1. I enjoy fruit on the bottom yogurt, but instead of mixing it, I find more enjoyment from digging for the fruit through the yogurt. It feels like a reward for getting through the "boring" stuff.
2. I got into photography because I always felt like I needed to get "something" out of an event. After becoming friends with a co-worker who modifies cars and started going to drift events, it got a little dull to just simply watch. So I started shooting photos with a point & shoot, then upgraded to a "basic" DSLR I bought off eBay. Since then, I've been obsessed with taking photos as in the past, I was always camera shy and asked to take family photos as an excuse to not be in the picture.
3. As much as I love cars, I would rather live somewhere where I could just walk anywhere or cycle easily. I'm not against places without cars, but I don't consider most American cities to be great for such things. That said, I actually enjoyed my time in NYC walking around the Manhattan area when I visited for the New York International Auto Show in 2019 with my brother. We stayed at a fairly pricey hotel in the middle of the city to avoid taking public transportation, which I had to do in 2018 with a friend going to the show before. Which was miserable compared to simply walking around the city, where my friend wanted a cheaper hotel and to take public transport and an Uber. It was worth the extra money to be closer and just simply walk around. Also find it to be a good excuse for me to get some exercise than living in the suburbs where sidewalks are a rarity and roads are too dangerous to even consider cycling. (I live in the suburbs unfortunately, but don't want to live in the city here) One of the reasons why I kind of fantasize about European villages/towns. I'm sure it's not all as peaceful as Americans imagine, but I just hate how dirty most Americans can be. (Not just the US, but other countries are also litter prone)
4. I find it much more enjoyable to be around animals than people. For many reasons that I know people have as well, it just feels nice to hang out with (most) animals. Felt "zen" to house sit my parents place and watch over their chickens, just sitting in the backyard with them roaming around.
5. I find myself jealous of people who are able to avoid social media. I wouldn't call myself addicted, but I unfortunately feel like it's my only outlet for things. As I "review" cars with my friend who is a journalist, I like to give somewhat helpful reviews (even though I don't think I'm a good writer) of what we test and go out to do photoshoots with. I like sharing information/opinions with people, but tire of just getting "Likes" on my reviews. I'm sure it seems hypocritical and possibly narcissistic to post on social media looking for "attention," but I just want to see feedback on my reviews on whether or not they were helpful. I don't want the "likes," I just want to know that they might have helped someone make a choice or even suggest something to a friend/family member.
Gosh, I didn't think I'd type out this much for 5 random facts. But I suppose I felt the need to explain the reasoning a bit more than probably needed. Sorry about that.