5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. My favorite font is Helvetica.
2. I prefer winter to summer.
3. I went to Washington DC multiple times, but never went to the white house.
4. While in Washington DC, I have visited the Smithsonian Institution.
5. I have visited New York City a couple of times.
1. I don't handle internet confrontations well and generally get nervous anytime they come up. I have come close to leaving GTP numerous times because of this.
2. I keep my adblocker turned on every chance I get, I only ever turn it off when sites prevent me from browsing with it on and I try to keep it off on GTP as well.
3. I really hate Youtube sponsors, especially when they have no relevance to what I am watching and take up way too much time.
4. I don't like it when people sing happy birthday to me. I mean, I don't outright hate it, but if people didn't want to sing it to me, I wouldn't be bothered in the slightest.
5. I said this earlier:
2. I hate going to weddings. It's not that I don't care about who's getting married, I just think weddings are soooo boring.
And I stand by it still, but I have gotten to where I hate them even more now than I did before and maybe I am missing something here, but think they're just a huge waste of time. If I was to ever get married and we decided to just get a marriage certificate and not bother having a wedding, I'd be totally okay with that. If anything, I'd prefer it and I think whatever money we have would be better spent on something like a house than an occasion I couldn't care much less about.
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1. I officially have a yellow belt (9th kyu) in Shotokan Karate-do. I have not taken any classes in over a decade, but I do want to start up some form of martial art again.

2. The longest distance I have every walked in a day was roughly 8-miles on a whim. It took about a full day to recover.

3. The most popular YouTube video I have ever made was about these stickers posted around New York City in 2012. It has nearly 6000 views.

4. I was requested to play DJ Hero at a public event before, practicing or months beforehand. I was not paid for this, but eventually got a real turntable. It was only used for an event once. The rest of its use was for poop-tier mashups in Virtual DJ (not good enough for Serato).

5. I have won a drunk goggles Mario Kart 8 tournament losing only 1 of 12 races (2nd). Having never played the game before, this is my greatest gaming achievement. I will brag about this at every opportunity.
1. I'm currently getting into Freelance Graphic Design, but despite doing a few jobs already; I'm still an amateur basically.
2. I was born on an Air Force Base.
3. The first Nintendo 64 game I can recall playing was Super Mario 64.
4. The only Ford Mustang I have driven is my dad's 1989 LX Hatchback.
5. The first video game I ever played on the original Playstation was Gran Turismo 1 and I even remember the first car I picked. It was a Chevrolet Corvette GS and the track was Clubman Stage Route 5.
1. I'm a big believer in separating the art from the artist and I don't tend to care much about what artists do in their personal lives unless it's REALLY bad. What they do in their music is what matters most to me.
2. Adding to what I said above, I think it’s pretty stupid when people will give bad reviews towards a song or album because of something the artist did in their personal life and not because of the content itself.
3. I used to hate poetry as a kid, but I've grown to like it a lot more and I tend to have a little too much fun with it now. :P
4. I thoroughly enjoy listening to music from video games, especially when it's unique.
5. I get VERY impatient when I need to say something and another person is taking way too long to finish.
1. My opinion on sarcasm when it comes to humor has been rocky since I was a kid. I could pick up when someone is joking with me, but I often reply in a serious tone as I don't know how to respond otherwise most of the time.
2. With that said, I have figured out one method and that is to do what I just did, but just to see how far someone takes their joke.
3. While on this subject, I hate it when people give criticism in such a crude manner. When they use swears to make their point or some crude metaphor. I get why some people do it like that, but it just comes off as rude to me and almost insulting.
4. Also, here's one thing that annoys me about people on the internet, people that always respond with a gif or image instead of actually saying what they mean. It's just plain juvenile.
5. I prefer Gran Turismo 3 to 4 due to its driving physics and its sense of speed with cars.
Also, here's one thing that annoys me about people on the internet, people that always respond with a gif or image instead of actually saying what they mean. It's just plain juvenile.
Leonardo Dicaprio Ok GIF by MOODMAN

Episode 1 Sketch Comedy GIF by Prime Video Canada
1. I usually prefer to keep my consoles positioned horizontally but for some reason, I actually have my Wii and Series X sitting up vertically.
2. I get irritated when people repeatedly mispronounce the same words over and over again.
3. I am starting to have some gray hairs here and there and I’m honestly surprised I didn’t develop them sooner.
4. I find it kind of weird when people buy die-cast cars like Hot Wheels, but never open them. I mean, if they're looking to sell them to someone shortly after, that makes sense, but if they're just going to keep them forever and never open them, I just think that's kind of pointless. It makes me wonder why they're even collecting them in the first place.
5. I am all for progress, but I don't like it when companies will one-up their own products within a short time period after people already bought the previous one.

Bonus Fact:
6. I don't like tattoos.
1. I really dislike hoarders, scalpers, and people that buy way too many of the exact same item. Don't get me wrong, I am a big believer in letting people spend their money as they please, but I also believe theirs still such a thing as going way too far with it, especially when it becomes unfair to other people. I could say a whole lot more on this, but this is a subject I am too afraid to touch on anywhere else since I've seen how they often go.
2. I can remember the phone number of a girl I dated in high school, but I don't actually know my own cell number because I never have a reason to call it and very rarely give it out to people.
3. For some reason, it annoys me irrationally when people post videos they screen-recorded on their phone but don't bother to edit out where they pull up the menu to stop the recording. I don't really know why it annoys me so much, it just does.
4. Despite being used to Playstation controllers for over 20 years, I actually don't mind the controller my Series X uses in a majority of cases. Crash and Spyro is about the only time I have issues with them simply because I have a lot of muscle memory associated with these games due to playing them a lot as a kid. I often reach for the upper left of the controller, only to realize the d-pad isn't there.
5. I honestly think the PS3 was a better console than the PS4 and I can find more reasons to use the PS3 over it.
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1. Well, I like Sonic the Hedgehog as a franchise, but I'm more of a casual fan of Sonic as I haven't really finished any of the games I played.
2. My least favorite Playstation is the PS3.
3. I started learning 3d modelling this year, I'm using blender. I mainly want to learn it for jobs, but also maybe make some car models of my own for fun.
4. Back onto Sonic, the first game I played in the franchise was Sonic Heroes for the PS2. The most recent game I played was Sonic Frontiers, I'm only at the first boss so far.
5. Gran Turismo 2 is the only GT game I ever completed.
1. One of my former college teachers used to live in the same neighborhood as the rapper Fat Joe in The Bronx, New York, and even knew him to a degree.
2. My favorite live-action Star Wars TV show is The Mandalorian and while season 3 wasn't as good as I expected, I still enjoyed it.
3. My least favorite live-action Star Wars TV show, and any Star Wars show in general really, is Andor by a MASSIVE margin. This show just bored me to death and I honestly can't wrap my head around why people love it so much.
4. Ever since I installed a backlight on my Gameboy Advance I've been in somewhat of a "GBA Renaissance Era" ever since and as of this year, my obsession for the thing is greater than it ever has been.
5. My cat broke the battery connector on my iPod a few months back and I've tried several times to fix it and it's been the source of great frustration for me as of recent. To the point, I have had to set it aside and just ignore it because just thinking about it alone was bothering me way too much.
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1. I wear a size 12 boot because it's a pain to find my actual size.
2. That boot is always steel toed and waterproof.
3. The Atari 2600 was released in 1977 by both Atari and Sears. I own the Sears variant. I also own a PocketStation and a WonderSwan Color despite living in the USA.
4. Part of my left leg is permanently numb.
5. For two years while I was assigned to the USS Kitty Hawk, I slept in a bed numbered 185.
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The Atari 2600 was released in 1977 by both Atari and Sears.

When I was a kid, half of the VCSs I saw in peoples' homes were the Sears variant. (Granted this sample size might have been 15-20 at most).

Just shows how massive their reach was back then; presently, there's less than 20 Sears and Kmart locations left in the US and Guam.
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I suffer Trichotillomania to a reasonable degree and is the main reason I’ve kept a skinhead for most of my life. If I don’t have hair to twiddle when idle, I gouge impurities in my skin leading to ugly scars.

I recently lost one of my cats but try to convince myself she’s moved away rather than been squashed by a car or mauled by a dog.

20 years ago this coming Monday (7/8) I drank half a litre of Bacardi mixed with Dr Pepper for my birthday breakfast. I was 17.

It’s been 10 years since I played GT, other than a few laps in a booth at a shopping centre, and I don’t know when I’ll get to play again. Life gets in the way.

I’ve always been an avid cyclist. Since my daughter was born, I’ve lost all enthusiasm for cycling despite living in arguably one of the best places in the world for cyclist.
1. One of my first memories is Neil Armstrong's "One small step" speech, watched live on a Black & White telly.
2. I fell off a lot of things whilst growing up but never broke anything...... I still have absolutely no fear of heights....
3. Whilst studying Engineering I rolled a Mk1 Cavalier, for about 5 complete rolls.... and walked away after climbing out the window....
4. I have experienced zero G, in a glider no less...... (cable break, results in an instant dive to get enough airspeed to not stall & crash)
5. Currently learning Japanese.
That’s positive G.
Actually, @MatskiMonk is correct, whilst falling (accelerating towards the greater mass) you don't feel weight as everything is accelerating in the same direction at the same rate.

Positive G is the sudden stop when you land.:eek:

Falling doesn't hurt, but landing does......

1. I went on a zipline once as a kid.
2. Also as a kid, I did drive a Gokart once, that was fun.
3. I have indeed used a dump truck for one summer job.
4. I like collecting video game controllers sometimes. I love getting all of the different colors.
5. When I was a kid, I used to eat for school lunch peanut butter and nutella sandwiches.
1. I’m 5’113/4“.Early in my work career, someone asked me how tall I was and I replied “6 ft”. Next day, a height sceptic arrived at work with a tape measure and I had to be officially measured, without shoes. Been a running joke ever since.

2. I am the most selfish person I have ever met. I temper this realisation with the belief that most humans are built that way but are just too deluded to admit it to themselves.

3. I detest the current “apologetic” climate.
4. I dont sleep enough, then complain about being tired. Like someone makes me go to bed late & get up early.
5. I find crew-necks uncomfortable. Give me a round-neck every time.
1. I don't like it when people record videos of shows, movies, or video games off-screen. I can understand why people would do it sometimes, such as not having a capture card for the PS3 and anything older, because I don't have a good means myself. However, I especially hate it when people do it on PC and more recent consoles since decent recording options exist for them and they aren't even bothering to use them.
2. I have an ex-girlfriend I dated back in 2020 in my class at college and despite the fact she is dating a new guy now, who is also in there, we co-exist just fine.
3. I get very temperamental when I have my mind set on doing something, only to have a series of random things come out of the woodwork just when I am about to do it.
4. For the longest time, I have considered 5th grade to be the best year I ever had in school and by extension, the best time of my entire life, bar none. With 11th grade being the absolute worst by a very large margin.
5. I have reached the point where I am starting to want older consoles now like the original Xbox, SNES, and so on for various reasons. And to be frank, I hadn't cared much about them until now.
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3. The Atari 2600 was released in 1977 by both Atari and Sears. I own the Sears variant. I also own a PocketStation and a WonderSwan Color despite living in the USA.
Sears wasn't a thing here in the UK so I've always been annoyed we never got the Tele-Games variant. That burl walnut finish is even better than the standard woodgrain.

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