I don't know. Do you? I'd assume Doom 3 (not to be confused with the BFG edition) would look like complete crap once blown up to an extremely high resolution. or will look like my glasses have vaseline smeared all over it.
Either way, horrible looking methinks.
That's assuming that the textures for Doom 3 are 1280x720. Which is being generous for a game from 2004 I think.
Says who?
How will it play better on the PS4 than the PS3? Was the PS3 struggling to process Gundam Crossfire data and then displaying it on the user's TV/Monitor/Projector/whatever.
Then it might as well be released for the PC if it's going to be enhanced. Call it "Gundam Crossfire BFG Edition".
Sorry for my lack of insight

, I often play old PC games with much higher res, they look fine to me, sometimes the jagged edges disappear too, not on all titles. Upscaling a game from 720p to 1080p often gives better result, not sure from 720p/1080p to 4K on a 4K tv, no one test it yet.
Anyway, my point is Sony could change their policy on 4K gaming, who knows, we never knew that PS2 titles would be available on PSN.
Just FYI, the Crossfire was badly optimized, the frame rate stutter was mainly caused by the rushed release and I read on Japanese articles long ago about how memory issues on the rendering engine, phsyX was also not optimized for the game engine - causing any process by the PhsyX will cause too much burden on render engine - frame rate dips, as well as sound programming issues that will result unstable/cut out sound output on 5.1 DD format

- when I am alone on a map the fps goes higher than 30fps, but when NPC suits started to appear, there will always be stutter, constant stutter that dips to 10fps at times

, yet I played it to the death - 6 times campaign run, onto 7th run now. The models on Crossfire is highly detailed and high res textures - zoom in you can see intricate details of the joints and markings too - the best so far of any Gundam games ever made, even compared to newer ones.
The developer next Gundam game, which I also have - Gundam Senki 0093, were solid 30fps with much better graphics - lighting, explosions, drawing distance and more mobile suits on a much larger map. Overall a stark contrast to Crossfire. Yet, so many of my fellow Gundam fan still play Crossfire to this day - mad fan

even worse than GT fanboy
I am going out of topic, not expecting much on PS4 when it comes to 4K

Sorry if I sound stupid on my earlier posts.