don't bother putting it in your signature, people will still keep asking ;)

Ok thanks, sorry i imagined that queton may have been asked lots already but didnt have time to read 22 pages worth..

All you had to do was read the last two pages :D
I posted the answer in the page previous to this one ;)

i mean come on, their must be an amount of laps tha is equivalent to 24 hours, isnt there?

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on the point of view) 24 Hour Races are not 'lap based' but 'hour based' - and if they say 24 Hours, trust me, they mean it ;) :D The race will end after you have succesfully completed the last lap you are on at the particular instant you see the timer reach the 24 hour mark... So be prepared to run for 24 hours straight, or let B-Spec ( 👎 ) do it for you in 8 hours (at 3x speed) ;)

The Wizard.
Post a replay, after extracting it with an Xport, AR Max, or similar device.
If you don't onw any of those devices, a screenshot taken with a digital camera will do - simlar to the ones that AE86Driver took, they are posted (quite) a few pages back ;)

If you don't have a digital camera either, then you are a caveman and you need to keep up with technology a little better :D j/k

Hell we'll just take your word for it :D
Just be honest :sly:

The Wizard.

Don't have Xport nor AR Max.. Digital Camera I have.. So a clear non-photoshopped pic would suffice.. :)
im planning on doing the nurburg by my self, as long as i can go. im not stoppin :)

plus, if youve lapped a guy like 5times over, and lap times are 6mins....that means you could have a 30min waste of time break with the clock goin down