wongb18cI do not own GT4 yet can anyone tell me what aspec and bspec is?
If I may have the honor to correct you, it's days past in the game that unlocks tracks, not A-Spec points. Points are only for bragging rights pretty much. But thanks for responding to the a-spec/b-spec question, I'm tired of being nice and answering it.TheWizard...these points, if I am not mistaken, unlock tracks for the Arcade Mode - somebody corrects me here if I am wrong...
dhwebbIf I may have the honor to correct you, it's days past in the game that unlocks tracks, not A-Spec points. Points are only for bragging rights pretty much.
But thanks for responding to the a-spec/b-spec question, I'm tired of being nice and answering it.
TheWizardBy the way, did you ever found that Club? You know, I am going to have GT4 in a matter of days, and I would like to be able to join it once I reach 25% of the game and beat my first 24 Hour Race![]()
The Wizard.
meister_danI want to join the club too.. But how would you verify its authenticity??
Hey Wiz, there's our favorite A-Spec/B-spec question. Maybe I should make my signature the answer and save everybody the trouble of asking.Polyphony001Referring to posts a long while ago, i'm assuming B-spec mode is like arcade mode, and if so, how does it make your life easier for the 24-hour enduros?
about 180. The 4 hour one I have ran a few times and get about 30-32 laps.CrzyFumoffuhow many laps do you guys suppose 24 hours will be?
dhwebbHey Wiz, there's our favorite A-Spec/B-spec question. Maybe I should make my signature the answer and save everybody the trouble of asking.
Poly, A-Spec is where you drive like GT3 A-Spec, and B-Spec is you don't drive but coach the driver.
As far as the 24-hour races on this thread, I feel, and I think AE86 agrees, you do 24-hours in A-Spec, or talk about it in another forum.
Only plan to use the R8 at the 24 hours of Le Mans 1 Circuit. All without engine upgrades or NOS. The Motul Z and A4 DTM car for the other enduros. 👍Polyphony001What sort of cars do you find yourself competing with in 24 hour races? Big fast LM race cars or slower road cars, because some of the eundrance races in GT3 had surprisingly stock cars in them, especially the ones u cudnt enter without an unmodified car!
dhwebbHey Wiz, there's our favorite A-Spec/B-spec question. Maybe I should make my signature the answer and save everybody the trouble of asking.
Polyphony001Ok thanks, sorry i imagined that queton may have been asked lots already but didnt have time to read 22 pages worth..
CrzyFumoffui mean come on, their must be an amount of laps tha is equivalent to 24 hours, isnt there?
TheWizardPost a replay, after extracting it with an Xport, AR Max, or similar device.
If you don't onw any of those devices, a screenshot taken with a digital camera will do - simlar to the ones that AE86Driver took, they are posted (quite) a few pages back
If you don't have a digital camera either, then you are a caveman and you need to keep up with technology a little betterj/k
Hell we'll just take your word for it
Just be honest
The Wizard.