5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1) I held 2 world records on RaceDriver: Grid before they closed the Xbox servers. (eBay class, Washington sprint: 1:01.59 and long beach classic: 1:13.25)
2) in 2000 I won the Starcraft: Brood War ladder tournament with a record of 32-1 and blizzard mailed me a 1 1/2 ft statue of a marine with my name and record on it.
3) I have a son who's 10 this November and his mother ran off and I can't find neither.
4) I'm above average on everything I attempt with good effort.
5) My mother died on October 14th 2005 at 11:41 pm due to a brain aneurysm when I was 22. My grandpa died 3 weeks later of a stomach aneurysm.
Oh my. I would be gutted, personally. :(

Yea. It's been 6 years since I've seen him. It's tough. The first few years where just rage and hatred toward his mother. Now it's just hope. Hope she will be out alone and get hit by a semi.
I'll post five more.

1. I can name every Perk Machine in the Zombies mod for CoD WaW, BO, and BO2
2. I am a fan of classic rock
3. I still don't the hype about Porsche in Gran Turismo
4. I want to buy a 2 Door Impreza from 1998 and swap the motor from one from an 05 STi
5. I believe half the people I know are complete idiots

Thanks, Pupik - just my usual nosiness when it comes to patterns; I thought the model was linked somehow to a 'delishus carwash $20.00' :lol: Or some other connection to Beverly Cleary.
I was forced to read the series; had a daughter who read them, and she got mad if she discussed Beezus and the gang with me and I was not 'up to date' !

Yea. It's been 6 years since I've seen him. It's tough. The first few years where just rage and hatred toward his mother. Now it's just hope. Hope she will be out alone and get hit by a semi.

This must be very hard. I have children, and I can empathise with your situation. Even harder to hear (especially from anonymous voices on the internet) that you must cleanse yourself of hate. It will only keep hurting you. Forgiving is hard, but if you do, even in stages, you will become much stronger, and in fact become bigger than your problem itself. You will defeat it eventually, and if you look to the future positively, and plan for it, and believe that you are doing your best to make that future come to you, you will be in a much better position to receive your son, as he grows, and will want to see you again.
Until then, her being alive and in good health may only benefit your son's survival.

My hope is that one day we will hear you say that you and your son spent time together and had the best time ever. :) :cheers:
This must be very hard. I have children, and I can empathise with your situation. Even harder to hear (especially from anonymous voices on the internet) that you must cleanse yourself of hate. It will only keep hurting you. Forgiving is hard, but if you do, even in stages, you will become much stronger, and in fact become bigger than your problem itself. You will defeat it eventually, and if you look to the future positively, and plan for it, and believe that you are doing your best to make that future come to you, you will be in a much better position to receive your son, as he grows, and will want to see you again.
Until then, her being alive and in good health may only benefit your son's survival.

My hope is that one day we will hear you say that you and your son spent time together and had the best time ever. :) :cheers:

Thanks for the kind words and wisdom. I have tried in my heart to find forgiveness if I could just get my son, but the damage has been done. Missing out on so many aspects of his life has taken its toll on me. My wife and I have a room set up in the hopes I get to see him. I also have 2 step sons that are the age that I last saw my son, (3 and 4) but as much as I care about them, it's not the same.
I also have a daughter that is 9 months this month and she looks just like my son did at that age. My wife and I are considering a divorce as our personal out look and goals have changed since we first wed. I've already made it perfectly clear if we divorced, I would see my daughter as much as I want. Hopefully all this has a happy ending.
Im in.... Again....

1. My wife and I decided to have no kids, ever.
2. If i could drive one car, any one car for the rest of my life I would choose a Ferrari 250 GTO no matter how rare, or how uncomfortable the ride would be. the style and look alone would make up for the 1960's comfort.
3. My favorite fruit as of late is Strawberries
4. Speaking of, I have 2 jars of rather harsh straight moonshine that now are filled with the awesome berries from #3, and will be opened in many many months.
5. Shots of Crown Royal? I am in 100%. I'll drink ya'll under the table!
I have recently become fond of cooking.

I only ever wear black 'work' socks. Ever. Unless I'm cycling in winter when I wear
football socks.

Chicken would have to be my all round favourite meat.

I sometimes listen to The Artist Formerly Know as Prince, much to the disgust of my peers.

The last pair of shoes I bought cost my 18元, IIRC, which is 1.80p(GBP).
This thread nees more "me" :dopey:

1.- I work from 9am to 7am... however, I really start working at 10:30am and I stop working at about 6:00pm :) And I give myself little breaks to visit GTP and other sites 👍

2.- Lately, no matter how much I sleep, I can´t get to recover my strenght completely...

3.- My boss is very happy with my work :) He says that I've been far more productive than any of the last 2 guys on the same position as me (despite I only do stuff for about 5 hrs a day)

4.- Would like to have enough money to open a permanent art exhibition for my girl, so she could focus on her paintings... She is an "artist"...

5.- Right now, I'd kill for a trip to New York...
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6. Every day I feel a little less like getting out of bed.
7. I find an excuse/opportunity to floor the throttle just about every time I go anywhere.
8. I'd actually not like to be chosen member of the week, so don't nominate me until I say otherwise. Gotta get some things in order before I go allowing pictures of myself on the internet. Unless having a photo of yourself on the news page is optional, in which case whatever.
9. I really can't think of any other random facts.
10. You mad?
9. My dad's 1998 Range Rover's back windshield got smashed by a baseball today.
10. I haven't restarted my laptop in 3 weeks.
11. I'm actually really shy in real life.
12. I like the PT Cruiser. don't kill me!!
13. The lowest score I've had on a school test or quiz in my life is a 65% (Or D).
5 facts about me.

1. I have had the same avatar since I signed up here and don't plan on changing it. :D
2. I don't like it when people use memes to reply to threads, especially when it is me there replying to. :mad:
3. I hope to become a moderator some day.
4. I don't understand pony avatars and why people use them.
5. I think GT5 is really awesome and people criticize it far too often.
More random facts about me.

1. I am actually obsessed with little cars like the Subaru 360, Honda Life Step Van, Citroen 2CV, Fiat Panda and such.

2. When visitor messaging, I get annoyed when people don't click "View conversation" and type there reply on there own wall instead of yours. Technically your only talking to yourself when you do that. :lol: Am I the only one who seems to understand? :rolleyes:

3. I like to resurrect old threads! :dopey:

4. I am a bit nosey when people get banned, I always like to read there posts and find out how it happened.

5. I am skittish around moderators. :scared:
I eat out as much as I eat at home.

I possess two towels. Yes, two!

I can't touch type. I type fast but can't be looking at the screen, only the keyboard.

My arms are covered in freckles.

I usually only drink tea when I'm working, very rarely when at home.
I have F's in all of my classes in school. I've had enough of this home-schooling crap. :yuck:

My wish is to become a NASCAR driver. Hopefully I'll get to the Cup series, but that's a long shot. I also need to stop being lazy and start exercising so I can actually have the muscle to drive the car.

I continuously think of ways to increase the lifespan of living creatures. A bit risky to experiment, however, so I'll leave that to the scientists.

I've been playing video games since I was 2. :D

I hardly learn from past mistakes, which is probably why I keep failing at stuff and losing at games. :grumpy:
1. Currently visiting SF
2. My laptop is now being fixed and can't wait to get it back
3. Can't wait for GT6, MGSV and GTA V
4. I'm a sony fanboy, but I have a 3ds
5. I like asian girls
I have a drug addiction. Caffiene. In Monster Energy.

I've tried rehab but somehow it only makes it worse.

I have a worrying obsession with Ken Block, my Ford Mondeo and all things rally.

I have recently started BMXing. I can't do anything yet but I'm working on it.

I have an irregular heartbeat, which may be a result of my Monster addiction, but I'm too scared to go to the doctors about it.
I have an irregular heartbeat, which may be a result of my Monster addiction, but I'm too scared to go to the doctors about it.

I've recently been to the doctors for exactly the same thing, all she did was book me in for an ECG and blood test.
6. I don't like Twitter.
7. I actually enjoy rainy days.
8. My hair is always out of control, seriously... :crazy:
9. I still have the original "Mobil 1 British Rally Championship" CD. (Yeah! :D)
10. I love to laugh! :lol:
1. I learned to ride bike just a year ago, in more or less 2 hours.
2. I barely comb my hair, and it still looks like I actually do.
3. I still have my Game Boy Advance SP, and works, too.
4. I don't know why I love cars.
5. My (realistic) life goal is to buy a FR-S ... kind of depressing, I know.
My mother uses me to taste food to check if it is rotten, as my stomach is pretty resistant (I've never had a stomach infection and I don't have any problem when eating with spicy sauces).

I've been using my dad's '98 Tacoma he had collecting dust at the garage for about two months or so.

I prefer Pepsi over Coca Cola.

I owned a 1 hectare terrain in Southern Sinaloa, because of a pretty strange statement in my Great-great-grandfather's last will (a birthmark), but it was sold for a considerable amount of money to the government because they wanted to biuld a dam and a bridge, and they're doing it.
I owned a 1 hectare terrain in Southern Sinaloa, because of a pretty strange statement in my Great-great-grandfather's last will (a birthmark), but it was sold for a considerable amount of money to the government because they wanted to biuld a dam and a bridge, and they're doing it.
You have to build bypasses dams and bridges.