35mm's Snapshots

  • Thread starter 35mm
Keep 'em coming. 👍

I will, I will... I'm still posting stuff from September 2012, so I won't stop anytime soon. ;)

I love this shot! I made a comment on it on Flickr. Great stuff!

Yeah, I saw that. Thanks, mate. 👍
(Nothing beats those massive HK buildings of yours, though. ;) )
Vertical one in the last paste-up is pretty good :0 I'm a sucker for water reflections
I like them, too. Especially when they look silky-smooth, in long exposures (although I've never done any).

I like a lot the Olá icecream water reflection 👍
I've actually deleted that one from flickr yesterday. Sorry about that. :P
I've just seen your image of the no entry sign that's had the surfer stencilled onto it entitled 'surf zone' on tumblr with nearly 20,000 notes!

On another note I'm still in love with your tones.
I've noticed that tumblr phenomenon, but I honestly don't know what to make of it...
I'm not sure what I have to gain or lose in letting people share the photos around.

Anyway, thanks. 👍

1/400 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 40 mm

1/400 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 17 mm

1/400 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 50 mm
Last ones from this boat ride. About time, too, I know.

1/400 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 34 mm

1/1250 | ƒ/2.8 | ISO 100 | 50 mm

Yes, some cars!

997 Sport Classic

1/5000 | ƒ/1.4 | ISO 100 | 50 mm

993 GT2

1/6400 | ƒ/1.4 | ISO 100 | 50 mm
Love the tones on the second pic. I also like the composition, don't always need the full car in to appreciate the beauty.
^ Very true. Thanks. 👍

...And on that topic:

1/1500 | ƒ/1.4 | ISO 100 | 50 mm

1/2500 | ƒ/1.4 | ISO 100 | 50 mm