35mm's Snapshots

  • Thread starter 35mm

1/40 | ƒ/4 | ISO 6400 | 20 mm

1/4 | ƒ/4 | ISO 6400 | 20 mm

1/8 | ƒ/4 | ISO 6400 | 20 mm
I've been seeing a-lot of your work popping up on my flickr. Great stuff. The first and third shots are my favorites of the latest. The rich colors is what gets me.
^ Thank you very much. Good to know someone's actually looking. ;)

1/160 | ƒ/2.8 | ISO 125 | 135 mm

1/640 | ƒ/2.8 | ISO 125 | 135 mm
^ Thank you very much. Good to know someone's actually looking. ;)

I do pop in and look at the pictures, but what can I say? They look great. 👍

I will comment though, on the Chinese's obsession with gold colored things. That 3 Series is just way too gaudy.
I do pop in and look at the pictures, but what can I say? They look great. 👍
I know people do. Even if by accident, the thread has many views; I can't complain.
And really, I was just making a lame joke. :)
Thanks. 👍

I will comment though, on the Chinese's obsession with gold colored things. That 3 Series is just way too gaudy.
So true, you wouldn't imagine...

Some more Singapore street snaps:

1/2000 | ƒ/4 | ISO 125 | 35 mm
^ Thanks a lot! 👍

1/1600 | ƒ/2.5 | ISO 125 | 35 mm

Can you tell that I had my camera locked at ISO 125 this day, and didn't notice it? :P
^ Thanks!
I'd definitely have lots more of these if wasn't so shy on point the camera to others.

1/15 | ƒ/4 | ISO 6400 | 15 mm

15 sec | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 15 mm

1/20 | ƒ/4 | ISO 6400 | 15 mm

The Marina Bay Sands. It's beyond words...
A little break from the vacation shots, but I just couldn't resist posting this.

1/4000 | ƒ/1.2 | ISO 50 | 55 mm​
So, like, how are you so good and how do I get to be this good?

Your street and related work just always seems so in the moment and spontaneous, as if effortless, that I'm a touch envious :lol: But really, how do you notice these things, they seem so subtle but your execution makes very normal scenes quite a bit more special.
So, like, how are you so good and how do I get to be this good?

Your street and related work just always seems so in the moment and spontaneous, as if effortless, that I'm a touch envious :lol: But really, how do you notice these things, they seem so subtle but your execution makes very normal scenes quite a bit more special.

First of all, thank you. Coming from you, that is a great compliment.

Now, you know that I don't have an answer that, don't you? :)

I mean... I just "see" it and shoot it. I'm being totally honest and I can't really explain it any better.
(And trust me, in most of these shots - especially from vacations - I almost don't have any time to prepare myself, because my wife keeps on going and doesn't stop! I feel like I never have the right lens on, and now that I mostly use manual focus (prime) lenses, it's even more difficult. At the end of the day, I always feel that I've missed a lot of opportunities.)

A bit more seriously, and if it makes you feel better, I do choose from a lot of shots. By that I don't mean that I shoot in burst mode - never did that - but I do only publish, like, 5%~10% of the shots, maybe.

Also, everytime I try to plan to shoot something, it goes wrong. I always end up getting frustrated with the result. My prefered shots are 99% spontaneous.
(and that's why I admire those great shooting sessions - with models, for example - that are all planed ahead and look fantastic; I simply couldn't do that)

You'll also notice that I rarely shoot the most important stuff. I mean, I can be near the most important monument of a city - which everyone is photographing - and I'll be shooting some near backstreet, which happens to have something that caughts my eye.

That's all there is, really. If there's any more specific question you have, please go ahead and ask. 👍

That S2000 shot is amazing. Can I get a wallpaper size shot of that?
Whoa! I totally forgot to post that shot here:

1/200 | ƒ/2.8 | ISO 100 | 135 mm

At which resolution do you want it?
Last edited:

1/400 | ƒ/3.5 | ISO 100 | 20 mm​

@phillkillv2: you'll have a PM soon.
@Azuremen: I've edited my previous answer a bit (just in case you didn't see it).

1/2500 | ƒ/1.8 | ISO 100 | 50 mm

1/800 | ƒ/1.8 | ISO 100 | 50 mm

1/60 | ƒ/11 | ISO 160 | 20 mm
@Azuremen: I've edited my previous answer a bit (just in case you didn't see it).

I saw. It was my intent to respond to it at some point but life and things keep happening :P Anyhow...

I can very much relate to using only a percent of shots snapped; often what seems like a good idea in the moment has some distracting detail that just detracts too much. And it would seem you also go about shooting a bit like I do, which is to find subtle details and scenes that are interesting and to share them. Spontaneous and in the moment, typically.

This in turns means I'm also less than amazing at planned shoots, but I've been trying to force myself to understand them better. Just hard to get models and locations together while also going to school and doing night life photos. And the later makes it hard to practice on my favorite lens, the 135mm F/2.

Speaking of glass, what is your favorite lens/focal length to work with?
I saw. It was my intent to respond to it at some point but life and things keep happening :P Anyhow...

I can very much relate to using only a percent of shots snapped; often what seems like a good idea in the moment has some distracting detail that just detracts too much. And it would seem you also go about shooting a bit like I do, which is to find subtle details and scenes that are interesting and to share them. Spontaneous and in the moment, typically.

This in turns means I'm also less than amazing at planned shoots, but I've been trying to force myself to understand them better. Just hard to get models and locations together while also going to school and doing night life photos. And the later makes it hard to practice on my favorite lens, the 135mm F/2.

Speaking of glass, what is your favorite lens/focal length to work with?
Again, a very hard question...

For this kind of street shooting, I would say that 20mm is my favourite focal length. More and more I'm noticing that it's the focal lens that mostly equals or matches what I visualize. I also have a 15-30mm zoom which I also like to use (@15mm), but frankly, most of the times I could get away with the 20mm just as well. For this I use a AI Nikkor 20mm f/3.5. It's nice and small and incredibly sharp.
(I temporarily had a Nikkor AF-D 20mm f/2.8 but was lucky to trade it for a Nikkor AI 35mm f/1.4 and a Nikon FE2. Such a sweet deal was hard to refuse, so I only had the 20 2.8 for about a week).

Parallel to the street shooting, I'm ashamed to say that I'm also quite the bokeh whore... So, whenever I can, I'll just shoot my Sigma 50 1.4 wide-open and try to isolate everything I see. I've even recently bought a Nikkor AI 55mm f/1.2 which is quickly also becoming my favourite lens.

I don't think I'm that good with longer focal lengths. But just for the sake of variety I sometimes put on the Nikkor AI 135mm f/2.8 and force myself to shoot with it. That was exactly what happened when I shot the girl on the crosswalk and the S2000 (on the page before this one).
Having said this, I'd love to have a 105 1.8, a 135 f/2 and a 200 f/2 (although this last one won't happen in a million years...).

The night life photos you mentioned sound really cool. 👍