5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. I rarely drink alcoholic beverages, I just don't have a big interest in doing so. I'll drink things like wine on special occasions though.
2. I haven't ever smoked any drugs.
3. The biggest collection of games I have are PS2 games, mainly because they've been so easy for me to get.
4. My favorite burger place is Five Guys, I love how the burgers themselves taste and also how they overfill the fries.
5. My favorite desert is ice cream.
1. I highly prefer dirt roads over paved ones and I always hated it when dirt roads got paved. Possibly due to the fact I have lived near a dirt road my entire life.
2. I spend darn near my entire day on my computer on a regular basis, especially if I am off college.
3. My brother is engaged to his girlfriend and is planning to get married and move out this year and while I am happy for him, I am not looking forward to him moving out.
4. I can't stand to be around my dad for long periods of time.
5. I was actually pretty happy when PSN went offline back in 2011. Don't get me wrong, I hate it got hacked, but when it went offline, I wasn't all that bothered by it, if anything I felt the complete opposite.
1. My most favorite real-life track is Riverside International Raceway and if I was ever given the choice to bring a long-dead track back, it'd be this one.
2. For years, I thought I had this avatar from the day I started here, but I recently found out it wasn't until May 2nd, 2012 I uploaded my first and only avatar here.
3. [REMOVED] This fact apparently was a little too much. :lol: Sorry mods, won't happen again! 👍
4. I frequently pace around and talk to myself, especially when I am alone.
5. I have absolutely no incentive to get a PS5 right now
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1. I've actually eaten insects before, in this case, crickets.
2. The Bugatti Veyron is the fastest car I've seen in real life. Furthermore, I have actually seen the Nissan VGT when I went to Tokyo once.
3. I've failed engineering, but have since changed my college course to filmmaking. Guess what I want to make an adaptation of.
4. I'm actually quite a weak drinker, having gotten drunk on three shots of tequila, where I started feeling very dizzy, couldn't walk straight for 🤬, and that I imagined that hours were minutes, or minutes were hours.
5. I became an older brother when I was 18 years old (I'm turning 22 this year, and my little brother will subsequently turn 4).
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1. I love eating bananas, but hate anything banana flavored or cooked/fried bananas.

2. Anytime I'm driving alone, I almost always need to have music going. But if worst comes to worst, I avoid FM radio stations because I absolutely hate ads of any sort. XM is the closest I'd get to radio, but otherwise I'd just listen to my music off my phone.

3. I cannot fall asleep when it's hot or humid outside. Feels like some people I know like to sleep when it's warm out, but I always need to have a blanket over me, even if it's too much.

4. People who don't follow "simple" rules irritate me immensely. One notable example is when people try to enter through the exit doors of a store. Almost find myself ready to yell at them when I get blocked by them as I'm leaving a store.

5. Always enjoyed driving with my windows down or even the top off a convertible. But it feels like things have gotten worse in terms of noise pollution. Really don't want to listen to someone else's music, talking, or exhaust when I've got my windows down.
Insects are quite common food here. I’d don’t often partake myself but it’s not uncommon to be offered some deep fried silk worm or bbq scorpion at the table.

I was having a hotpot once when a cicada flew into the porch. I was drunk so naturally I boiled him in the pot and ate him. I don’t remember it being too unpleasant actually.
I've eaten insects ............. but not on purpose. These little annoying flying things tend to fly in my mouth when I'm riding my bicycle.
I can wiggle my left ear but not my right ear.
I have one slightly disfigured finger; my left ring finger.
I have a European Championship medal in gaelic football.
I can speak in five languages; two fluently, three conversationally.
I have done voiceover work for the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Ministry of Education and the Slovak Ministry of Finance.
I can only enjoy activities when I crank them to 11 and do them in extreme ways / on the highest possible level. Otherwise they bore me terribly.

I have multiple food intolerances which requires me to do a very strict diet and cook all food by myself, every day.

My favorite racing car series is the Can-Am championship 1966-74, open top prototypes with 1000+ HP V8s!

My favorite color is a perfect tie between glacier white and dark-teal.

I like wearing business suits despite them being uncomfortable. Especially for me since I'm a weightlifter. But I like the clean elegant appearance.

3. I cannot fall asleep when it's hot or humid outside. Feels like some people I know like to sleep when it's warm out, but I always need to have a blanket over me, even if it's too much.

Same. What I do is remove the blanket cover from my blanket and use it as blanket. Super thin yet it does provide me the blanket-y feeling required for a proper sleeping experience.
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1. I never understood why people make posts consisting of nothing but song lyrics and I find it a little strange when people do this.
2. I realized recently I actually enjoy TV a lot more when I am doing something productive instead of just sitting there and I struggle to sit through an entire episode of even my favorite show without doing anything. A feeling I apparently inherited from my mother.
3. I am trying to spend less time on my computer and more time doing other things as a means of occupying my mind and hopefully keeping me from thinking too much about my past.
4. I find it slightly annoying when people “like” their own posts on Facebook.
5. I have developed a habit of going back and changing my reactions to posts on GTP to something I feel is more appropriate.
1. I prefer playing games on real hardware over emulation, however, I no longer feel that way about PS1 games since emulation has gotten so much better nowadays.
2. I don't understand politics very well at all and I get incredibly bored hearing about it.
3. I actually enjoyed 2020 more than 2021.
4. I find this version of GTP to be the best one to date and I am so glad they ditched Threadloom.
5. I don't like Patchy on Spongebob. I think he takes up way too much screen time and is just an annoyance the series is better off without.
1. I enjoy fruit on the bottom yogurt, but instead of mixing it, I find more enjoyment from digging for the fruit through the yogurt. It feels like a reward for getting through the "boring" stuff.

2. I got into photography because I always felt like I needed to get "something" out of an event. After becoming friends with a co-worker who modifies cars and started going to drift events, it got a little dull to just simply watch. So I started shooting photos with a point & shoot, then upgraded to a "basic" DSLR I bought off eBay. Since then, I've been obsessed with taking photos as in the past, I was always camera shy and asked to take family photos as an excuse to not be in the picture.

3. As much as I love cars, I would rather live somewhere where I could just walk anywhere or cycle easily. I'm not against places without cars, but I don't consider most American cities to be great for such things. That said, I actually enjoyed my time in NYC walking around the Manhattan area when I visited for the New York International Auto Show in 2019 with my brother. We stayed at a fairly pricey hotel in the middle of the city to avoid taking public transportation, which I had to do in 2018 with a friend going to the show before. Which was miserable compared to simply walking around the city, where my friend wanted a cheaper hotel and to take public transport and an Uber. It was worth the extra money to be closer and just simply walk around. Also find it to be a good excuse for me to get some exercise than living in the suburbs where sidewalks are a rarity and roads are too dangerous to even consider cycling. (I live in the suburbs unfortunately, but don't want to live in the city here) One of the reasons why I kind of fantasize about European villages/towns. I'm sure it's not all as peaceful as Americans imagine, but I just hate how dirty most Americans can be. (Not just the US, but other countries are also litter prone)

4. I find it much more enjoyable to be around animals than people. For many reasons that I know people have as well, it just feels nice to hang out with (most) animals. Felt "zen" to house sit my parents place and watch over their chickens, just sitting in the backyard with them roaming around.

5. I find myself jealous of people who are able to avoid social media. I wouldn't call myself addicted, but I unfortunately feel like it's my only outlet for things. As I "review" cars with my friend who is a journalist, I like to give somewhat helpful reviews (even though I don't think I'm a good writer) of what we test and go out to do photoshoots with. I like sharing information/opinions with people, but tire of just getting "Likes" on my reviews. I'm sure it seems hypocritical and possibly narcissistic to post on social media looking for "attention," but I just want to see feedback on my reviews on whether or not they were helpful. I don't want the "likes," I just want to know that they might have helped someone make a choice or even suggest something to a friend/family member.

Gosh, I didn't think I'd type out this much for 5 random facts. But I suppose I felt the need to explain the reasoning a bit more than probably needed. Sorry about that. :boggled:
1. Several of my previous facts no longer apply which is why I'm making this new one

2. I have well over 50 Decks for Cardfight! Vanguard. Been collecting cards and organising them in Decks is very satisfying for me. Quite enjoy the gameplay too

3. I only ever saw 1 movie last year (which was Wish Dragon). Compared to this year where I've already seen 3.

4. I'm a very aesthetic person when it comes to games. I normally pick something I really like the look of and try to maximise it as much as I can even if it won't be as good as others. In Mario Kart, I main Yoshi on a Jet Bike, and in Cardfight Vanguard I try to avoid the Anime Human cards as much as I can. I know I'm usually at a disadvantage but I chose these options and this is the best I can play them and I like it that way. I won't use it as an excuse to why I lose but and will try and get better with it.

5. I don't like hair, I'm pretty jealous that one of my friends is going bald
1. I tend to enjoy listening to music a lot more when I am running around and/or doing something productive and typically refrain from listening to it any other time. Oftentimes I'd buy CDs it wouldn't be until much later that I'd finally listen to them as a result.
2. I once was forced to write over 100 pages on a project that only required 12 of them back in 4th grade. :ouch:
3. 2021 was an awful year for me, but this one is shaping up to be much better already.
4. I don't hate dogs, but I am not a dog person and I have a very low opinion of the two I have currently. (which aren't really mine)
5. I am a huge advocate for being friends with my exes even after our relationship is over.
1- one of my favourite series is the grand tour;
2- i live close to one of those mobile data towers and the owner of said tower has been liquidated;
3- if there was a car that i'd like to carpet bomb every single one of it, it's the new beetle;
4- my favourite famous person is jeremy clarkson;
5- i'm not into tea or coffee, i like juice.
  1. Even when taking the same route for the 200th time on public transport I still have to look at the scenery otherwise I get anxious.
  2. I don't get jetlag.
  3. I don't trust dogs not to attack me, even if people insist they are friendly I'm keeping an eye on them.
  4. I'm not interested in celebrity gossip, to me they are no different that any random stranger
  5. The 2020 lockdowns made my quality of life much better.
1. I hate it when people on GTP have their profiles set to private and don't have the time they were last online displayed. I mean, I understand to an extent why they do this, but I'd be happier if they didn't.
2. I get SUPER annoyed when I really need to say something and someone takes far too long to finish what they're saying and if I run out of time to tell it because of them, it will more often than not, ruin my mood.
3. I have an intense hatred for people who don't know squat about computers, but try to act as if they know it all and will completely ignore me when I try to help them.
4. I find rap battles and diss tracks to be pretty idiotic for the most part.
5. Despite having an Xbox Series X for almost 5 months now, I have yet to actually get a game for the console due to my dental bills being obscenely high, but being able to use emulators via dev mode has been more than enough for me so I ain't even mad. 😎
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  1. Even when taking the same route for the 200th time on public transport I still have to look at the scenery otherwise I get anxious.
  2. I don't get jetlag.
  3. I don't trust dogs not to attack me, even if people insist they are friendly I'm keeping an eye on them.
  4. I'm not interested in celebrity gossip, to me they are no different that any random stranger
  5. The 2020 lockdowns made my quality of life much better.
Very good rule to have. I'm the same way.
1. I can crack walnuts one-handed, and I can do that with my left and right hand.

2. I am completely unafraid of death

3. I'm a very solitary person, I spend most of my free time alone & without any company and I rarely feel lonely.

4. The only drug I have ever liked is tobacco. As in very high quality cigars.

5. I have almost entirely lost interested in computer games altogether
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1. One of my biggest fears is becoming a "viral" meme in some form of either a photo of me, username post, video of me, or just about anything with me in it. I already hate looking at myself in the mirror, last thing I want is to see myself all over the internet.

2. I dislike holding people up for any reason, whether it's traffic wise or boarding a plane. I worry too much about other people getting annoyed with me.

3. I am terrible with directions and almost always need navigation for anything that isn't a habit. Lived in the same town all my life and I still struggle to find my way around beyond the paths I'm used to.

4. Pretty sure I have "restless leg syndrome" and always find myself in a different way than I originally fell asleep in. Mostly finding that I kicked my blankets off (even though I always have to sleep with a blanket on me), twitching a lot in my sleep, (sometimes twitching so much that I wake myself up) and tossing/turning so much I rip my own bed sheets off.

5. I dislike using hair gel, but I find myself annoyed that my hair can end up looking like a mad scientist or an asylum escapee. I can annoyingly understand how it helps, but I just dislike the feel of using it.
1. I am absolutely terrified of blood. The sight of any blood, even on the TV, makes me super nauseous. I failed Biology in secondary school because of this.
2. When I came out to my parents as non-binary, I accidentally said I was trans instead. Whoopsie. Thankfully, I cleared that one up pretty quickly.
3. I have phonophobia (Fear of loud noises), but it’s very selective. Blasting heavy metal through my headphones at full volume doesn’t affect me at all, but babies crying in the supermarket or fire alarms cause me actual physical and spiritual pain.
4. My favourite rock albums are Fandoms by Waterparks, In Keepings With Silent Earth 3 by Coheed and Cambria, Obsidian by Northlane and American Beauty/American Psycho by Fall Out Boy.
5. My favourite food is Spanish, especially Tapas. There’s a killer Tapas restaurant in Bawtry about 30 minutes away from where I live called El Toro, and it’s absolutely amazing. Still nothing on the real thing in Seville, though.
The fan ahead of me is facing approximately 60°NE.

Yesterday I got wet a bit when it rained.

I’ve never counted how many doors there are in my house.

I bought a small pack of files today.

Printers/copiers cause me so much irritation (cliche, I know) but when they work they are useful.
1. I don't care for acoustic versions of songs and I find them to be pretty boring.
2. I have a very low tolerance for people who constantly interrupt others and it's bad to the point where just the very thought of someone doing it is enough to put me in a bad mood.
3. I have gotten to where I avoid playing video games that could potentially make me angry or frustrated, such as Burnout games, Twisted Metal 2, and sometimes even COD zombies, Crash Bandicoot, and Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005). When I play video games, I play them to get away from my frustrations, not add to them and these have a reputation of doing this sometimes.
4. Nurburgring is my all-time least favorite track in the GT series and more often than not, I dread racing on it.
5. I tend to prefer watching Youtube videos while I am eating and usually avoid watching them any other time.
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1. I bought a PS5 this year from Gamestop as a bundle, thus making the PS4 still the only Playstation I have that's a slim model.
2. I played 4 ports of Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube, PS2, PS3, & PS4)
3. I am moving in the next few weeks back to Florida, in the same county I lived in before moving up here in Maryland.
4. Moving is something I really don't like. BLAH!
5. I enjoy listening to song covers, mainly just because I like hearing how different artists approach the same song sometimes. Though I usually just listen to rock and metal versions. One cover band I like is First-to-eleven.
1. I was adopted at birth.
2. I was raised Catholic and attended a Catholic grade school.
3. I married a Turkish woman.
4. I have owned 4 motorcycles: Kawasaki Z250 LTD, Kawasaki Vulcan 750, Honda GL1000 Gold Wing and a Yamaha XS Eleven.
5. I own over 6000 CDs.
I don't care for acoustic versions of songs and I find them to be pretty boring.
Lol I couldn’t read any further into your post without addressing this point.

Have you ever encounter MTV Unplugged? Some of the greatest rock bands (Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, etc) doing full acoustic sets. It’s masterful.

I’ll continue reading the rest of the post now.
Lol I couldn’t read any further into your post without addressing this point.

Have you ever encounter MTV Unplugged? Some of the greatest rock bands (Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, etc) doing full acoustic sets. It’s masterful.

I’ll continue reading the rest of the post now.
I've heard of it, but never actually took the time to look into it. I am mainly speaking in the context of country music since it’s my preference. I don't even know what to think about any acoustic tracks outside of that to be honest.
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