I get one warmup lap.
I was thinking if you are on at 7 sharp you could always jump into your lounge and run a couple practice laps while the first couple groups qualify. I can say pretty much for certain you won't need to enter the 3D3 lounge until 7:15 (the times below are optimistic) so that would give you 15 minutes to run 3-4 laps just to get warmed up. If we see you online we know what your doing and can always send you a message on PSN that your group is "next". Up to you, but your fast WRS submission this week gave you some freedom. 👍
Here's the timeline as I see it playing out for the NA event (Pacific Time / PM):
6:00 - 6:59 Open Practice
7:00 Reset track and gather everyone in lobby
7:00 - 7:05 Review Quali Procedures and driver groups.
7:05 - 7:10 Group A Qualifying
7:10 - 7:15 Group B Qualifying
7:15 - 7:20 Group C Qualifying
7:20 - 7:30 Group D Qualifying
7:30 - 7:35 Finalize/Publish Starting Order & Quick Review of Formation Lap Procedures
7:35 Start race (Lap 1 = Formation Lap, Laps 2-21 = Race)
7:35 - 8:30 Race
The EU qualifying may go a little faster as there are fewer drivers.
So in fact I wouldn't expect Group D to enter track until 7:20 so 7:15 gives you some leeway. Now you might not want to miss the "fun" of watching the other groups, but that's your choice. As long as you are in the 3D3 lounge by 7:15 it shouldn't be a problem.
Steward's Notes
- As far as monitoring laps, everyone has to pitch in and will be assigned a driver from another group to monitor. We will designate one person for each group on track to be the timing monitor and they will have to jot down the times using the live timing monitor and relay them to a steward after all drivers from the group complete their hot laps. This will most likely be a me except when I'm on track. The steward will enter them in the google document and publish so other people can track if they have an iphone or laptop handy.
- Do NOT leave the track immediately after your hot lap, wait until you get the LEAVE TRACK message. The lap time on your screen will serve as a backup so you might want to just hit "start" and let the system go in autopilot and then jot down your hot lap time (and the # of times you went off track or hit a wall as these will add 2 seconds each to your time).
- We'll call you from the track at the same time... So just continue onto your cool down lap until we post a text message like "GROUP B: LEAVE TRACK". At that point just hit start and exit to the lobby immediately.
- Drivers in the lobby *will* be talking so if you don't want the distraction mute the mics of each driver before your group enters the track.
- Text messaging will *NOT* be allowed while a driver is on a hot lap. There may be messages if drivers enter the lobby or anyone get's DC'd, etc. and we can't do anything about that. But basically you can ignore the messages on your hot lap... it's only 2+ minutes so you won't be missing anything important.

EU Race Slot (3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific)
A1 killa_kandy ...... ... ............ NA (NA)
A2 GTP_Masicampo .... ... Eric ....... NA (NA)
B1 GTP_Hydro ........ ... Marc ....... NA (2.938)
B2 GTP_WRP001 ....... ... Tim ........ NA (2.784)
C1 GTP_Speedy6543 ... ... Christophe . NA (2.632)
C2 GTP_Biffy ........ ... Jordan ..... NA (2.073)
D1 GTP_MadMax86 ..... ... Pekka ...... NA (1.969)
D2 GTP_CSL .......... ... Dominic .... NA (1.899)
Qualifying Roles & Responsibilities:
Drivers (monitor): killa_kandy (GTP_Speedy6543, GTP_MadMax86) , GTP_Masicampo (GTP_Biffy, GTP_CSL)
Timing: GTP_WRP001
Flex: GTP_Hydro
Drivers (monitor): GTP_Hydro (killa_kandy, GTP_MadMax86) , GTP_WRP001 (GTP_Biffy, GTP_CSL)
Timing: GTP_Speedy6543
Flex: GTP_Masicampo
Drivers (monitor): GTP_Speedy6543 (killa_kandy, GTP_MadMax86) , GTP_Biffy (GTP_Masicampo, GTP_CSL)
Timing: GTP_WRP001
Flex: GTP_Hydro
Drivers (monitor): GTP_MadMax86 (killa_kandy, GTP_Speedy6543) , GTP_CSL (GTP_Masicampo, GTP_Biffy)
Timing: GTP_WRP001
Flex: GTP_Hydro
Flex driver will fill in if someone is missing or act as a backup monitor for one of the drivers.
Monitors, remember that an infraction has to be clear and obvious. Drivers must keep 2 on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times. Rumbles/ripple strips are part of the track. No contact with walls or objects.
Painted Tarmac Outside of White Boundary Lines is not track. This includes the painted section of the loop corner, the Blue "cutout" on the left of the start finish straight, and the red cutout at trackside left after the long, looping right hand corner.
I started writing up an explanation of whether an off clearly affected time or not and it's confusing and left to interpretation so I'm going to make a last minute change and repeat this pre-race.
If you go off track you get a 2 second penalty. End of story and no interpretation of it's impact on your lap. If you crash and spin and incur engine damage, you get an infraction and a 2 seconds added to your time for each infraction on the lap. That way there is only one thing monitors need to look for: Did the driver clearly go out of bounds? If Yes, the driver gets an infraction.