2nd GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Finished - Season Over!)

  • Thread starter Ardius
Yes yall can blame ANFD for getting me into the F1 game, loooool after the first race of his tournament he asked me if i really wanted to be in the tournament and i said it didnt matter to me so i quit so someone else could join but then they changed their mind so he asked me to re-join and i did and thats when i got serious about it and started practicing . I finished 3rd in that tournament . At one time i was doin his tournament on wednesday night and this one on sunday . I think that went on for about 5 or 6 weeks , looooool it was wearing me out practicing two different tracks each week . So yes you can blame ANFD for getting me started in this loooooooooooll QUACK QUACK
I have created a new Album with a picture of Duck's award for ya'll to see. I guess you can find it on my home page or in the albums thread :sly:

Keep in mind that this was created with the information given to me by Mr. Duck, so I am not responsible for any ommissions or inaccuracies :nervous:
Can't I have one too? :indiff:

Here you got mate, now remember I spent a lot of time on this.

Nice and well deserved Certificate!

I'm honored to have the opportunity to race against all these guys of this championship. I've been in love of this particular game ever since I saw the trailer for the first time but refused to purchase the PS3 for personal reasons. Honestly, F1CE forced me to purchase the PS3. I bought the game but there was PS3 on stock on any store because of the new PS3 80 gig was coming out, so I had to wait about 1 month to grab a PS3 and finally play this game. Then because of freelance work, I had to stop playing for another 2 months. Picked it up again, and 3 weeks later (with 75% of circuits unknown to me) we were racing the NTSC championship. To have finished 3rd. has been a bless. Unfortunately, I put too much time playing GT5, SOCOM and Ferrari Challenge in the process. Thanks to ZeroDuck, Hemi, and the rest of the guys that helped me to speed up the learning process to the point of being competitive during the 2nd. half of the championship.

I seriously hope to see all of you guys in the F1 2010.
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Just sent the race info to all those who have raced this season on the NTSC side for tomorrow night's race.:D
ok just so you guy's across the pond know . When you guys get ready for your next tournament , There WILL be an American Invasion , HEMIata and ZERODUCK1 will be teamates , we are purchasing the PAL version of F1CE , We will be ready to see who is the best team , you guys over there or us over here , looooooooooool Yall better get ready because we are coming . Our team name is American Redneck's . Yall better be on your toes , because the American Redneck's are going to be coming full steam ahead
ok just so you guy's across the pond know . When you guys get ready for your next tournament , There WILL be an American Invasion , HEMIata and ZERODUCK1 will be teamates , we are purchasing the PAL version of F1CE , We will be ready to see who is the best team , you guys over there or us over here , looooooooooool Yall better get ready because we are coming . Our team name is American Redneck's . Yall better be on your toes , because the American Redneck's are going to be coming full steam ahead

:lol: :lol:

American Redneck's.... Excellent, Brilliant name 👍

Hope to see you guys online soon.
:lol: :lol:

American Redneck's.... Excellent, Brilliant name 👍

Hope to see you guys online soon.

Heh, good timing with the iminent joining of USGPE next year. 👍

Hey, we couldn't let y'all have all the fun :sly: :lol: Oh, and I know I'll have to step up my pace to go against the world :D :gtpflag:
Yo Ducky, where you getting the PAL copy from?:)

And for those of you interested, info on tonight's NTSC finale.
Lobby: Mirabeau
Game: GTP Monaco Finale
Password: AyrtonSenna​
Just got the PAL formatted F1CE game and it is working great for me :D I know FASTDUCK will be receiving his in a few days so "Team Redneck" will be ready for the next PAL Championship Tournament :lol: Hope to catch some of you PAL guys online playing around 👍
Willie Weber here .... where's my 10% ? :) Since neither ZERODUCK nor HEMIata had ever played the game before and bought their original NTSC copy at my direction, I think I should be their manager and join American Rednecks as their Marketing Director. :)

All kidding aside .... Really great news guys and you've made me so proud. You guys were the dominant force (along with IC400) in the Bruce McLaren Memorial F1 Tournament and your competitiveness and camraderie were the highlight of the tournament. I have no doubt that your skills and dedication will consistantly place you at the pointy end of the grid :)

Best of Luck to the both of you ...... GO AMERICAN REDNECKS ! 👍👍👍
Willie Weber here .... where's my 10% ? :) Since neither ZERODUCK nor HEMIata had ever played the game before and bought their original NTSC copy at my direction, I think I should be their manager and join American Rednecks as their Marketing Director. :)

All kidding aside .... Really great news guys and you've made me so proud. You guys were the dominant force (along with IC400) in the Bruce McLaren Memorial F1 Tournament and your competitiveness and camraderie were the highlight of the tournament. I have no doubt that your skills and dedication will consistantly place you at the pointy end of the grid :)

Best of Luck to the both of you ...... GO AMERICAN REDNECKS ! 👍👍👍

Indeed my friend, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be in this mess :lol: we'll try to make a respectable presence of America :sly:
Willie Weber here .... where's my 10% ? :) Since neither ZERODUCK nor HEMIata had ever played the game before and bought their original NTSC copy at my direction, I think I should be their manager and join American Rednecks as their Marketing Director. :)

All kidding aside .... Really great news guys and you've made me so proud. You guys were the dominant force (along with IC400) in the Bruce McLaren Memorial F1 Tournament and your competitiveness and camraderie were the highlight of the tournament. I have no doubt that your skills and dedication will consistantly place you at the pointy end of the grid :)

Best of Luck to the both of you ...... GO AMERICAN REDNECKS ! 👍👍👍

I agree we might need a Marketing Driector , i aint sure the F1 world is quite ready for some true Southern Rednecks .
Now wait a minute .... isn't the USGP Team based out of North Carolina ? I'd guess about 2 hours from HEMIata's Miata field where he grows 'em :dopey:

Dem boys are in the heart of Nascar country .... pretty REDNECK if you ask me :)

I'll start working on a Tee shirt design now :sly:
Ok you guyz across the pond , i got my PAL version of F1CE today . So HEMIata and ZERODUCK1 both have their PAL version of F1CE .