5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. My least favorite Christmas song is "12 days of Christmas" simply because I think it's way too repetitive and goes on a bit too long. I don't dislike it, but I'd rather listen to pretty much any other Christmas song over this one.
2. When I was young, I used to refer to the PS1 game Muppet Racemania as "Muppet Racing" simply because I could not yet read the word "Racemania" properly. Although I can read it just fine now and I know full well what the name of the game is, strangely I still inadvertently refer to it as "Muppet Racing" most of the time I guess because it became a habit I never grew out of.
3. I don't care for plays.
4. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
5. Google Chrome is my favorite browser and I never have been too fond of Mozilla Firefox for some reason.
1. I hate listening to radio because they play the same songs over and over again every single bloody day
2. I have a strong aversion to ahem.... Offbrand Anime (You know what I’m talking about)
3. I think Gran Turismo Sport’s Sportsmanship Rating System is too sensitive. I always get given a DR Down arrow for slightly bumping someone on a straight
4. My favourite country is Spain. Not only is the weather excellent (Except in summer, where it is always unbearably hot), the Spanish certainly know how to cook: I had quite possibly the greatest steak I’ve ever eaten at a fancy restaurant in Estepona called Taberna Miguel
5. I honestly think the NASCAR games are underrated, especially the Eutechynx and Papyrus ones. However, the best one has to be NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona
1) I have never consumed any alcohol or drugs (I'm 25 years old)

2) I get paid to analyze building materials for asbestos. The pay sucks, and the work is monotonous, but I'm starting a new job in January that should be more interesting. Best of all, it does pay more fairly (but still low).

3. I've always been a Dodge guy, but its starting to fade away. I've really taken to Honda over the last year or so. I'm currently obsessed with the Civics. If I ever became wealthy, I would buy the newest versions of the Civic Si, the Civic Coupe Si and the type R in a heartbeat. I want them all so bad.

4. I am hyper critical of myself and always have been. I'm completely aware of it, yet I continue to put myself down, think I've failed, and become depressed.

When I defended my thesis, I received more critism than I expected. After it was over, I was so overwhelmed / upset with myself that I puked in the bathroom. I then went to my car and cried.

I did a good job and passed my defense with only some edits required. But because I recieved more negative comments than I anticipated, it was all I could think about for months. I've only recently become at peace with the whole experience.

5. I desire to be wealthy. My crushing student loans debt only exasperated this desire. I feel like my generation was scammed. We were constantly pushed to go to college. I went out and got two degrees in the natural sciences, and now I have 100,000+ in debt with jobs offering to pay me pennies.
1. The most recent movie I saw in theaters is "1917", I thought it was pretty good. I loved the camera work.
2. During my childhood, I recall only watching a WRC event once. I think it was a Peugeot 206 being driven in the dirt.
3. I don't really care to watch F1 or IndyCar racing. I have respect for the drivers in either discipline and I have seen clips of certain drivers for each, but I could never get into watching it.
4. I bought 3 PS4 controllers in 2019; 1 is clear, 1 is magma red, and 1 is midnight blue.
5. In spite of almost never watching WRC, I do think the cars are great. Actually, I can say the same thing about most motorsports I don't watch.
1. I'm a huge cat lover and I get attached to cats WAY too easily.
2. Hot Wheels and Nerf blasters are my two main hobbies (besides video games) and my mind tends to tetter totter between the two in terms of which one I am more focused on. (currently, it's Hot Wheels)
3. Of all the movies I have seen, Lilo and Stitch is the one I was the most disappointed with.
4. My least favorite GT game is GTPSP. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad game, but I just don't care for it as much as I used to and in hindsight, it just feels like a glorified arcade mode that doesn't hold up well to the other titles.
5. I don't watch TV hardly at all anymore.
1) I write poems for my wife and write odes etc. I even write and remix songs for fun like the bee gees staying alive i renamed it staying alert (for obvious reasons)
2) I love collecting basketball trainers/sneakers the old school ones like the barkleys/jordans/uptempos Still looking for that rare one but no luck (nike air strong 1990s)
3) My ethnic background is Mauritian ( Mauritus being paradise on earth)
4) dont smoke/drink/or drugs
5) I strictly like instrumentals, hiphop and rnb ever since 1993.
1. I like to re-visit old places, or places that have played a part in my life for some period.
2. I got stung by a jellyfish on both my legs when I went swimming in the sea in Zandvoort, back in 2016.
3. Went to the Nürburgring at least once a year since 2012. Never skipped a year, planning to keep that streak going.
4. Over the years as a kid, I collected at least 400+ Hot Wheels. I still have them, they're packed away safely in the basement.
5. I love listening to music from old video games I used to play when I was a kid.
5. I love listening to music from old video games I used to play when I was a kid.

Me too. What are some of your favorites?


I had forgotten all about this thread, and that I once posted in it. Hmm, let's see here...

1. I'm a twin (fraternal, not identical) - Still true.
2. I'm a bicycle mechanic - Still true, on a part-time basis anyways. Now I'm primarily a software quality engineer.
3. My favorite car I've ever driven was a Mazda RX-8 - Still true.
4. I'm 12.5% Shoshone Native American - Still true, I guess, but this was a boring thing to contribute.
5. I've never been outside the continental U.S. (This really sucks) - No longer true! Have been to Canada, France, New Zealand, and Kenya. Oh, and Australia and the Netherlands, though only in airports during layovers...

Anybody else have updates to their old posts?
For now, it's NFS Underground. Things were good when I came home from elementary school, had lunch, made homework and made the best out of the hour I was allowed to play.

Never really played that one, though I did play a little of the sequel in college. The Doors/Snoop Dogg mash up of Riders on the Storm on that game pops into my head now and then.
1. I have an intense obsession for radio edits and unique edits of songs in general. Things such as certain clean versions of songs and ones that mention the name of whatever station you're listening to, especially ones that are generally very hard to come by in most cases.
2. I actually enjoy going to college more than I do staying at home in most cases and I generally don't like missing days there, but shockingly I am actually handling being in quarantine a lot better than I expected and much to my surprise I am actually enjoying it.
3. For the past year or so, I have become very obsessed with making my country music library as large as I possibly can with as many songs I know and like as possible, to the point I'll buy entire albums if they're cheap even if it only has a few songs I know and like on it. Generally, if it's a country song I can tolerate and it's not extremely questionable, you can bet it's going to be on there if I have it.
4. I pay a lot more attention to sound quality in music now than I ever have and I generally like it to be at least 320kbps at 20Khz or better and won't accept anything less unless it's for sentimental reasons and/or versions songs that I cannot find suitable replacements for.
5. Going with what I said above, the past few weeks I have been relentlessly going through my music library and replacing a lot my old, low-quality music with ones of much higher sound quality.
5. I love listening to music from old video games I used to play when I was a kid.
Same here. I developed a bit of an obsession for ripping music from video games in my early teen years and it's something that still sticks with me even now. Test Drive 5 was one of the first games I took interest in this regard and it's still a favorite for mine.
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1. I don't really like being chased by cops in racing games, I generally see them as an annoyance and more often than not would prefer it if they weren't even there.
2. As of this week, I developed a bit of an obsession with obtaining and playing old flash games (and browser games in general) I used to play in my late childhood and teen years, especially since Flash is ending this year.
3. I feel like the selection of games I like is only getting smaller and smaller with every console generation.
4. I prefer the classic search on GTP over Threadloom in its current form.
5. I have had some bad experiences working in groups at school when I was younger and developed a bit of displeasure for them as a result that still sticks with me to this day. (in some cases, not all) Doesn't help that one of them happened pretty recently....
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1. I have a secret stash of chocolate in a locked cupboard I use to store work documents. I save them for when the missus decides it's time to go on a diet.

2. People think I'm always calm and composed but I do get very stressed out at times, I just don't show it. This is manifest at times like the night before I have to have a disciplinary hearing with a member of staff and I won't sleep well if at all.

3. I had the most posts of any member on GTP once back in ye olde days.

4. I get obsessed with certain albums/concert recordings and can listen to them over and over again and then it's like a switch where one day I'll just think "nah let's listen to something else".

5. I have almost no presence on social media platforms, never had facebook. I only created a twitter account once to complain about a wrongly issued car parking ticket at a local supermarket and never used it again afterwards.
1. I hate every form of tobacco but cigars. I really like smoking quality cigars.

2. I suffer from an illness so far 5 world-renown specialists could not find a proper diagnosis for. It puzzles them so much that they're almost angry at me.

3. I was a lead moderator in a big international forum until I quit because I did not agree with rule changes which lead to severe censorship.

4. Everyone thinks I have brown eyes when in fact, they're green, just a VERY dark shade of green. Like fir-green.

5. I've never had a role model, not when I was kid nor now. No fictional character, no famous person. I find the concept of role models puzzling.
Everyone thinks I have brown eyes when in fact, they're green, just a VERY dark shade of green. Like fir-green.

Similar here. My eyes are a hazel colour but have green flecks which are only really visible in bright light so most people assume they’re light brown (which they sort of are).
1. I like candy corn.
2. I don't like sour candy.
3. I love cats more than dogs, still love dogs though for sure.
4. My eyes are the color brown.
5. The Playstation 4 is the only Playstation I have in slim form, the first 3 Playstations are all the fat versions.
1. I often enjoy rereading some of my own posts I made here on GTP.
2. I have slowed down tremendously when it comes to buying music on iTunes because I've had a number of times where I'd buy a song on there, only to get the album's CD later and nowadays, if it's an artist I really like, I just buy the CD as a result.
3. I am not a fan of how albums nowadays have both a "standard" and a "deluxe" edition of the album and I really wish they would just have one version with all the songs already on it.
4. I get intensely startled by emergencies alerts at night.
5. This past year, I have become somewhat obsessed with learning about abandoned race tracks, particularly from Nascar, and I love watching Youtube videos about them. Although at the same time it makes me sad sometimes when I find out why some don't exist anymore.

On a related note, recently, it's been bugging me how Myrtle Beach Speedway is being demolished and how despite coming very close to it every year when I am on vacation, I never actually got to see it up close.
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1. I find The Mandalorian to be more enjoyable than any of the Star Wars movies they have done in the past 5 years.
2. I find it silly and cliché when people get down on one knee to propose to someone and I honestly can’t take it seriously when they do this.
3. I have reached the point where I don't really care if NFS continues anymore and part of me feels the series should have been killed off a long time ago. I'd much rather see an old series come back (*cough* Midnight Club *cough*) or have something bigger and better in it's place, instead of a new NFS.
4. I said earlier I have hated singing since I was a child. (still do) To add to that, I hate it to the point I don't even sing in church or for my own families birthdays. Couldn't really tell you why, it's just something I have always had for as long as I can remember and it's only gotten worse with age for me.
5. Going with what I said above, I also have an intense hatred for when people try to force me to sing along to something, especially if it's of little importance. (wasn't too long ago I was reminded of it)
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1. I find The Mandalorian to be more enjoyable than any of the Star Wars movies they have done in the past 5 years.
2. I find it silly and cliché when people get down on one knee to propose to someone and I honestly can’t take it seriously when they do this.
3. I have reached the point where I don't really care if NFS continues anymore and part of me feels the series should have been killed off a long time ago. I'd much rather see an old series come back (*cough* Midnight Club *cough*) or have something bigger and better in it's place, instead of a new NFS.
4. I said earlier I have hated singing since I was a child. (still do) To add to that, I hate it to the point I don't even sing in church or for my own families birthdays. Couldn't really tell you why, it's just something I have always had for as long as I can remember and it's only gotten worse with age for me.
5. Going with what I said above, I also have an intense hatred for when people try to force me to sing along to something, especially if it's of little importance. (wasn't too long ago I was reminded of it)
Some people are so bad at singing, they couldn’t hold a tune to save their life.
I wish those individuals felt the same way about singing as you do.
I’m sure the local dogs would approve.
Some people are so bad at singing, they couldn’t hold a tune to save their life.
I wish those individuals felt the same way about singing as you do.
I’m sure the local dogs would approve.
I won't lie, I literally laughed out loud at this. :lol:

I can understand where you're coming from. I know a guy at college who thinks he's good at singing, but in reality, he's terrible and sounds like a dying whale, made even worse by the fact he's much louder than everyone else and drowns out the more impressive voices. He acts like he's better than everyone else, but he's really just an embarrassment to himself and everyone he's around. He announced recently he was going to sing to his girlfriend and I honestly feel bad for her. :lol: Sometimes I am glad laryngitis exists. :mischievous:
1. I don't know what I'm doing here
2. I might be the youngest member in the forum
3. I love picking random names for forums
4. I hate arcade racing games
5. I'm stuck in the 90s, as most of my dream cars are from the golden era of sports cars
I actually thought the prequels were pretty good and I also enjoyed them more than any of the Star Wars movies Disney has done since 2015.

Episode one is a guilty pleasure of mine. I wouldn’t consider the Disney movies any better than the prequels, they’re just different.
1. I bought so many 12 packs of Mountain Dew Liberty Brew back in July and August before they disappeared from shelves and despite me, and sometimes my other family members, drinking them on a daily basis, it wasn't until recently I finally reached my last 12 pack.
2. I like to be worry free when playing certain video games, particularly old ones I ain't touched in a long time, because that's where I get the most out of them. If I have something that's really bothering me, I will often put off on playing it for a long time until I feel up to playing it again. Which can be weeks, months and in some rare cases, years.
3. I have next to no interest in the PS5 currently and don't plan on getting one for a long time despite it being around the time I usually would.
4. I hold grudges way too easily. :boggled:
5. I get tense when someone quotes me, especially someone unexpected.
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1. I am straight edge (no alcohol/smoking/drugs)
2. I collect (relatively) old video games and consoles. Currently I'm looking into buying a Sega Saturn.
3. I am open minded to all genres of music and my music taste is all over the place.
4. I have had serious self-esteem issues since the age of 12, after being bullied out of a guitar club by my own instructor. I haven't touched a guitar since.
5. I find myself distancing from mainstream social media platforms as of recently. I have not used Twitter in almost 2 years. I still have an Instagram account, but I never post anything on it.
5. I get tense when someone quotes me, especially someone unexpected.
1. When I do something I like I always push it to the absolute extreme. No matter what it is. I just have to max out.

2. I don't drink alcohol and don't do any drugs - except high quality cigars. I love the taste of cigars and they help me relax a great deal.

3. I don't care about competing. I don't feel the need to prove myself against others in various things, I don't care if people are better or worse than me. Scoring high in a competition or even winning gives me nothing.

4. I used to be a hardcore gamer, but these days I play like only 1 or 2 games per year. The video game industry has moved away from genres and gameplay I like. (Same with the movie industry)

5. According to the D&D alignment test ( http://easydamus.com/alignmenttest.html ) I'm chaotic neutral, getting dangerously close to chaotic evil. :scared:
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I actually play a chaotic neutral who went evil in D&D. He was redeemed though so now he’s chaotic good.
In the Baldur's Gate trilogy (D&D RPG), I started as a chaotic good paladin, over the course of the games I turned into a fallen paladin and eventually my alignment changed to chaotic evil. I then seized the throne of Bhaal.
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