5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. In GT5/GT6, I never really cared much about car sounds. Mostly because I've heard way worse.
2. I've been through at least 10 states of the US by now.
3. I've played every major Nintendo console except for the Wii U.
4. The only Valve games I played were the Left 4 Dead titles.
5. I currently don't know how to drive manual transmission due to not having access to a vehicle that has it.
1: I have some dumb fears
2: I have a eating disorder
3: The car sounds in GT5/6 don't bother me
4: I dislike country music
5: my favorite pc game is L4D2
Some more...
  1. I've never intentionally cursed in my life.
  2. I can identify almost any language by the way it's written and by the way it sounds (probably nothing special).
  3. I am a pretty modest person.
  4. Astronomy is my favorite subject
  5. My memory is not so great.
1. I am a male
2. I am writing this.
3. Right now, I'm stuck on the last level of Ice Climber.
4. I'm both writing and playing at the same time.
5. I'm doing all of this to simply avoid revising for my English Lit exam which I am terrified for.
Don't remember. I also have many stupid phobias
Don't remember. I know how to drive stick for the most part, but can't heel & toe at all.
Don't remember. My first "real" video game was Need for Speed High Stakes, on Windows 98. Almost 13-14 years (sort of lost track) later, I still have the game and the computer. And they both still work.
Don't remember: And I still want pretty much all of the cars that were in that game, except possibly the SLK230 (chick car) and Z3 (also possibly maybe chick car).
Don't remember: I'm a Pontiac fanboy, and think GM's killing of the Pontiac brand was the end of affordable cool cars.
1. I hate bodykitting or styling up your car with stickers and spoilers, and yet find Need For Speed: Most Wanted 2006 as one of my top ten games.

2. Want to own a Mustang Boss or Camaro in real life, despite strict rules about cars here, and to possible future wife.

3. Loves ketchup, and anything related to tomatoes, EXCEPT tomato juice.

4. Dreamed of so many career wants in life. An author, a race car driver, an engineer, a teacher, a fireman. Current dream is university lecturer.

5. A perfectionist. I want to make sure anything determined i do is to be praised and considered something i value in life.
1. I have an unhealthy love for my Sega Genesis
2. I own both a Porsche 944 and a 2001 Chevy Camaro and oddly love both even though they're a little broken
3. I can make a raunchy joke out of just about anything (didn't say that was a good thing)
4. Give me something to care about and I'll bust my butt to do my best with it
5. Pretzels are the best food ever
4. Dreamed of so many career wants in life. An author, a race car driver, an engineer, a teacher, a fireman. Current dream is university lecturer.

Published author. Check
Engineer (by way of education). Check
Teacher. Definitely check.
University lecturer. Also check.

I think I can safely say your preference of career(s) are very similar to my list of 'Things I've Achieved'. 👍 :)
GT5 and GT6 boards combined I have not a single post there.
My real name isn't Jet Badger. It's Max Powers.
I can't spell the word "neccessery" correctly. Ever.
If I was in charge, there would be world peace, no global warming and free kebabs for everyone. Nevermind, this is from my other political campaign...
My childhood best friend had a mullet.
1. I don't really care about the sounds in GT.
2. I'm quite into guns.
3. I haven't got much of a life outside gaming and :censored:ing around with my friends.
4. I hate the Call of Duty franchise, yet own and regularly play pretty much all of the gen 7 titles.
5. I'm an atheist.
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1. I'm the only one that likes the new Nissan VGT.
2. Cockroaches make me aggressive.
3. I hate shaving my face.
4. I hate 60% of my family.
5. My family thinks I'm a passive aggressive grumpy loner.
6. I'm of few words in real life.
1. I'm the only one that likes the new Nissan VGT.
2. Cockroaches make me aggressive.
3. I hate shaving my face.
4. I hate 60% of my family.
5. My family thinks I'm a passive aggressive grumpy loner.
6. I'm of few words in real life.

1. Nope you're not.
2. Glad I'm not the only one
3. What a tedious job... I agree.
5. They say the same about me don't worry.
6. Only with people that I don't like/trust.
1. Nope you're not.
2. Glad I'm not the only one
3. What a tedious job... I agree.
5. They say the same about me don't worry.
6. Only with people that I don't like/trust.
Good to know there are other wackos like me.
1. I refugee way too much in music
2. I'm as lazy as a person can get but I love to do sports
3. I forget a lot of important stuff
4. I have excellent memory but I only seem to remember useless stuff
5. I love the Mantis Shrimp
1- I'm not the only one who loves the Nissan R390 '20's design.

2- I have a love/hate for German cars.

3- My wackiness is the same as Jim Carry on "Mask"

4- I'm a wizard


5- [Cue the Unhealthy Love for McLarens.]
  • When getting injured I never scream in pain. Bad cuts, broken bones, dislocated joints, no matter how severe the injury I don't make a sound when it happens or after.
  • I frequently hear a female voice call my name late at night when I'm alone. In a very creepy way.
  • I love lifting weights and have gotten so bulky that most people think that I'm on steroids or doing some crazy diet. I'm not.
  • With my precision rifle and handloaded ammo I can hit penny-sized targets at 100 meters all day long.
  • I'm never hungry, when I need to eat I only get dizzy and tired.
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Or I'm simply suffering from a very mild case of a mental illness, hearing voices is the most common sign of schizophrenia. On the other hand a lot of unexplainable creepy stuff happened to me the past few years. Maybe its a mix of both. ;)
1. I really love Hot Chocolate.
2. I was fighting a virus I caught 2-3 weeks ago.
3. The most recent video game I bought was "Epic Mickey" for the Nintendo Wii.
4. The TV Show I hate the most is called "Allen Gregory".
5. I dislike rap & hip hop music for the most part.
1. I've liked the same girl for an embarassingly long time.
2. I just sat outside in a thunderstorm until it started raining.
3. I play guitar and have for many years.
4. I prefer Fords 1980-1986 trucks over almost any other vehicle in the world, excluding 1967-1970 Ford Mustangs.
5. I've spent way too much money on stupid 🤬.
1. I want to go on an adventure.
2. I'm negative about most things about myself.
3. No patience for most things as of recent.
4. I have an appreciation for classical music.
5. I miss school sometimes.
  • I spend hours (and hours, and hours) each day playing video games, usually those involving racing.
  • I tend to make nonsensical claims and jokes, poor excuses, and pull facts out of my rear-end.
  • 2013-2014 was my first year since 2006-2007 in an actual school. I was homeschooled up until then, which is why I consider myself to have the social skills of a 2nd grader.
  • I'm finicky with my own sanitation and cleanliness. Regardless, I enjoy hands-on work that usually results in my hands getting covered with dirt, grease, whatever.
  • I hate touching worms, which gets in my way whenever I go fishing.