3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Just a note that starting with next weeks event we'll be moving to our new very own sub-forum under Forums / Online Events / Racing Series:

Any discussions, photos pics related to yesterdays events should stay in this thread, but we'll be releasing a thread for the new event later today in the new sub forum.

Moving forward we'll create a new thread for the current event every week and archive older events just like the WRS-Time Trial forum. We also have supporting threads for suggestions, general discussions, comprehensive guide, etc. It's still a work in progress so look for updates and improvements over the next couple weeks.

And if you have any suggestions please us the suggestions thread.



Nice work, just noticed that the WRS forums have been given a nice refresh 👍 Looks very exciting, and can't wait for what you guys decide to throw up in the future :sly:

I'm off College next week so you can sign me up for whatever the next event is, will be putting in a lot of practice, so watch out :sly:
Good evening guys. My apologies for missing last night but we've not had power since yesterday afternoon. The UK has had some real high winds over the last couple of weeks and a tree branch took down the power line to our little corner of the Pennines - its been back on for about an hour now so the grid guys must be putting in a fair bit of overtime at the mo.

Looks like a fair few people were absent for one reason or another.... how about a get together this weekend for a bit of a mash up?

Hope those that were present had fun anyway. Take it easy chaps. :cheers:
Well, what a set of races! The EU races were quite fun as I was able to do some close running with Dom, who eventually drove away from me towards the end. 👍 The rest of the time I spent trying to either keep up or stay out of the way of everybody else.
The NA races were eventful for me in a tragic way. The accident in the first chicane of the first race left me in traffic, which led to some great racing back in fourth through sixth. I wasn't doing too bad for a while, before "in-house" incidences led me to have to stop for about 15 seconds to change from the tv sound back to the headset. It wasn't a total loss though, as no beer was spilled , but the time lost put me back of the pack. WAY back. Although it was a bummer, I was ready for the second race!
And I do mean ready!! The flag dropped and I surged ahead, around the first turn, and away we go. All I had to do was run clean and wait to see who chased me down, and I felt confident of a podium finish. But it was not to be. Going down the backstretch, I hit the brakes and looked for my turning point, but it wasn't happening. In fact, it seems like nothing was happening. The car didn't slow, didn't turn, and didn't miss the wall! With only one or two exceptions, the entire field slammed into chukabilly, Kevin got booted, and my hopes for a podium were gone. The rest of the race was uneventful for me, but I was quite disappointed. Maybe next time!!! :)
Still, I had another great time racing, and will be ready for what next week brings. Now I need to go do some WRS laps!

Racing on!
Well, what a set of races! The EU races were quite fun as I was able to do some close running with Dom, who eventually drove away from me towards the end. 👍 The rest of the time I spent trying to either keep up or stay out of the way of everybody else.
The NA races were eventful for me in a tragic way. The accident in the first chicane of the first race left me in traffic, which led to some great racing back in fourth through sixth. I wasn't doing too bad for a while, before "in-house" incidences led me to have to stop for about 15 seconds to change from the tv sound back to the headset. It wasn't a total loss though, as no beer was spilled , but the time lost put me back of the pack. WAY back. Although it was a bummer, I was ready for the second race!
And I do mean ready!! The flag dropped and I surged ahead, around the first turn, and away we go. All I had to do was run clean and wait to see who chased me down, and I felt confident of a podium finish. But it was not to be. Going down the backstretch, I hit the brakes and looked for my turning point, but it wasn't happening. In fact, it seems like nothing was happening. The car didn't slow, didn't turn, and didn't miss the wall! With only one or two exceptions, the entire field slammed into chukabilly, Kevin got booted, and my hopes for a podium were gone. The rest of the race was uneventful for me, but I was quite disappointed. Maybe next time!!! :)
Still, I had another great time racing, and will be ready for what next week brings. Now I need to go do some WRS laps!

Racing on!

Nice report. Every race is its own adventure. By the time I get back in January I won't be able to keep up.

Chris, I'd join you this weekend if I could... But I'm offline for a bit. Just drop in the lounge and drop a note here ahead of time and I'm sure you'll have company.
@Chuk: I had the impression I was the only one to crash into you and that everyone else avoided us. Unfortunately, I don't have the replay from that one since I got disconnected eventually.

Also, I think I bumped you coming out of the chicane in the first race, sorry about that! I was coming out of the chicane at full throttle, but your car was a bit unstable at that moment and was already a bit sideways, I think. Yesterday were my first experiences at online racing, I'll try to be more careful next time. 👍

I'll also try to pick a colour not so close to yours... ;)
@Chuk: I had the impression I was the only one to crash into you and that everyone else avoided us. Unfortunately, I don't have the replay from that one since I got disconnected eventually.

Also, I think I bumped you coming out of the chicane in the first race, sorry about that! I was coming out of the chicane at full throttle, but your car was a bit unstable at that moment and was already a bit sideways, I think. Yesterday were my first experiences at online racing, I'll try to be more careful next time. 👍

I'll also try to pick a colour not so close to yours... ;)

No problems. I lost a lot of speed going into the chicane because of the traffic, and knew my exit was compromised. These things happen, and I think as we all become more experienced we'll be able to limit them. :)
@Chuk: I had the impression I was the only one to crash into you and that everyone else avoided us. Unfortunately, I don't have the replay from that one since I got disconnected eventually.

Also, I think I bumped you coming out of the chicane in the first race, sorry about that! I was coming out of the chicane at full throttle, but your car was a bit unstable at that moment and was already a bit sideways, I think. Yesterday were my first experiences at online racing, I'll try to be more careful next time. 👍

I'll also try to pick a colour not so close to yours... ;)

Daniel, you bumped into Chuk as he was face-against-the-wall, and then I bumped into him right next to you. :lol: It was quite a hectic moment, with Kev disconnecting right then, and it being my first time through that corner, that direction, in months (no practice on Madrid Forward for me). I have the replay and it's only about 13MB, so if you want it I can probably figure out how to get it to you.
No problems. I lost a lot of speed going into the chicane because of the traffic, and knew my exit was compromised. These things happen, and I think as we all become more experienced we'll be able to limit them. :)
By the way, did you notice me and Wes were driving and braking down the right side of the straight for reverse track?
Also that the brake markers are on the right side of the track? (hint) :P

Shame to hear what happened in the second race, and sorry for the bumps in EU races, didn't get any practice in until 45 minutes before the race, and that was 50% tuning adjustments. :lol:
I'll be able to give you a cleaner run next week. 👍
Lucas, yes I would like to get the replay, thanks. Through google docs, maybe?
Good evening guys. My apologies for missing last night but we've not had power since yesterday afternoon. The UK has had some real high winds over the last couple of weeks and a tree branch took down the power line to our little corner of the Pennines - its been back on for about an hour now so the grid guys must be putting in a fair bit of overtime at the mo.

Looks like a fair few people were absent for one reason or another.... how about a get together this weekend for a bit of a mash up?

Hope those that were present had fun anyway. Take it easy chaps. :cheers:

Chris, I was wondering! Glad things seem to be straightening out now.

Personally, weekends sometimes work for me, sometimes not, and I have a feeling this weekend will be a little hectic. While I would like to do this race again (I feel that about each race, every week!), I also could spend quite some time on the Suzuka/Renault combo...it's a bit addicting, and I've only gotten an hour in on it. Thanks for the offer, though.

EDIT: And we hope to have next week's event post up sometime tomorrow, in the new location. A link will be posted here. 👍
By the way, did you notice me and Wes were driving and braking down the right side of the straight for reverse track?
Also that the brake markers are on the right side of the track? (hint) :P

Shame to hear what happened in the second race, and sorry for the bumps in EU races, didn't get any practice in until 45 minutes before the race, and that was 50% tuning adjustments. :lol:
I'll be able to give you a cleaner run next week. 👍

Yes, I did. I was on that line to minimize draft, to maximize braking. I DO try and stay off of people, and I didn't want to touch, so my plan was to get out of the draft, come to a stop if I had to, and then continue. But it just didn't work, so I must apologize for either overestimating my cars braking or underestimating my ability to control the car. Either way, the result was undesirable, and I blame no one but me. :guilty:
The line you were taking is obviously the preferred line, but I could not commit to it until I knew what you were going to do, so I tried to adjust my entry to give you both the entry and exit, but still get me through without crashing. It didn't work. :grumpy:
I do way too much fast lapping, where the ghost is not tangible. When I do on-line racing, I'm constantly trying to sort out how to properly account for the draft and the speed of other cars, but still maintain momentum for passing. A ghost I can drive through, a driver I cannot.
Hopefully, I'm a work in progress, so I'll get better. If not, I've already peaked, so I'll need to accept that. I'm still working that out, because I know I can DRIVE fast, but can I RACE fast? :boggled:
Rest assured I will be working hard to better my on-line driving skills! My intention is to always be a positive addition to any race I compete in, and I will continue to strive towards being better at racing, not just driving. I want you to be able to trust me while driving, just as I'm trusting you! :cheers:

Racing On!
Yes, I did. I was on that line to minimize draft, to maximize braking. I DO try and stay off of people, and I didn't want to touch, so my plan was to get out of the draft, come to a stop if I had to, and then continue. But it just didn't work, so I must apologize for either overestimating my cars braking or underestimating my ability to control the car. Either way, the result was undesirable, and I blame no one but me. :guilty:
The line you were taking is obviously the preferred line, but I could not commit to it until I knew what you were going to do, so I tried to adjust my entry to give you both the entry and exit, but still get me through without crashing. It didn't work. :grumpy:
I do way too much fast lapping, where the ghost is not tangible. When I do on-line racing, I'm constantly trying to sort out how to properly account for the draft and the speed of other cars, but still maintain momentum for passing. A ghost I can drive through, a driver I cannot.
Hopefully, I'm a work in progress, so I'll get better. If not, I've already peaked, so I'll need to accept that. I'm still working that out, because I know I can DRIVE fast, but can I RACE fast? :boggled:
Rest assured I will be working hard to better my on-line driving skills! My intention is to always be a positive addition to any race I compete in, and I will continue to strive towards being better at racing, not just driving. I want you to be able to trust me while driving, just as I'm trusting you! :cheers:

Racing On!
The problem you describe everyone has when starting out.
It's actually pretty simple, you just brake early. Just ease into the brakes sooner then you would need to in clean air by a good margin. This will cost you some time, and that's the goal, the car in front can't get away unless you really screw up on Madrid, so braking extra early is going to be your safest bet until you get comfortable with the exact braking zones.
On tracks like Le Sarthe you can coast 5 seconds before the brake zone and it still works out fine if you're drafting, surprising amount of give there. But it keeps the front car out of your way so you can corner properly and if it's right, make a move.👍

I don't really recall you hitting me though, I do remember forgetting to brake a couple times and slamming the wall sideways with the handbrake, but that's pretty much it. I know once early on we were side-by-side and I squished you into the corner too, thinking I'd cleared you.:dopey:
I can vouch for not really feeling comfortable in online races until around our 8th or 9th week doing these. Madrid was #14. The 8th week was the first race I didn't finish near the back. Wednesday's at work I'd start getting nervous thinking about the race that evening.

But sticking with it has been SOOO worth it! 👍 I'm glad you came back to WRS and are coming out to these races, Chuk. Keep it up.
I can vouch for not really feeling comfortable in online races until around our 8th or 9th week doing these. Madrid was #14. The 8th week was the first race I didn't finish near the back. Wednesday's at work I'd start getting nervous thinking about the race that evening.

But sticking with it has been SOOO worth it! 👍 I'm glad you came back to WRS and are coming out to these races, Chuk. Keep it up.

Same here. :scared: The draft is something to really learn.

But in hindsight, the simple solution is practice races. As many as possible. I didn't start doing those until after 5-10 online races, and the practice races have made me better in the real races then anything else ever could, simple as that.
It lets you try the stupid things you'd be stupid to try in a real race, etc. And that's exactly what I'd recommend anyone learning do if possible.:)
New event post is up in the new location!

This thread can wither and eventually be archived.

Already signed up the folks who have asked in this thread (sorry if I missed anyone).
Sign-up has remained the same (reply to thread).

Note two race-time settings changes: Active Steering = Off, and Grip Reduction = Real. We're all growns up now! :dopey:

This week's interview from Madrid will be posted about 24hrs from now, in the dedicated interview thread in the new area.

Thanks to Kevin and Jordan for making this all 'fficial. :cheers:
A bit sad to see our "little" thread going to pasture before we hit 5,000 posts :dopey: but very excited about the dedicated new subforum and the fact that we no longer have to say:

Disclaimer: This is *NOT* an official GTPlanet or WRS sanctioned event and members are not obligated to take part.

Of course if it were up to me:

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::

And we'd have to figure out how to get 99 lobbies up and running. :lol:
By the way, Dom, I've realized I was thinking about the wrong part of the track when reading your words of advice! :dopey: Now I realize the line you were talking about, and although I do take it more to the left than you faster guys, I didn't have a huge problem with that corner all day, until I had the lead, of course!! But I do remember checking my mirror just before braking, but I hadn't run headlong into that wall at all, just maybe a rear end touch. The thing just didn't stop or turn. I believe I said something strong, like "POOP!" :)
I'd love to try this one online but I've been pretty busy trying to buy a Newsd Miata for Christmas as my big present. It's a future project car to cross polinate w/ a V8 Mustang to make a Monster Miata.
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