GT Sport Beta European Registration Has Closed

what triggered me extra is following:

On the Dutch version of the official Gran Turismo page it says:

"met zeer competitieve races tegen andere gebruikers uit het hele land en uiteindelijk van over de hele wereld".



with very competitive races against other users from your country and then eventually all over the world.

My question: Is it really the intention to have the beta testers race against each other per country? Or should they have said per continent?
Well, on the Czech version of the site is following:

Účastníci BETAVERZE se v obtížných závodech utkají se soupeři z celé země, možná i celého světa...

Which roughly translates as,

Participants of the beta will compete in hard races with rivals from the whole country, maybe even from the whole world...

So it's really unclear imho.
I just registered now
Is it closed? Does that mean my registration does not count?


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Is it like a lotto win? does wanting GT Sport really badly, increase your
chances of getting picked?
Anyway, waiting for the the invite! :gtpflag:
The first time the EU version opened it only required your username. Now it's open again still only username required.

Things do work differently on the PSN between EU version and US version, which is why I no longer have a US account (email account no longer available)

EU easily changed, go on site. Put in old email. Add new one. Done. US respond to email....
I signed up a week ago so hope its a first come first serve kinda thing Really looking forward to playing it, never rated or brought any racing games on PS4 so need this in my life