GT Sport Scheduled for 'Kinda Funny' Panel at PlayStation Experience This Weekend

Colin, Tim and Greg all don't care about racing games so what's the point in this?

I just hope they have compiled useable questions.. :P

Yeah probably just Sony like: "We want more exposure for this game, we invited you to do your show here, so talk about this."

Hopefully no one is expecting any hard hitting questions. :lol:
LOL I love kinda funny too but boy could they find people who gave less of a ****???
Ah jeeeez. A little bit of smh too. It's unfortunate when these things happens. If they're as unqualified as you're all saying, it could end up being pointless. I'll remain optimistic, until...
Ah jeeeez. A little bit of smh too. It's unfortunate when these things happens. If they're as unqualified as you're all saying, it could end up being pointless. I'll remain optimistic, until...
Most likely they'll just repeat what we've already heard. I'm willing to bet that this is who it will start:
-Talk about graphics.
-Talk about the online mode.
-Moves on to next game.
Colin, Tim and Greg all don't care about racing games so what's the point in this?

LOL I love kinda funny too but boy could they find people who gave less of a ****???

Well frankly, who can they get that is known to more people then just the comparatively small Sim racing Community AND who happens to know a lot of racing sims? I guarantee outside of sites like this, no one knows who the hell any of the big names in sim racing are so to somehow expect that (at a event that once again isn't solely focused on genre and not one as niche as sim racing) is tragically hilarious. I swear you guys at this point now have a fetish for disappointment.
Greg is the biggest Sony fanboy on the planet so there's that. :lol:

To be fair, they always criticize when Sony mess up, but they honestly couldn't care less about racing games, only guy who likes them is Kevin the guy behind the scenes :lol:

@RACECAR They can get anyone for GiantBomb, IGN, Easy Allies, Eurogamer who cares about it, granted none of these have the Playstation pull as the KF guys but fear we won't learn much.
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I'm hoping to see new Direct Footage on the Pro!

No moron screaming and yapping like the Gamescom and TGS video please.
I think I prefer having the news be standalone threads rather than having one giant GTSport discussion thread. We NEOGAF now?
A release date of January was rumored but yeah, by PD's standards probably June?

These sort of things are intended for casual Joe Public, you're only going to be disappointed if you're expecting a serious in depth preview of hardcore sim stuff.

Even though if PD don't show a in depth preview, I still have Uncharted to look forward to.
Zero chance this is coming out in January. Given that it's effectively December already the absolute earliest the release date is going to be March. Anything earlier isn't enough time to properly promote it and it'd also be only ~4 months after the initial date. If they knew it was only going to be a few more months, they would've had a new date straight away. They delayed indefinitely to 2017, you only do that when you've really no idea when you're going to be ready and you want to cover all bases.

Personally I'm expecting 'Holiday 2017'. Because PD.
That article makes some good points and it still brings forward the biggest question for me with GT Sport - why is the key marketing/selling point of the game hardcore online events and competitions? How do PD expect to entice the general market with

"Official hardcore online championships!"
"Sanctioned events!"
"Real life racing license!"
"Get a prize at the FIA Gala!"
"Complex online rating system!"

That is not going to excite the general public no matter how much you add in "It's for everyone, 7 to 77, honest!".
And also... WINTER! Which is a perfect time to hide away and waste time on video games. If they delay this til May or something, I will throw my PS4 into an abyss.

I waited an extra year for GT5 from November to the next November so the abyss might be waiting. My Prediction November 2017, If I'm right I'll still be excited and if I'm wrong and its sooner, I'll be really excited.

LOL I love kinda funny too but boy could they find people who gave less of a ****???

I agree that this being on P.S. I Love You XOXO is a bad idea, but if they do have a release date and it is as far in the future as most of us think it is, it's probably good that C & G don't give a crap because Colin would rip PD a new one... for example just look at the way he talks about Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian (two games he does care about).
Personally I'm expecting 'Holiday 2017'. Because PD.
Realistically, if we're lucky.

Honestly, who cares about racing simulator today?
Nobody I know. The guys that were into it with me back in the day play a tiny bit any more. Our anecdotal experiences are worthless though. I'd be more interested in seeing market research. I'm sure there's someone out there whose job it is to answer this very question.

The answer probably wouldn't be too bleak given the proliferation of realistic-ish driving games. The genre seems to be evolving into the various driving/racing niches, which maybe makes it less likely that you'll find one game that gives you everything you want. I'm pretty certain GTS will be the closest thing to that for me.
Sounds interesting for me, as I might need it if I get my Z built competitive enough. :P

Yes but you're a car enthusiast on a forum dedicated to the game, you're in a very small minority. Even in this forum, a minority in itself compared to the potential 10 million GT buyers, a large amount aren't going to be interested in the hardcore aspects of the game. I'm one of them. Then you've got all the cruisers, drifters, collectors, etc that couldn't give a damn about FIA competitions and racing licenses.

Gran Turismo has always in the past appealed to the casual gamer, now they seem to be focusing on a very small niche group in a time where games need to do even more to appeal to the casual buyer that makes up the millions.
That article makes some good points and it still brings forward the biggest question for me with GT Sport - why is the key marketing/selling point of the game hardcore online events and competitions? How do PD expect to entice the general market with

"Official hardcore online championships!"
"Sanctioned events!"
"Real life racing license!"
"Get a prize at the FIA Gala!"
"Complex online rating system!"

That is not going to excite the general public no matter how much you add in "It's for everyone, 7 to 77, honest!".

I agree with that point. It doesn't make sense if you want to sell millions of copies. They should focus on a varied single player experience, affection with your favorite brand, different play elements that please youngster and oldtimers. Include stuff from different car cultures and make the racing exciting.
I agree with that point. It doesn't make sense if you want to sell millions of copies. They should focus on a varied single player experience, affection with your favorite brand, different play elements that please youngster and oldtimers. Include stuff from different car cultures and make the racing exciting.
What? common sense? No, kids want more scapes, more museum stuff...

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