35mm's Snapshots

  • Thread starter 35mm
This one tells a lot. Others have a somewhat random subject or the composition is a bit erratic, but this is briliant, the horizontal vantage point is perfectly drawn (ok not perfectkly but it is immediately perceived), and the guy walking towards it makes the entire photo. If the guy wasn't there it would be a good picture, but the dude does the photo. Nice timing.
I agree with the far-from-perfect compositions and subjects. But let me just defend myself by saying that this really is "street" stuff. Many of these shots were taken one-handed (it was so hot I always had to carry some kind of large ice-cold drink) or even almost without stopping - my girlfriend (I mean, wife!) wouldn't stop at all and I'd have to keep up. :lol:

Having said that, I really appreciate the input. Thanks. 👍

Amazing stuff.. Jaw dropping!
Thanks for stopping by. 👍
Skyscraper shot is awesome! Really like that one. The lines of the buildings flow really nicely and lead your eyes through the shot. 👍
That last shot is my favorite, dude your shots are amazing, and that Sigma lens is delicious :mischievous: It's too expensive for me, same price as my camera lol (canon 600D) but every time I see a shot with this lens I go :drool:
I really enjoyed using the 10-20mm. I love wide-angle stuff and haven't bought something like this for myself because I don't want to invest in more DX glass (crop sensor).

I was very luck to have one borrowed. The 17mm of my Tamron wouldn't have been the same...

But you should try the second-hand market. You should find lots of cheaper, second-hand stuff.

EDIT: Oh, and thanks, Blitz. 👍

These two are from roughly the same spot as the last one. And what a lovely spot, I have to say.
Nice. :P


I like the little bit of distortion with the buildings here.

It's funny that you ask that because I think it was with these two shots that I tried all my presets (I use Lightroom) and other methods and never was totally happy with them - I even tried color, even though I had bw in mind for them both right from the beginning.

Then, as a desperate last resort, I decided to just slide the saturation bar all the way to zero and voilá... This was the result. Really weird! And it worked for both shots.

Oh, and thanks.
Well with a title like that, people will come in :lol:

Nice shots, awesome place to shoot 👍, though I expected a hotter blonde ;)

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