35mm's Snapshots

  • Thread starter 35mm
Another break from the vacation shots, for some more 1.2 goodness:

1/4000 | ƒ/1.2 | ISO 100 | 55 mm

1/60 | ƒ/1.2 | ISO 140 | 55 mm

1/160 | ƒ/1.2 | ISO 125 | 55 mm

1/2000 | ƒ/1.2 | ISO 125 | 55 mm
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So, stage #3 of our trip (after Macau and Singapore) was Siem Reap, Cambodia.

I think this will be a big one...

Here are the first three street photos, right after we arrived:

1/60 | ƒ/8 | ISO 1600 | 50 mm

1/60 | ƒ/8 | ISO 1000 | 50 mm

1/60 | ƒ/2 | ISO 560 | 50 mm
Cambodia is definitely on my list of places to travel to. Hopefully you didn't take *too* many photos of temples. :P
^ I totally recommend Siem Reap, at least. It's beautiful and people are wonderful.
About the temples... We'll get there. :P I didn't want to, but I did take an obscene amount of photos there.

1/60 | ƒ/2 | ISO 1000 | 50 mm
^ Indeed it is, Pako.

I did dial +2 EV while taking the shot, but still had to push another +1 EV or so in post, in order to get this clarity (which, in turn, brought a bit of extra noise with it).

Thanks! 👍
^ Love the color in this one. Started going through all your pics, man you have some really cool shots, like all of them are consistently awesome. 👍
I don't consider that I travel much, to be honest. I mean, I travel for 2 weeks (during summer), once a year. That's pretty much it.

We did travel far away these last two years, I'll admit that. Last year we went to NYC, Miami and did a cruise trip around Caribbean. But that was our honeymoon, so it's only natural. ;)

This year we did Macau-Singapore-Cambodia-Kuala Lumpur-Hong Kong-Macau. Indeed, it was a huge trip, but again, it was during two weeks in July. We have friends at Macau (lots of Portuguese there) and grabbed the opportunity to make this big trip.

Before that, I just remember going to London (again, in the summer). And nothing really exciting before that...

So, answering your question, I'm a Civil Engineer (right now, working as production manager of a product - movable walls), but this has nothing to do with the travel part. ;)

Oh, and thanks!
^ Thanks, Solo. I have to admit that, being in Europe, this was a once-in-a-lifetime trip. 👍

1/200 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 31 mm
So, I climbed that ^ thing:

1/200 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 15 mm

1/200 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 15 mm

Sorry about all the temple photos. :P
Hey. It has been a while...

1/60 | ƒ/8 | ISO 160 | 31 mm

1/1000 | ƒ/2.8 | ISO 280 | 135 mm

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