PlayStation VR2 for PlayStation 5

And nobody know if PSVR2 will be for 2022 ;-) (and with covid, develop a hardware and then product it isn't easy)
But all we know Yamauchi's passion to bring his games back just for perfectionism or to add "minor" features... He is the type of person who prefers to delayed again his game to have VR at launch. And Sony being the type to let him do what he wants...
It will connect to PS5 with a single cord to simplify setup and improve ease-of-use (...).
Damn it.

Maybe I had my hopes too high, but I was really hoping for the new generation of PSVR to be totally wireless.
But we don't know that it's coming in 2022 either. Not 2021 =/= 2022.

I know all the cool kidz on the forums do the „Not in 21!? That means 2034 AT BEST!!!!!!“ hyperbole thing, but I’m not on board with that attitude.

We know it’s not coming this year, but we also know dev kits are in the wild.

2022 is at least a possibility. The same year that GT7 will come out. Exciting.
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I know all the cool kidz on the forums do the „Not in 21!? That means 2034 AT BEST!!!!!!“ hyperbole thing, but I’m not on board with that attitude.

We know it’s not coming this year, but we also know dev kits are in the wild.

2022 is at least a possibility. The same year that GT7 will come out. Exciting.

Of course, not denying that. But no point setting yourself up for potential disappointment by outright expecting it in 2022 as if confirmed. Not saying you are, just speaking generally. We know what PR firms are like with their clever wording. Not in 2021 was a clever way of not actually telling us when it will be out, presumably to give them some leeway. If it does come out in 2022, everyone is happy. If it doesn't, well they just say they never said 2022.
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I’m having flashbacks to another VR announcement.. and we all know how that played out. Maybe next time vr tour mode will have 2 cars driving slowly instead of just the one. Fingers crossed for something more this time by.

Well for me, you can ram your PS4 only vr and yr 2022 GT sport ps5 update. There’s better racing on pc

Sure, but there is also a much higher price tag for that. Not everyone can afford to race there, or even wants to. Some prefer the plug-and-play aspect of console, for example. I mean, I have a well-equipped PC (2080ti) and I still find that I race mostly on console for that very reason. But to each their own; I think it's simply a good thing that there are many interesting VR choices available for different platforms.
Saw someone on Twitter mention they look like the Sony Ericsson logo. They really do. What a throwback.
If we can use these controllers together with a 'dummy' wheel, or a form of horizontal bar between hands in controller, while not having to be forced to use the VR aspect, only the controllers, sorry for my commas I'm old school, I can see the cash registers at Sony non-stop times nearly 100 million sold of these.

that is of course, for GT7.

not saying I would trade my wheel per se, or reduce my inclination to seek the newest offering that will be forthcoming from Thrustmaster, Fanatec , & friends, but this can carve out a major enthusiast market which means more dirty racers online (not pointing fingers at you Brazil). besides imagine playing this in your automated car or anywhere else on the go that can hook up to a virtualized PS5 on the go. am I talking out of my buttawx here?
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really hyped about this VR. I just need confirmation that older PSVR games will work with this, and i will probably trade off my old PSVR to buy this one.
IF we get 100% in-game VR support for GT7 (I'd be shocked, tbh), then I'd consider buying it if I could also use it on PC ;)
