25th Anniversary Races Tips And Tricks

  • Thread starter Doomotron
The rain makes it insanely easy because the AI sucks at pitting for rain tires at the proper time. They were spinning and sliding off for a whole lap.
This, I couldn't tell anyone my time as it was a few days ago and I won't be booting GT7 up again for a few days at the earliest, but the rain screwed the AI massively. If you get rain and it catches you out, it'll catch the AI out as well, just restart the race without exiting out of the event completely and the weather should remain the same so you will know when the rain will come. I didn't need to restart this race, I gambled and got it right, the AI didn't respond for about 2 laps, by which time I was well ahead.
I didn't read any of this and just went my own way on the Manufacturers Cup.

I pretty much refuse to race in the rain, so I had to restart a few times to get what I wanted (not a drop of rain).

I used the Porsche RSR on FM5 except on the big straight where I would click it down to FM1.
I used RH tires and didn't pit.
I was 27 seconds behind at the start, and still 20 seconds behind the leader until Lap 9.
I had to block the leader on the last corner, but got the gold.

$1.8M payout, not too bad.
BRZ with RS all the laps
Rain from lap 9 start line
Won 9secs

Looks bug on BRZ with RS, When the road is wet (30%), BRZ can run similar fast as dry.
The rain makes it insanely easy because the AI sucks at pitting for rain tires at the proper time. They were spinning and sliding off for a whole lap.
On the normal difficulty I was first on the 5th lap, before the rain. For sure the rain made it even easier. I'm pretty sure the difficulty setting affects the race.
So, the Escudo race, 2 words; hated it.

I know, I know, it's "hey, let's learn how to drive a car you hate on a track you hate" day, but that pretty much sums it up for me. Took me longer than I wanted, and damn that last turn kills me, but it's over and I never have to go back. Great. Another $1.8M to add to my $84M, so what.
I hadn’t played in a couple months like before the escudo was even out, but it’s got downforce and eats the AI in turn one and the last one. Willow Springs bites hard though with one little mistake sending you off to starve in the desert.
The rain makes it insanely easy because the AI sucks at pitting for rain tires at the proper time. They were spinning and sliding off for a whole lap.
I didn't find this at all. I pitted half a lap before the rain started falling for wets & top up fuel, rain continued for the rest of the race. I fell over 1 minute behind the leader and didn't get within 20 seconds by the end of the race. I've just completed a dry race in 24.02 and finished 4th, some 15-20 seconds behind the leader. On my friends leaderboard I see many people doing 26 minute races and finishing first. The fastest time of all is 23.23.

I'm on hard difficulty, and for reference, usually get Gold on the weekly Time Trial.

Edit: OK, just won the race with the AMG, which seems to be comfortably the quickest car. Heavy rain from lap 5, won in 25.19, by around 2.5s. Some AI pitted a lap later than me, but a handful of cars on my tail from lap 6 onwards.
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I didn't find this at all. I pitted half a lap before the rain started falling for wets & top up fuel, rain continued for the rest of the race. I fell over 1 minute behind the leader and didn't get within 20 seconds by the end of the race. I've just completed a dry race in 24.02 and finished 4th, some 15-20 seconds behind the leader. On my friends leaderboard I see many people doing 26 minute races and finishing first. The fastest time of all is 23.23.

I'm on hard difficulty, and for reference, usually get Gold on the weekly Time Trial.
Wow. 23:23, presuming one pit stop. That's an average of 2:15 per lap. That guy is fast
The SPa race is really, really weird. Obviously it depends on what happens to each of us rain wise but having done it twice, the Inters just DO NOT WORK. Or more to the point, the racing tyres are faster, even the hards, when there is rain about. I know this seems weird but when i ran the inters i couldn't catch the leaders who stayed out on slicks. IMHO best strategy is RM to end of lap 4 then RH to the end, using FM3 in sector 2.
The SPa race is really, really weird. Obviously it depends on what happens to each of us rain wise but having done it twice, the Inters just DO NOT WORK. Or more to the point, the racing tyres are faster, even the hards, when there is rain about. I know this seems weird but when i ran the inters i couldn't catch the leaders who stayed out on slicks. IMHO best strategy is RM to end of lap 4 then RH to the end, using FM3 in sector 2.
I've had one race (the race I won) where wet tyres were essential. In the other rain affected races you could probably get by on slick tyres. Of all the weather events this seems the most random, both in terms of when rain falls, and the amount.
Frankly speaking, i really liked these two races. They gave me a nostalgic feeling of seasonals, hope they make more tbh.

My tips for spa are rather simple: stick to mediums until the first drop of rain. Change immediately for full wet. Inters are too prone to spin. You can take full advantage of the Ai here, they won't swap tires until too late and start spinning out of track.

The key for the escudo one is to stay consistent. AI will take some turns really slowly ( the up hill one) so it's the perfect chance to gain seconds.
Tried it again today. I was doing well until I kept RM tyres at the pits when I should have gone for wet tyres (I expected the rain to go before the car became undrivable on racing tyres). As I was just unable to get any grip I quit immediately.
The SPa race is really, really weird. Obviously it depends on what happens to each of us rain wise but having done it twice, the Inters just DO NOT WORK. Or more to the point, the racing tyres are faster, even the hards, when there is rain about. I know this seems weird but when i ran the inters i couldn't catch the leaders who stayed out on slicks. IMHO best strategy is RM to end of lap 4 then RH to the end, using FM3 in sector 2.
It depends how heavily it rains. I did that race once and the rain was coming down for 5 laps before the track was wet enough for IM's.
One of the things I loved that PD did this year was allow average racers like me to gain maximum credits for doing races and challenges and not be penalized for doing it on a lower level.

That said, anyone who does it on a harder level should get something MORE than someone who does it on an easier level.

100% I been playing on hard from the beginning, it does suck abit knowing I could if I choose to go down a level and complete( willow springs neo classical for example) but I refuse since I started on hard I will finish on hard.
The two new races for the 25th anniversary event are two sides of the same coin (the coin being silly GT7 AI). The Escudo race was difficult at first for me but once I discovered the AI were not taking advantage of the Escudo's massive downforce and were braking when not necessary I just drove faster than them and won easily. I also changed the AWD mapping to 90% for the back wheels to reduce understeer although I did find it made breaking on downhill corners a bit risky.

The Gr.3 at Spa was a different story however. I have attempted it twice so far. My first attempt was in the Beetle Gr.3 as I remember it being a very fast car outside of the GTS and GT1 cars which weren't available. I used the default setup (soft tyres) and pitted on lap 5, using a fuel map of 2 to give me enough fuel to reach that pit stop. I lost by quite a distance. My second attempt was in the BRZ GT300 and I went for medium tyres. My performance was even worse than before. Does anybody have any tips for actually winning the race? Pit strategy, fuel map, car choice, tyre choice?
I used the RX-Vision on RH tyres at the start. Rain was showing end of lap 2, so I pitted for Inters and it proceeded to rain heavily for the next 7 laps. I ended up only just hanging on to the win (about 5s clear) but interestingly I'm nearly 3 minutes slower than some guys on my friends list who have finished in 2nd or 3rd place! So there's clearly some big variation in weather patterns...

I haven't tried the Escudo yet. But I'm going to try it some time in the next week or so.
The Spa race is killing me… I ran a 23:40 and can only get 5th… while my friends are running in the mid 24s getting first place! I normally don’t struggle with these type of races but the AI is extremely hard to catch… my lap times are between 2:18/2:17.. I’m on the hard difficulty setting.
Played the Spa race on normal using the Nissan GTR. I haven't played in a long time and failed it a few times. Got 2nd once, 5th a few times. I kept pitting too late and losing control when it would rain. I had one event where it didn't rain and I finished 2nd, only 3 seconds behind first.

My winning run was starting on softs, fuel map 1. It rained at the end of lap 2, so I pitted for inters and topped up some fuel. I was first by the end of lap lap 3 or 4 since the AI struggled in the rain. I coasted the whole way on inters and won by 7 seconds. It started raining really hard at some points during the race (radar was yellow) and standing water (I think that's what it's called) was 75% full. This made it hard to drive on the inters with no traction control. I had to be very careful in these sections but I survived.
I've run a 23.27 & 23:31 using the BRZ no stopping on hards, the BRZ manages it's tyres so well that I'm tempted to try a no stop using Mediums....

Played the Spa race on normal using the Nissan GTR. I haven't played in a long time and failed it a few times. Got 2nd once, 5th a few times. I kept pitting too late and losing control when it would rain. I had one event where it didn't rain and I finished 2nd, only 3 seconds behind first.

My winning run was starting on softs, fuel map 1. It rained at the end of lap 2, so I pitted for inters and topped up some fuel. I was first by the end of lap lap 3 or 4 since the AI struggled in the rain. I coasted the whole way on inters and won by 7 seconds. It started raining really hard at some points during the race (radar was yellow) and standing water (I think that's what it's called) was 75% full. This made it hard to drive on the inters with no traction control. I had to be very careful in these sections but I survived.
That's pretty much exactly how I won my race, in the RX-VISION.
With the spa one.
I chose the Gr3 Bettle.
Rain started closing in so I pitted in at the end of lap 2 for wets, rain started end of lap 3
So I was driving a little slower on wets on a bone dry track, but it started to really rain as the AI were near the bus stop chicane which meant it was not wet enough for them to pit.
I closed in on them at the end of lap 4
I had to use FM3 from the start to help extend the first stint, then switched to FM6 when it started to rain as a means to reduce power, then switched to FM1 at lap 7.
This allowed me to go to the end with 0.3 laps of fuel left
The Spa race is killing me… I ran a 23:40 and can only get 5th… while my friends are running in the mid 24s getting first place! I normally don’t struggle with these type of races but the AI is extremely hard to catch… my lap times are between 2:18/2:17.. I’m on the hard difficulty setting.

I did it on my first try. 27 minutes, heavy rain started at lap 3 and it never stopped. Pitted at the end of lap 3 for IMs, FM6 the rest of the way and won it very easily.
I beat the Willow Springs race on normal. It's much easier than the other race. Took me maybe 3-4 tries because I slowed down a lot after going on the dirt a bit. I put the braking to -3 so it doesn't nose dive as much under braking.
I am a baddie. I play online and am a D racer and regularly finish 6-8th. I am a terribad. I got first at spa. If I can do it, I'm pretty sure most people can. I think my first tip is, don't follow the tips of good racers. They won't work for you if you are a terribad like me. My second tip, if you're a terribad, is to race the car you feel comfortable in, not the meta. The car you race well is the car you'll win in. Every tiny thing will be that much better in a car you can race well.

I did this on medium tires, pitted at the end of the 5th lap and got more medium tires and filled the tank completely up. I raced with default fuel setting (max power bby). I personally used the Mercedes because I find it to be very stable in corners and it just plays well to how I race. So basically, other than tires, I raced a very bog standard race.

The trick to this race if you're bad is to know where you can make up time, and then just take it easy the rest of the track. The first place to make a ton of time is Eau Rouge. I think the hard nosed racers say to take this flat out. I'm not that good. I lift as I hit the first apex then smoothly bring it back for the second and get back on the gas flat out for the rest of it all the way to Les Combes. You will make multiple seconds a lap up here. The second place to really make up time is Stavelot and Blanchimont. When coming out of Fagnes you want to lift slightly to ensure you hit the apex at Stavelot, and then full gas or mostly full gas, whatever keeps you on the track. When you hit Blanchimont lift until you hit the apex and then full gas again. I think here again the pro pro pros will say just go full gas the entire way, well I'm not that good and this guide is for baddies.

Outside of those two places, the only thing you need to do is brake early and make the turns. Take it easy. You might lose a tenth per turn but who cares. Your goal is to do just enough to win, not win by a mile. This is what I did and it worked for me. The weather is random, if you don't get lucky just restart immediately. I tried switching to inters and every time it dried up, where not switching it would just keep down pouring. It's so random it's not worth fighting, just restart and hope for better luck. For my winning run it sprinkled 3-4 laps but no heavy downpour, it was manageable. When it first starts to sprinkle you can perform the same strat, about a lap in you'll want to start braking earlier and taking it slightly slower. I guess one last tip is to try as hard as you can to stay on the racing line, this is a really fast track and being off the line is brutal, especially when it's wet.

I hope I can give hope to all the bads out there.
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