35mm's Snapshots

  • Thread starter 35mm
Nice shots from Miami! Brings back memories... went there often with my parents when I was still living in Tampa Bay. 👍
I like the black 'n white .. reminds me of fireworks. lol
Thanks for the title for the photo... :D

Nice shots from Miami! Brings back memories... went there often with my parents when I was still living in Tampa Bay. 👍

I wasn't that excited about Miami (we were there a couple of days just to catch a cruise), but I have to say I ended up enjoying it.


1/350 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 10 mm

1/320 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 20 mm

1/320 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 10 mm
Liking the shots in posts 184 and 188 👍 Awesome stuff! Really liking the wide focal lengths, making me ponder getting a lens like that too :P
Really liking the wide focal lengths, making me ponder getting a lens like that too :P
Trust me, these ultra-wide focal distances are very susceptible to addiction.

Thank you both. 👍

Anyway, here's another film shot from the same Superia X-TRA 400 roll as the ones before the Miami set:

Nikon F80 | Sigma 50mm f/1.4 | Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 400​

I know it gets a bit repetitive, but I can't get enough of this view, as the ship left Miami. More will follow.
Excellent. I especially like post #181 with the B&W shot of the trees. The Guggenheim inside-outside really work well together too. 👍
Glad you took a look around and thanks for the input. 👍

One last Miami Beach shot:

Some street shots from Nassau:

1/250 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 20 mm

1/250 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 20 mm

1/200 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 20 mm
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Really liking the view photos - they all look similar but work well as a set. Also digging the first and last of that post ^^
I know... the view was stunning and I couldn't help myself. Thanks. 👍

1/320 | ƒ/8 | ISO 100 | 200 mm

Our neighbour cruise ship at Nassau, "Disney Dream", had this very cool waterslide around and off the side of the ship. Brilliant stuff.
Awesome stuff! Really liking the wide focal lengths, ................................

Yes. DM seems to know how to get the best of these ultra-wide angles. Consistently good shots. Thanks for sharing your experiences. :) 👍

P.S. Oh! yeah . . . and sharing the settings you use, too.