3D model cars. (lots of large images 56k!!!)

  • Thread starter Sprite


Beanbag Brain
United Kingdom
Horbury, West Yorkshire
My cuz sent me some interesting 3D images of a Skyline and Alfa Giulia TZ2, they were created in 3ds max and photoshop. I tell ya the first time I saw these images I thought they were real, till I went to this guys site and had a look at the pre render stuff hope you like um coz I did. :)









Now for the skyline






Now those images are incredible, if anyone has any images they would like to share that are 3D renders of cars then put them here. :)
Ha sUn it wasn't My cuz who modeled them, he sent me the link to the guys site, lol my cuz wishes he could do stuff like that. :)


The Alfa is cool.

But that Skyline needs to die.

I agree 100% with you darin, the alfa is a very nice looking car, the skyline is a riced up pile of cr*p, The Skyline is my all time greatest car, but that is like a load of rubbish, give me a standard R34 over that any day.
Ha sUn it wasn't My cuz who modeled them, he sent me the link to the guys site, lol my cuz wishes he could do stuff like that. :)

I agree 100% with you darin, the alfa is a very nice looking car, the skyline is a riced up pile of cr*p, The Skyline is my all time greatest car, but that is like a load of rubbish, give me a standard R34 over that any day.
but the actual render is ungodly! :drool:
Heh, I'd actually take that Skyline. Some people really piss the **** out of me, just because a car has a spoiler and a bodykit they start saying **** about it being riced up. Geez, I find nothing wrong with that skyline.
Heh, I'd actually take that Skyline. Some people really piss the **** out of me, just because a car has a spoiler and a bodykit they start saying **** about it being riced up. Geez, I find nothing wrong with that skyline.

You'd be better off getting a Skyline and getting the same kit and not even go near that piece of ****.
I love it.

I don't see why people need to use the word **** in relation to a car.

Back to the images. Your cuz is very talented. I've been looking into rendering cars for a few weeks now, but it's hard work! Damn. Those are sweet :) Could you possibly get him to send me a 1152x864 render of the first Skyline pic pleeeease :D PM me with the availability. Cheers bro.
Ok guys like i said my cousin didnt make those images he just sent me the link to the guys website, its contained in the images. those images are the only sizes available on the site. maybe if you e-mail the guy he would render you one out at that rez (i guess its worth a try). As for the R34 being riced I prefer my Skylines to be a little more modest in the aero kit department and those god awfull neons are just stupid, the decals arnt too bad but its mainly the neons that put me off with that particular car, I dont hate it, I just think that there are better car's out (in real life of course), plus i would have liked to have seen the rear light conversion to those nice LED lights :)
That's bloody impressive - The detailing that went into those cars... DAMN...

Nice find 👍

(And YES - I like the Skyline too !...)
Wing aside, that 2f2f Skyline has to be one of the sweetest hook-ups of all time. But I have to ask, what is that thing in front of the intetcooler with that black thing on it?

BTW it's damn near impossible to believe it ain't real!
It's a NOS/CO2 mister. It sprays gas over the intercooler cooling the air passing through it to a much lower than ambient temperature. This makes the air more dense and so more air can be crammed into the cylinders creating more power. I'm not sure quite how effective they are, but the kits are banned from most drag strips, so i guess they work pretty well.
Holy crap, Sprite, your cousin is good!!!

Just kidding. :) Sweet pics, though. Too bad the rest of the stuff on the guys site kinda sucks.
This is as close to 3D as I can get for now. I did this with AutoCAD 2002 and Paint Shop Pro 6.
^Thanks. I was going to do it myself but now I don't have to. 👍