3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Marc - when you set up your lounge for practice do the normal thing of starting with another track and then switching to Daytona once in the lounge. Maybe the old tire model will return... i hope. I like the cold tires feature and hope it's not gone.

By default, my lounge always loads SS Route 7, because I love fireworks :D

Here's the Pit details:
As demonstrated by my No.1 Bob - A. Ventura.

The entrance to the Pit Lane is marked by a thick Yellow Line.
Stay to the left of this line.

As you follow the line, keeping to the left, the automated pit starts here:

After your pit stop, you will still be in auotmated mode until this point.
As before, stay to the left of the thick Yellow Line.

This is where you take control of your car again.
You need to take the route indicated by the Green Arrows, again staying left of the Yellow Line.

This is the point where you have to choose your exit route.
Do not use the exit lane to the right.
The proper exit to the Daytona Road course is the left exit lane shown with a Green Arrow.

Then follow the narrow road around to the left.
Be careful, avoiding contact with the wall requires a very slow speed through the turn, and you will be on cold tires.

When you enter the track to practice, you have to exit the pit anyway, so really your first practice at exiting the pit will be the first thing you do 👍
/\ /\ ;)
Anytime 👍

Edit - 12 drivers registered in each time slot 👍
Now's the time to bug your fellow WRS drivers to join us!

This would be a great track to run a full 16 driver grid 👍:D
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By default, my lounge always loads SS Route 7, because I love fireworks :D

Great Pics. You should "syndicate" them to any series running Daytona Road as everyone always messes that up.

BTW, my lounge has always defaulted to Autumn Ring Mini because it's the smallest track and I just figured it would load the quickest. But the Spec II update killed my defaults and asked me for them again the first time I started the lounge after the update. I've updated the defaults back to that small track so the tire issues shouldn't bite me in the future.

Turn 1: Turn 1 is going to be fun. It's actually quite easy to manage the brake zone with two drivers if the following driver brakes *early* and then feathers the brake while the lead driver takes the normal approach with late/heavy braking. The 2nd driver can easily close the gap before exiting the corner by lifting off brakes 50% in the middle of the zone. Welsh-Bain and I did this pretty successfully several times in testing last night and it's a lot easier than trying to time your braking perfectly as the 2nd driver. If the 1st driver brakes a little early you are still OK if you use this early braking approach or at worst a very minor bump that doesn't amount to much, but if you try to brake right with him and you miss time it you'll be punting him or going off track to avoid it. With 3+ cars going in at the same time it's going to be a bit tricky.

Penalties: The bus stop will *kill* you with penalties if you cut any of the corners. Stay WRS legal through there at all costs or basically you are going to lose a ton of time. At such a high speed location if you lose power for 2-3 seconds due to penalties there will be no making it up. We have penalties set to low, but still the bus stop caught us a couple times. It's just like arcade mode where it's not quite as picky as a clean WRS lap requires, but it's fairly close... not at all like Monaco where it was impossible to get a penalty online at the chicane.

Tires: I'm going to repeat this over and over, if for nothing else to remind Lucas... make sure your tires are set to Sports Soft. Tires will default to Sports Hard and will go back to that default if you switch car colors or enter the garage. Before "entering track" make it a habit to double-check driving options. Ask Lucas how easy it is to get around here on Sports Hard tires :lol:
Thanks for explaining the pitlane, didn't know that.
If you see someone having some spins on the exit, that would be me :sly:

Can't practice tonight, hopefully I'm ready for the race tomorrow.
Edit - 12 drivers registered in each time slot 👍
Now's the time to bug your fellow WRS drivers to join us!

This would be a great track to run a full 16 driver grid 👍:D

:lol: Already did, inviting GTP_Poolhaas in here
Great idea though. 👍 I'll have a look on who else we can get in here. ;)
Ask Lucas how easy it is to get around here on Sports Hard tires :lol:

FYI - Pekka and I ran a 3 lap race yesterday on comfort hards :nervous:
It was tough, but not too tough.
It really gives you an idea what it would be like to run on worn down tires.

We were close enough to draft on every straight / banked corner, and went 2 wide in a couple of turns, but we were able to avoid contact, and off track completely.

He's a heck of a teacher 👍

Edit - I almost forgot - The brake lights on the Jag are almost impossible to see, so if you're the type to judge your brake zone by using the car in front as a guide, be warned that you may need a new strategy.
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Edit - I almost forgot - The brake lights on the Jag are almost impossible to see, so if you're the type to judge your brake zone by using the car in front as a guide, be warned that you may need a new strategy.
That's one of my driving styles, get real close and brake early trying to force someone into a mistake.
Maybe a different style in my first race, because it has gone wrong a few times in the past (brake checks :ouch:), I always apologize when bumping into someone but I'm gonna go for a clean and steady race this first one.
GTP_Hydro's practice room is now open.

Edit -Closed...
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I'll takePearl Grey for EU Slot.

GTP_Daz British Invasion Online
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Cool, I've added you to the EU race list back in the event post. 👍


Thanks for the heads-up, Sjaak, I've removed GTP_Don and Porcelain is now the lone available color for EU.
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Yanaran ran practice with us today in Hydro's lounge, but he's not on the official registered drivers list yet... I assume he's running? If so, looks like he's got porcelain.

The strainge thing was things felt different in Hydro's lounge. The draft was again set to weak, but this time it felt weak. Tires seemed more slippery at the start (cold), but the color of the tires isn't as deep of a blue as it was before spec II :confused:.

I contend that physics differed ever so slightly before the update between lounges. I could run consistently faster in some lounges than others with the same exact settings... so that appears to be the same now. Nothing drastic and nothing scientific of course, but I'm not the only one that has noticed that oddity. Pure conjecture: maybe some of the less important variables/factors are eliminated from the physics model if the connection is a little slower?
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Sure, if there's room. I didn't spend much time this WRS so if someone who did a 1000-mile grind wants my spot that's fine.

edit: Btw is the race 25 or 30 laps? Event post says 25 for NA 30 for EU. I have a feeling 30 might make a better race because of pit strategies :)
Sure, if there's room. I didn't spend much time this WRS so if someone who did a 1000-mile grind wants my spot that's fine.

edit: Btw is the race 25 or 30 laps? Event post says 25 for NA 30 for EU. I have a feeling 30 might make a better race because of pit strategies :)

We have room for you for sure. 👍 There are 4 open slots with the race tomorrow... in fact you get priority over anyone who is running both slots with NA being their primary and there are a few of those including me. :sly: But it won't be a problem as we have room for 16 drivers. In fact, we are trying to hunt down another 3 to fill the grid.

I'm up for 30 laps, but the event will probably go over an hour if we do that with the pits included. In fact we could run the EU event 30 laps and the NA 25 laps, but that was really just a typo as we planned to run them both the same distance.

We can take some driver feedback here in the thread for 25 vs 30 laps, but the verbal communication from us stewards to drivers up until this point has been 25 laps so that'll be our default if there is no consensus to change it to 30.

PS> Change your tires to Sports Softs. If you enter the track for practice or quali with Sports Hards and change to Sports Softs in the pits you will start the race on Sports Hards. Leave the track and change the driving Settings to Sports Softs and then re-enter the track. Remember to change to Sports Softs. :lol: How much you want to bet someone starts the race on hards?
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Had a go with lefty at this yesterday, great fun.:D

Sign me up please GTP_akmuq / porcelain

Also, I didn't do the WRS week, so I may will be slow.:lol:
Added Yanaran to the event post, and fixed the EU typo. Both say 25 laps now. I don't/won't have an opinion on 25 vs 30, won't have any more practice time before the race.
PS> Change your tires to Sports Softs. If you enter the track for practice or quali with Sports Hards and change to Sports Softs in the pits you will start the race on Sports Hards. Leave the track and change the driving Settings to Sports Softs and then re-enter the track. Remember to change to Sports Softs. :lol: How much you want to bet someone starts the race on hards?

I'll bet you the New Nissan they just added :D but I have a feeling we will be betting on the same result :sly:
We will remind everyone during the qualifier laps that you must have entered the room with the proper tires already on the car 👍
Had a go with lefty at this yesterday, great fun.:D

Sign me up please GTP_akmuq / porcelain

Also, I didn't do the WRS week, so I may will be slow.:lol:

I assume you mean the EU race.
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Had a go with lefty at this yesterday, great fun.:D

Sign me up please

Man what a salesman I could have been :)

These events are so easy to promote, all anyone has to do is wake up and smell the coffie and realize that there's life after a WRS combo :lol:, those who elect to not combo that week understand that there are advantages to putting the time 👍

3D3 gives the WRS another purpose :gtpflag:
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Had a practice session with Lefty and CSL tonight. At first they couldn't see each other, but after Lefty logged out and back in voila. It worked. Why oh Why? Now if they see each other in Hyrdo's lounge tomorrow night we won't be able to eliminate anything. :lol:
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