5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. I'm pretty good at golf.
2. I beat my original go-kart record by over 20 seconds today.
3. I spun out once in a go-kart, at 60 Km/h.
4. I type on an IOS device most of the time here.
5. I sprained my left foot.
1. I once went for an entire day without speaking, including school. Not intentional, was just having an 'off' day, and everything just led to me being able to pass through with a simple nod or whatever.
2. Rain is my favourite weather. Especially when its still sunny but cloudy on one side.
3. Part of me often thinks what death would feel like in various different ways (not suicidal, just as a general thought).
4. Every other week, something catches my attention and I think 'that's cool' and decide to learn about it the week after... by which point I've moved on to something else.
5. I am a terrible human being, all things considered.
1: I'm very short
2: I eat constantly
3: My brother got me into DSM's
4: I have broken my right hand when I was younger
5: I hate the dark
My favorite Porsche is the car with what I think carries the ultimate V10 sound in forever, not a 911 (The Carrera GT).

I have motion sickness, while commonly driving at 180 km/h.

My favorite Swede YouTuber is aspiring chef/king of (insert female genitals): Robbaz, not PewDiePie.

Had a serious case of Asthma when I was 6.

Hates durians; for an Asian guy this is a SHAMEFUR DISPRAY.
5 more:

-I have a penchant for :censored:ing things up and acting like a spanner.
-Though I weigh only ~140lbs I consider a full Sunday roast a snack.
-I once snapped both bones in my wrist by falling only 3 feet. In the following few hours, I gave absolutely zero :censored:s about the pain I felt from the half bone that was digging into the muscle.
-I once claimed that I was "the king of ketchup".
-As a Brummie, I'm quite good at putting on different accents and voices.
I don't actually come from Slovakia.
I never got drunk until I was 19.
I didn't drink regularly until I was 21.
75 is my favourite number.
I like to trick people with different accents, then ask them if they found it convincing.
1 I wear a size 17 US shoe
2 I am a ceritfed lifeguard
3 Ive acidental got a buzz from drinking beer when I was 8
4 Ive eat 30 silces of pizza in one meal
5 Ive never broken a bone
1. I have broken my wrist once.
2. I broke it when I tripped while I was ice skating.
3. I think that ice skating dangerous.
4. I begun driving karts at age of 6.
5. I'm not old enough to drive on public road in Finland.
5 more facts
1. I weigh 95lbs
2. Never broken anything
3. When I first started to drive a manual I stalled 20 times
4. I use the way I look to my advantage
5. 22 is my favorite number
1. I broke both of my arms when I was 3 years old.
2. I actually have never been bitten by any animal, the closest was when a puppy was biting my pants when I was 4.
3. I drove a go kart only one time.
4. I own a TV and Cellphone that are both made by LG.
5. The only Apple Product I have is a 5th gen ipod nano and it has a few dents on it.
1. I dont smoke
2. I dont drink any alcohol
3. I hate appple and their products with a passion
4. I love Front Wheel drive cars
5. I have an evil laugh that creeps people out or even scares people.
1.I almost got killed in a government terrorist attack.

2.I once saved a defenseless (dying) kitten from a gang of street children.

3.The 1984 BBC Television Drama "Threads" taught me not to be a picky eater.

4.I forced myself to watch animal cruelty and animals getting euthanized in the internet for months to study for a project. Never again.

5.There's an incident that happened to me that made me doubt reality.
Last night I realised what it is like to be homeless and on the street. Might give more generously next time I am asked.
I feel terrible because of the above.
I hate where I am living.
I just signed up for another year of Japanese lessons. The closing time for applications was 4pm. I got to the desk at 3.59pm.
I am going to do all in my power to try and force @Danny to give a speech at my wedding.
I beat non-functioning alcoholism by doing something that had me drinking most nights.

There's a cockroach that lives in my bathroom, just by the toilet, that I can't bring myself to show away. He's kind of part of the furniture. He can through the drain and got too big to get back down. He's now mine. Mwahahaha!

Despite being lightly involved in the C of E as a child I am particularly pagan for the most part.

Being a pagan is only my retort to the ridiculousness that is mainstream organised religious belief. (in my own view).

A few years back I was an alarmingly smart young man. I believe that years of substance abuse has lead to chronicle memory loss which now makes me feel dumb and irritates me no end that I can't remember simple truths or memories. Curse you alcohol.
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Oh, major slip there. If I did anything else for a career that could be brushed off. :eek:

I guess posting while drinking isn't ever going to win me any awards. Powers of edit converge!
I am going to do all in my power to try and force @Danny to give a speech at my wedding.

No forcing necessary. I'm gonna replace all the funny anecdotes about your life with anecdotes about the life of Fred West, just to see if anyone notices.
This is exactly why I want you to do a speech. You would say something like that and it would be funny.
- Just got back into watching Nickelodeon comedy classics like Kenan & Kel, and the Angry Beavers.

- Writes a fiction that's ongoing, even though I have no readers

- Prefers being naked rather than without a watch on my wrist.

- I like to clean, but I have some NASTY allergens towards dust.

- Is waiting for my game shops to stock Smash Bros 3DS.

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