GT Sport have over 5 million players

  • Thread starter AKps3

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Wow! When you look at the stats a lot of people wasted their money.

Less than 50% of those that bought the game have driven more than an average of 259km. I would consider myself to be disappointed with the game and not having driven it much but I've still racked up 9000 km. That's astonishing when you think about it. It's almost like they bought it on the name but then quickly moved on. And weekly active players is around 100,000. And a staggering 76% of players have not done a single Sport Mode race. Only 8% have done more than 10 Sport Mode races.
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I've raced sport mode but never had the time to participate in FIA races due to life commitments.

I wonder why they just don't count everyone instead?
According to Kudos Prime, 3.6 million have never finished a sport mode race. How did 5 million enter the FiA championship races?

Am I understanding this right? These numbers don't add up.

5 Million didn't enter then FIA Championship races. It is just an incorrect tweet. The tweet mistakely confuses '5 million players' for '5 million FIA Players', maybe due to translating issues, maybe just poor tweeting.
How? PD know how many PSN logins have accessed the game. Second hand sales do not affect this.
Thats what I’m saying, but from the other perspective.

The number of online “players” tallied by PD could theoretically be higher than the number of games sold, when you consider that some players may have purchased the game second hand.
Wow! When you look at the stats a lot of people wasted their money.

Less than 50% of those that bought the game have driven more than an average of 259km. I would consider myself to be disappointed with the game and not having driven it much but I've still racked up 9000 km. That's astonishing when you think about it. It's almost like they bought it on the name but then quickly moved on. And weekly active players is around 100,000. And a staggering 76% of players have not done a single Sport Mode race. Only 8% have done more than 10 Sport Mode races.

"wasted money"? thats just your assumption while playing with numbers. Grab your ps4 and look at how many people hit the like button on GTS as compared to other sims available on ps4 (AC =1k likes PC2= 9k likes GTS = 100k likes), majority rules, current ps4 sim racers are in favor of GTS.
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"wasted money"? thats just your assumption while playing with numbers. Grab your ps4 and look at how many people hit the like button on GTS as compared to other sims available on ps4 (AC =1k likes PC2= 9k likes GTS = 100k likes), majority rules, current ps4 racers are in favor of GTS.
Cool story bro!
People who think GTS isn't selling a lot are going to be in for a reality check when its all said and done.

"A lot" is a relative term. None of us can really comment on how well GTS is actually doing since we have no clue how big of a budget it had nor do we know what Sony set as a sales target. Not to mention the only sales stats we seem to have are for the UK and even then we don't get solid numbers.

However what we can do is roughly compare GTS to other Sony first party titles using estimated sales numbers and in that aspect it's not looking so good. As of May GTS is estimated to have sold 3.3 million copies which may seem great, until you look at the other titles. God of War is a certified monster and has passed GTS in less than a month, Horizon Zero Dawn reached 7.6 million around it's anniversary and the last Uncharted was at 8.7 million at the start of 2017.

Considering how long GTS took and the likely timeframe of the next one being similar, I'm not so sure 3.3 million is as big of a sales number for a well-established first party title.

Thats what I’m saying, but from the other perspective.

The number of online “players” tallied by PD could theoretically be higher than the number of games sold, when you consider that some players may have purchased the game second hand.

I'm sure lots of people also have secondary accounts they use on occasion for various purposes. If they ever fired up GTS on that account it's considered a completely different person. Those probably boost the numbers quite a bit as well.
5 million players is a huge success! Took GT6 3 years to do that, GT Sport did it in 9 months. GT Sport is the most successful sim racer this gen in the entire universe but you know haters gona hate.

shhhh... little do they know, the more they hate, the bigger GTS numbers get. If haters were wise they would join in on the celebration because GT is the 'Real' gateway to racing sims. In other words, GTS haters are similar to church choir members who tell children that Sunday school is no fun. Who does that? Hate on haters:dunce:
Wow! When you look at the stats a lot of people wasted their money.

Less than 50% of those that bought the game have driven more than an average of 259km. I would consider myself to be disappointed with the game and not having driven it much but I've still racked up 9000 km. That's astonishing when you think about it. It's almost like they bought it on the name but then quickly moved on. And weekly active players is around 100,000. And a staggering 76% of players have not done a single Sport Mode race. Only 8% have done more than 10 Sport Mode races.
This is actually common with most games. Even single player games have low completion rates which is insane because that’s all there is to do, not like Minecraft where you can just dick around.
I say prove it. A tweet saying 5 million players is no proof at all and goes to show you people will believe just about anything someone says with no proof of that statement. Taking someone's word for it just doesn't cut it.
You call us haters and I'd say your as gullible as they come.

Others are posting actual numbers to back up there facts and not believing those numbers based on someone's dumb tweet with no substance to it.

Look it it this way if GTS sales numbers are 3.3 million and if the game was just a dollar a copy that's only 3.3 million players. So please Enlighten us on how you get 5 million players when every number posted about GTS says it's no where close that.

Really show us some proof.