24hr endurance B spec - how to let it run while I sleep?

  • Thread starter ozzibaz
Hi ppls, great forum and have used it for heaps of info, but I can't figure this one out.

I would really like to get the prize cars for the endurance races and get beyond the 93% I am stuck at. I can't stand most of the rally races and haven't been able to finish M34 yet but thought the endurance races and F1 series might be worth a go if I can figure out something in B-spec:

I have seen people mention that they just leave the game running overnight, sleep, come back the next day at the same time and it has finished! Whenever I have tried, the car drives into the pits, stops and prompts me to choose to change the tyres/fuel etc and I have to press the X button to confirm. Some people have said if you wait a bit longer it happens automatically but I have left the car sitting in the pits for 10 minutes or more and it still doesn't automatically choose to complete the pitstop.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a difference with the PAL version I have?

Can someone please confirm the correct procedure for making sure the car will autopit in B-spec and finish the pitstop without needing to press the X every time?

Thanks heaps!
I have PAL and B-spec cruises into the pits, the pit board comes up with tyres, fuel, etc, and if I dont press okay for 5 seconds after B-spec has stopped in the pitlane, it just carries on automatically.
Hmmm interesting.... I wonder then, does it matter if I have used the 3x speed advance or pressed any other buttons to change views etc? Perhaps I should try just setting to overtake and leave the speed on 3 and see what happens? Or maybe I need to press the X once in the 1st pitstop to get the AI to know that is what I want to do at pitstops in future?
Wow that's funny. Awhile back, I was reading some magazine article and the topic was endurance racing. Anyways, I read that Ayrton Senna got really "peeved" at his teammate at the time, Giles Villeneuve. Ayrton apparently handed over the keys of the IMSA Ferrari to Giles during the pit stop. Ayrton was pretty bushed, and decided to take a nap. and then when he awoke hours later, the Ferrari was still sitting there, Giles at the wheel, waiting for the next "command" from Ayrton. They had previously been in 3rd place, you see, and now they were somewhere back in the 30's.. Something like that.

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Wow that's funny. Awhile back, i was reading some magazine article and the topic was endurnace racing. Anyways, i read that Aayrton Senna got really "peeved" at his teammate at the time, Giles Villeneuve. Aaryton apparently handed over the keys of the IMSA Ferrari to Giles during the pit stop. Aayrton was pretty bushed, and decided to take a nap. and then when he awoke hours later, the Ferrari was still sitting there, Giles at the wheel, waiting for the next "command" from Aayrton. They had previously been in 3rd place, you see, and now they were somewhere back in the 30's.. Something like that.


Really??? :confused::odd:
Dude, i'm being sarcastic! :ill: That never happened..i was trying to make a hint to ozzibaz NOT to get too lazy with the game. I'm surprised nobody else called me on this. :nervous::cheers:

The story seemed half plausible but I kind of got the hint you were having a dig at me :)

Actually I might have considered doing the full 24 hour races before I got married, but now I've recently become a father there is no way I'd be prepared to spend that much time on the game, no matter how much I love it. I usually only put in about 4 hours a week now... enough to complete an 8 hour race in b spec 3x accelerated mode, but not enough for a 24 hr race. So being able to let it run overnight would be a huge help in my desire to eventually complete the game and get those missing prize cars :) Any help working this out would be most appreciated!
I too have a need for sleep bourne out of small children; and a PAL version of the game.

It seems to work fine for me. I start a race in B-spec mode, switch to 3x mode after pressing R1 and then just leave it. When it comes time to pit (as automatically decided by the b-spec driver on the basis of his tyres), the game shifts back to normal mode around the pit entry, the pit dialogue box shows up, but eventually goes away, and the pit stop takes place properly. Have you, for example, set the pit stop to go to A-spec mode somehow? That is the only way I can imagine it might end up getting stuck. Otherwise, press absolutely no buttons and it should work fine.
Thanks Skippy,

I'm not sure exactly if I pressed any buttons while in the pitstop previously. I didn't think so. Anyway I will be more conscious of this and give it another go tonight to see if it works.
The story seemed half plausible but I kind of got the hint you were having a dig at me :)

in good humor, yes. Don't take me too seriously.

Actually I might have considered doing the full 24 hour races before I got married, but now I've recently become a father there is no way I'd be prepared to spend that much time on the game, no matter how much I love it. I usually only put in about 4 hours a week now...

Well congratulations. I myself have a girlfriend but no kids, and that's the way it'll stay for me unless I adopt someday...
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OK Parnelli, thanks :) Having kids is tough. It changes things a lot, but its amazing how much better you feel when you see them smile or laugh!

Well, good news. I tried it last night without pushing any extra buttons, just did like Skippy mentioned and the pitstop occurred automatically. I'm confused why it didn't do this before, but at least it works now.... maybe I had tried to do this in the middle of a race after swapping from A-spec or something... can't remember - its been a while since I tried last time and I had shelved the idea of the 24hr races because of this. Anyway, when I left for work this morning it was 11 hours into the 24 hour Nurburgring. About 9pm tonight I should have an extra car and 1200000 credits :)
Dude, i'm being sarcastic! :ill: That never happened..i was trying to make a hint to ozzibaz NOT to get too lazy with the game. I'm surprised nobody else called me on this. :nervous::cheers:

oops.., sorry about that.., :lol::lol::cheers:
I haven't tried just walking away from an endurance race yet. Two questions:

If you're on x3 mode and go into the pits, doesn't it set back to x1?

Will the car pit without prompting when the tire or fuel situation warrant it? What triggers the pit stop when you're sleeping?
I haven't tried just walking away from an endurance race yet. Two questions:

If you're on x3 mode and go into the pits, doesn't it set back to x1?

Will the car pit without prompting when the tire or fuel situation warrant it? What triggers the pit stop when you're sleeping?

Yes after pitting it reverts back to 1x speed.
Yes tyres or fuel will prompt the car to pit automatically. (generally it is the tyres that wear out first)

Basically you could set a 24hr nurb going at 10pm (as an example) go to sleep, then in the morning go to School/Work. Come home at 6pm and you would have less than 4hrs left (if you x3 at the start and in the morning before leaving).
I myself am currently doing the endurance race mainly for the money so i can do up some cars to drift in. Drifting in this game is alot of fun, I'm even currently teaching a few of the people in my house how to drift in a real car
^^^ ermmm doubt it. Cant ACTUALLY learn from a game.

A friend of mine owns a 350Z and he has partook in the odd amateur drift competition in his time, he took me out for a basic lesson (real life not GT4) to show me the difference between the games physics and real life G-forces and such. Im a complete rookie at it but i DO own a FWD 106 so im not keichi tsuchiya until i hope in a silvia or something!!!
I was running the FGTWC, and couldn't be bothered to run the Laguna race. So, I threw it on B spec with a lead, and monitored the first 'shift'. From there, i walked away when the B spec driver pitted.

However, I came back, and found him sitting there, still waiting for me to confirm, 5 minutes later. I've lost my lead, and was way far down. It was some sorta BS...but i came back to win in A spec anyway.
Well there's a lesson to be learned here. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

In other words, yes, you can start off in B-SPEC mode and turn the TV off for 24h and get your F1 and 1.2 million credits, but you can't get it done in perfect 3x speed of 8h.

As soon as Bob pits, the Race Monitor turns off as it wants you to choose tires/fuel/driving mode, and it doesn't turn back on, let alone to its 3x speed mode.

However you can come back every 3rd lap of the 'ring and reset the speed back to 3x.

IDK about you guy's version of the game, but the pit menu is on the screen just until my car rolls to the front of my pit garage, then it ignores any changes and disappears, continuing normal protocol.
what car is best for endurance race

What do you mean by "best?" Do you mean "I want the most painless car to drive that'll help me win easy?" or do you mean "I want something that'll challenge me?" Are you wanting to do A-spec or B-spec driving? Or both?
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thanks man
much more help than him ^^!

Your welcome, However, You being a New Member, (and possibly not realising that many members feel that B-spec is a bit of a cheat, Not that i am starting an argument on A-spec v's B-spec). I must point you in the direction of not having a go at a well respected member (Parnelli Bone, who has helped many others in the past) as this will not gain you any friends or help in the future.

It's just that Members that have been here for a long time get a little tired of seeing the same questions, when all you need to do is a little searching and you will probably find what you are after. If you cant find it ask.

:):) Keep the peace.
