5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
I have a drug addiction. Caffiene. In Monster Energy.

I've tried rehab but somehow it only makes it worse.

I have an irregular heartbeat, which may be a result of my Monster addiction, but I'm too scared to go to the doctors about it.
Dang girl, better be careful! :scared: Think about this, what is worse?

Going to the doctor or having something bad happen? :scared:

3. I still have my Game Boy Advance SP, and works, too.
Same here, had mine for almost 10 years. :D

1. I can't dive into a swimming pool. (I learnt to do it but I kept doing it wrong and it hurt most of the time so I gave up)
2. I'm terrifed of being alone in life.
3. I still regard myself as a kid, not a young adult eventhough I'm 21.
4. I've been to a few countries around the world, i.e. Canada, USA, Germany, Austria etc but I have never been to places in my own country, i.e. Stonehenge, Cornwall etc.
5. I am not proud to be British but I am proud to be a Yorkshireman.
7. I'm kind of afraid of clowns, mimes and motleys. (thanks, google translate)
8. My 40GB PS3 fat just died .. 2 days before I even bought a new HDD to cope with GT6.
9. I've had 2 girlfriends.
10. My favorite shirt lasted just 2 days before it got a stain.}

Same here, had mine for almost 10 years. :D

What colour is it? :D
6. I'm actually good at lying to people but I only use it when I really need to.
7. I have never been in the driver seat of a motor vehicle. Besides bumper cars, my only time with a steering wheel is in video games
8. I can barely swim. Enough to survive and to remove the stereotype that a black man can't swim
9. My user name was created by a friend. We were supposed to make a clan but that never happened.
10. I enjoy being called "the whitest black guy" by all my friends and classmates. My chance of not being shot by own race may be higher.
1. I've cheated death numerous times

2. I have a habit of breaking bycicles in ridiculous ways.

3. I am related to the lead singer of magnum, a 80s rock group I love and the leader is bob catley.

4. I've got 1 brother and 1 sister but I'm the oldest by 12 years and my brother is bigger than me.

5. I love cars end of.
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My favourite 2 moments were about a month apart.

The first was I was following skip truck while cycling and out of the blue the nsr inside tyre blows and I ducked and then I looked back and there was a piece of tread about 1/4 circumference and about half width that missed my head.

Number 2 was a 1 in a million chance happening, I was following a old vauxhall and the backbox fell off and I hit it and fell off but as I fall I miss a lamppost by pure luck.
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1) I am a massive Arsenal F.C fan

2) I used to have Esotropia as a baby (where one of my eyes turned inwards slightly more than normal) but I had surgery for it, but it was over-corrected, meaning I now have light Exotropia (where one of my eyes turns slightly outwards). It's not so much noticeable in real life, though I used to be mocked for it by some individuals at school , but it's very noticeable in photos :(.

3) I don't like cheese on it's own.

4) I love to eat nice food

5) I was born in 1995
1. I'm easily angered over losing repeatedly.

2. I don't like white cheese (It's too salty).

3. I can't beat the Pokemon League :(

4. I'm late to the current generation party (I got my PS3 in March :P).

5. I hate where our generation is going (Hipsters, Dubstep, COD, Brogaming, DLC, etc).
That's nothing, I didn't get mine until Christmas 2007, though in all fairness, my dad bought me it :P
No pal you got it early compared to me.

I got my PS3 THIS March.

That's how late I am to the party.
I already said 5 things so here's 5 more:

6. I was born in the wrong generation.

7. If I was born in the generation I think I would fit in, I would probably be dead. (medical reasons)

8. I had my own Facebook group dedicated to me and the charming, witty, and horribly inappropriate things I say.

9. Even my own friends and family members have a hard time telling if I'm drunk or not.

10. I actually like being alone.
Alright here we go.....
1. In 5 months I crashed 3 times while cycling.
2. I hate crowded places.
3. There are times in which I'd rather be alone than to be with someone.
4. I love buying games.
5. Sometimes i'm a bit arrogant.
1. 2 years ago almost broke my back playing soccer (or football as we call in Europe)

2. I'm facing a possible cirurgy to fix the ligament in my knee because... you guessed it, soccer.

3. I can't stand being in the same place for an hour.

4. I once fell off a motorcycle because my mom wasn't grabbing me

5. I have a good tendency to lose things, like cellphones, coats, caps, I even lost, for a while, Monopoly (found out it was in my friend's house)
What colour is it? :D
Flame red. :D I also have the original Gameboy Advance in light blue as well. ;)
4. I'm late to the current generation party (I got my PS3 in March :P).
Don't sweat it, I didn't get mine until christmas of 2010. ;) I usually wait until my current console and it's games start becoming obselete (however you spell it) before getting a new console.

With that being said, I won't be getting a PS4 for a couple years.
Don't sweat it, I didn't get mine until christmas of 2010. ;) I usually wait until my current console and it's games start becoming obselete (however you spell it) before getting a new console.

With that being said, I won't be getting a PS4 for a couple years.

Someone who thinks like me. Mine is also from Christmas 2010.
Mine is a Super Slim 250GB from March 2013.

I bought it in December 2012 but I got it this march.
5. When I was born my ears were completely bent forward, fortunately my mother taped them to my head with -yes- ductape (thanks mom!). My ears look normal today but they hurt all the time and extremely sensitive.

6. I survived two high speed cycling accidents (crashing into a car and crashing into a bunch of people at speeds beyond 50mph) without wearing a helmet and my worst unjuries were a couple of scratches and a big bruise.

7. I can barbell-shrug the weight of two average grown men 5 times.

8. I camped on a 7500ft high mountain top with the only form of shelter being a small cheap summer tent during a thunderstorm which lasted about 4 hours - and survived.

9. I hate normal people. I really do.

10. I would sell everything I have for a trip to the Moon or Mars.
Someone who thinks like me. Mine is also from Christmas 2010.
Wow glad to see I am not the only one! :)

I kind of think it is best to wait so that way they can work out any kinks or problems the system may have over the years. ;)
6. I survived two high speed cycling accidents (crashing into a car and crashing into a bunch of people at speeds beyond 50mph) without wearing a helmet and my worst unjuries were a couple of scratches and a big bruise.

7. I can barbell-shrug the weight of two average grown men 5 times.

8. I camped on a 7500ft high mountain top with the only form of shelter being a small cheap summer tent during a thunderstorm which lasted about 4 hours - and survived.
Wow those are some amazing facts! All I can say is, HOW!?
6. Never broke a single bone, but I fall at least twice a month.

7. All of my shoes endure 2+ years

8. I'm a lying machine, but only when I need to be

9. I got bored easily

10. I don't like social networks
11. One night when I was 13 I saw the door handle of the closed locked door to my room slowly move up and down as if somebody was trying to open the door. I was fully awake at that time and my parents were visiting a friend, I was all alone.
I did not hear any foot steps even though it was impossible to walk silently on a wooden floor like that.

12. Today I received a call on my cellphone when I was shopping, it was the number of my phone in my house, I answered but only heard static. Before I left I locked all the doors and nobody was at home or supposed to be home. Nobody but me has keys for the doors and when I arrived back home the doors were still locked.
I don't have any call forwarding setups installed.
it's a tad hard for me to think up more startling facts about myself, but as far as I can recollect I'm listing up below...

1, I've drunk a moiety of glass of beer at the age of 5.

2, I've been about to be drifted away off shore when I went for sea bathing with my dad.

3, I've got a road bike to commute to somewhere nearby.

4, I couldn't eat a piece of chocolate at all until I was handed over with some on the valentine's day this year.

5, I've been awarded with a foremost prize for exhibition of paintings for 5 consecutive years when I was a pupil at a primary school.
1. 2015 will be my 20th year of owning at least 1 porn store.

2. I raced karts against Scott Goodyear, two time runnerup at the Indy 500.

3. I also raced one time against Terry Fullerton in the North American Championships, the man Senna famously referred to as his toughest competitor. He out qualified the second place driver by 2 seconds on a 40 second lap. I finished 6th.

4. When I was 4 I begged my Mom to give me some tea like a grown up, then proceeded to spill scalding hot tea on my junk. Most traumatic experience of my childhood. Thankfully it healed up nice..:crazy:

5. My son was born 9 weeks premature, 1495 grams. Didn't have the heart to circumsize him. At the age of 8 he decided, on his own, that he wanted to "be like Daddy". He was an obstinate child...lol. We took him to the doctor to discuss the procedure, which basically involves pinching the foreskin between two rings until it dies and falls off. We figured of course, that eventually he would forget about it or get scared by the pain, but he wanted to go ahead so we went ahead with it. I cannot imagine how much it hurt because it looked horrific, but he was a champ. Never complained once, never took any meds of any kind.
1. Since I retired from work, I refuse to wear a watch.
2. On Doctors advice I have dieted and lost just over 7 stone in 14 months.
3. I have delivered a baby.
4. I suffer from terrible ' road rage '.
5. I was pitch side at Old Trafford football stadium when a ball was kicked towards me during the warm up before the game started, I headed it back to the keeper' and the whole of the Stretford End cheered.