5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. I feel like if anything were to kill me at a young age, it'd most likely be accidentally overdosing on medicine out of confusion and taking showers during storms.
2. I cannot play Guitar Hero well to save my life.
3. I still like this thread a lot and I try to wait about a month before I post here again unless it gets a lot of activity and I have more to share. (this being an instance of that)
4. I sort of regret getting my PS Vita back in 2012 since I never really found any games for it that I wanted and didn't use it for much outside of browsing the internet.
5. I generally don't like bugs and I can't stand the thought of stomping them because seeing their guts literally makes me want to vomit. 🤢

Bonus Fact:
6. I hate the puking emoji. It's just a touch too graphic for me, which was why I deliberately avoided using it in #5 on this post.
1. I love NASCAR Racing 2003 Season as a game so much, that I will literally download every track I can get my hands on since they're fairly small and I have a massive drive to keep them on.
2. While Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 is not my most favorite NFS game, it is my favorite modding platform. More so than any other game in the series.
3. Speaking of which, this video for Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 was my introduction to PC mods as a whole back in 2010, and prior to finding it, I never knew such a thing existed.
4. I have an even bigger sentiment towards Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) and am planning to do the same thing I said in #1 for custom maps made for this game.
5. I said this earlier:
3. I have an odd fascination with driving traffic cars in racing games and being able to play as background characters in other games, especially if they're not originally intended to be playable.
And I stand by it. Naturally, now that I am getting into modding Need for Speed Most Wanted, the traffic cars are actually where I intend to start first.
1. While I hate that things like 9/11, the Titanic sinking, natural disasters, and such happened, I do enjoy reading and learning things about them.
2. I prefer using MPH over KPH and I honestly wish more people did.
3. I hate using keyboards for gaming and I find them to be one of the most impractical things to use in that regard.
4. While I understand why people doubt the things that are written on Wikipedia, I don't think it's quite as bad as it's made out to be.
5. Although country music is my preference, I am somewhat partial to reggae, namely Bob Marley, since I studied Jamaica about 10 years ago and have good memories of it.
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Cool thread! I don't know how I missed it for so long, here goes:

1) I'm an ass man
2) I used to be able to high jump 3in. over my head, and I'm 6'4"
3) I now have 9 toes
4) I'm 'Correctly' handed
5) I hate conservative hypocrisies, not necessarily conservative people

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Out of curiosity, is that where your username comes from?
It is, my college roommate freshman year told me his email was bmw_ice@ and I thought that was pretty cool. So I did something similar after thinking about it and never looked back. I did ask @Jordan to give me capital letters a few years back.

  • I like to eat raw onions. They also don't hurt my eyes (green)
  • I like the smell of sulfur and I don't think it smells like rotten eggs. Sulfur smells like sulfur.
  • I hate cardio training not because its hard but because I lack the patience and can barely stand its monotony.
  • I'm always being told my grin looks exceptionally diabolical and mischievous.
  • Like @Jump_Ace I'm also definitely an ass man. Don't care about boobies.
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I never met my grandfather on my mum's side.
Dad bought me a 1:43 model of a Saleen S7 13 years ago. I still have it.
I've been taking photos of cars for 10 years.
My current cat is almost 10 years old. Don't know her exact birthdate but she was 6 months when I got her. I think.
I've been on the Spirit Of Tasmania and I hated it. Never again do I want to go on such a vessel.
1. If I see a PC game I like that is on sale for a very low price, I will buy it even if my computer is not strong enough to run it. The reason is simply because it's cheap and even if my current PC can't run it, there will come a time when I can since it's inevitable I'll have to upgrade someday when my current one gives out.
2. We have a lot of stray cats that have lived around my neighborhood for years and a good number of them hang around my house. We feed them every day and my mom recently counted 15 of them on our front porch and we've had as many as 25 before.
3. I have the link to my DLC tutorial for GT5 in my signature because I feel not enough people even know about the new ways of obtaining it we have now and theirs some people out there giving bad advice on this, which annoys me greatly and is something I hope to prevent.
4. I have a browser extension called Blocktube that I use to block certain videos and even entire channels from showing up in my feed and I have a pretty sizable number of things I keep blocked with it.
5. I have an intense obsession with large pylons, especially since they remind me of a fun time I had as a kid when we passed by some along the way and it wasn't too long ago I saw those same ones again.
Like @Jump_Ace I'm also definitely an ass man. Don't care about boobies.
And I am the total opposite, something not many people actually know about me.
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1. While I love owning rare items and take pride in them, I occasionally wonder what I would do if something were to happen to them and the thought of them getting ruined kind of freaks me out sometimes.
2. I don't intend to buy any more PS4 games unless they're exclusive to the system, like GT7 for instance.
3. I am apprehensive about updating to a new OS simply because I don't know how well some old games and apps will work.
4. I used to be afraid to go underwater when swimming, but I later grew to enjoy it the most once I got a set of goggles that protected my nose. The thought of water getting up my nose and causing it to burn makes me not want to do it without goggles.
5. I hate writing cards to people. It’s not that I don’t care about who I am writing to, I just don’t know what to write most of the time and they tend to come up at inconvenient times.
While I love owning rare items and take pride in them, I occasionally wonder what I would do if something were to happen to them and the thought of them getting ruined kind of freaks me out sometimes
Learn to let go. Ownership of nice things is a pleasure, but the anxiety of loss can an equal burden. This is true of all attachments in life.
Somebody wise originally said that. Not me.
I hate writing cards to people. It’s not that I don’t care about who I am writing to, I just don’t know what to write most of the time and they tend to come up at inconvenient times.
My handwriting sucks pretty bad on paper. Years of typing have eroded my penmanship on paper. My note books look like a their written in code.

I can still write perfectly neatly on a whiteboard oddly enough, probably because I actually focused on what I’m writing so others can read it.
Learn to let go. Ownership of nice things is a pleasure, but the anxiety of loss can an equal burden. This is true of all attachments in life.
Somebody wise originally said that. Not me.
I can believe it. Fortunately, the feeling comes and goes for me and doesn't stick around for too long. Though with the most recent instance for me being that rare Kenny Chesney CD I posted about recently, I won't lie, it's hit me much harder than expected knowing theirs next to no information on it.

It hits me the hardest while I am lying in bed trying to go to sleep.
My handwriting sucks pretty bad on paper. Years of typing have eroded my penmanship on paper. My note books look like a their written in code.

I can still write perfectly neatly on a whiteboard oddly enough, probably because I actually focused on what I’m writing so others can read it.
Join the club, my handwriting also sucks. It's been bad for as long as I can remember and isn't getting any better. :lol:
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I don't like going on holiday with my family.
I don't like eggs.
Having a big model car collection was always a dream of mine. I'm soo happy that I get to live it now.
I look at way too many cat videos.
I absolutely despise icy winds.
I absolutely despise icy winds.
Avoid the northern hemisphere!

I used the think wind chill was something I could ignore with layers. Then I rode into a Siberian blizzard and realised that some winds are just too cold to survive. I survived, of course, but I never made it to my intended destination.
Not directly related to the thread, but my mother shared with me my first-grade report card. No clue where she found it, be she did want me to read the comments for some reason.

...is a happy well-adjusted child
...needs to work on being organized
...willing to take part in all classroom activities
...needs to work on self-control

Apparently, I had no issue working with others, too.

Strange to read considering the number of times I ended up having to do group work alone in HS and Uni. I put up with it because I was afraid that not doing so would just make me forgotten and alone. So eventually, people began asking me about lab notes and projects to classes I wasn't even taking. Wasn't even flattering, just extremely annoying.
1. I don't like the idea of mid-gen upgrades for consoles, such as the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, since they're likely to come after I have already bought a non-upgraded one. Not only that, but they're not yet commonplace to the point I would expect them to happen often, and having to wait a long time for them to come out, without even knowing if they're coming at all, would just not be worth it.
2. My mood is often very dependent on what mood my mom is in. If she ain't in a good mood, chances are I won't be either.
3. I don't hate Christmas, I still enjoy it, but I don't enjoy it as much as I used to anymore and I've gotten to where I am happier when it's all over instead.
4. My attention span tends to be the shortest on Saturday more so than any other day of the week.
5. I like to make 2 different rips of my CD's, one in 320 kbps M4A format for casual listening and another in FLAC format for archival reasons.

Bonus Facts:
6. I like snow for the backdrop, but I hate being out in it.
7. I can't really hear the difference in sound quality with most MP3s and lossless formats, but I still care a lot about sound quality anyway because it gives me peace of mind and I feel one day, it will matter more so than it does now.
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1. The first friends I recall making were girls. Mainly my parents just happened to befriend people that had daughters my age, nothing more.
2. One friend I made used to always have a pack of gum whenever I was at her house and share it with me.
3. My favorite mint flavor is wintergreen.
4. I didn't hear Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas" song once this year. Too bad I didn't participate in that game where people avoid that song for fun.
5. I only know 2 songs made by Metric off the top of my head. "Handshakes" and "Black Sheep".
1. I am very picky about names and terminology and I get annoyed when people repeatedly call something the wrong thing.
2. When I was little, I used to think Homer Simpson's hair was a spider on his head.
3. I didn't have many friends growing up and was pretty shy for a long time. Although that's not really the case anymore, I do tend to be pretty thankful to have friends at all these days since I didn't always have that.
4. Likely because of what I said above, I don't handle rejection well and when someone I care about unfriends me on Facebook and/or turns their back on me, I take it quite personally. (some more so than others)
5. I said this earlier:
1. I don't like it when people record videos of shows, movies, or video games off-screen. I can understand why people would do it sometimes, such as not having a capture card for the PS3 and anything older, because I don't have a good means myself. However, I especially hate it when people do it on PC and more recent consoles since decent recording options exist for them and they aren't even bothering to use them.
And recently I've found this also applies to offscreen pictures as well. It annoys me irrationally when theirs perfectly good ways to make screenshots and export them, but people won't use them because they're too lazy to do it and will just take offscreen pictures simply because it takes less time. :grumpy: Fair enough if you can't take screenshots, but if you have the option, use it!
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1. I am not into sports and have no interest in the Super Bowl whatsoever, apart from the hilarious commercials they air.
2. I don't mind having older video games like PS1 games stretched to fit my big-screen TV likely because that's what I grew up with. In fact, I'd rather have that than have those black bars on the sides.
3. Gran Turismo 6 is the most recent GT game I've paid very close attention to. I've had very little to do with GTS and absolutely nothing to do with GT7 so far, mostly because, as I mentioned here before, I feel like my time is better spent revisiting old games than starting on new ones.
4. I have dated 2 girls with ADHD before, both of which didn't go too well, and I feel like part of why things never worked out with them was due to my lack of understanding of their condition. As a result, I have become somewhat obsessed with learning more about ADHD as a whole.
5. Lately, I've been on a pursuit of happiness and I've been trying to stay away from anything that could potentially ruin that for me.

Bonus Fact: I hate ankle socks and find most pairs I've worn to be very uncomfortable. Nowadays, I either wear long socks or I don't wear any at all, I can't even remember the last time I wore ankle socks again.
1. Fired a revolver in Las Vegas.

2. Have been to the exact coordinates where an atomic bomb was detonated.

3. Been injected with not one, but two radiotracers for money.

4. Has a father who was a high-ranking military officer and a renowned surgeon.

5. Owns shares in Ferrari.
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1. My intolerance for people interrupting me and/or taking way too long to finish talking has gotten so bad, that I've reached the point where I often avoid conversing when said individuals are around. Simply because I feel it's just not even worth the frustration in most cases.
2. As a kid, I used to think black people and Mexicans were the same race.
3. When I was really young, I used to think English and Spanish were the only languages.
4. While I care more about PC gaming than I used to, I still highly prefer playing on a console a majority of the time. For me, immersion is what separates the two, and playing on PC just doesn't provide this nearly as much as consoles do for me. I have tried plugging in my computer to my TV I use for gaming and even then, something about it just gets lost in translation.
5. I have no idea what kind of job I want to take on and what I want to do in that regard.
1. I get slightly annoyed whenever someone says "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined" simply because I hear it too often.
2. 2023 was not a bad year for me, but it was pretty unremarkable overall and not as good as 2022.
3. I like to hear all of a character's dialogue in a video game when given the chance.
4. I have a natural tendency to play NASCAR games around this time of the year, more so than any other time, and I believe it stemmed from a good experience I had from playing NASCAR Rumble way back in 2005. Since 2020 though, this feeling has gotten a lot stronger since I've come to like NASCAR a lot more than I used to and I have more NASCAR games I enjoy than I did in the past.
5. 2024 is already shaping up to be better than 2023 so far.
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1. I dislike heavy cars (anything above 1500kg / 3300lbs)
2. I very rarely wear a shirt at home, even in winter, I don't like the feeling of having my torso wrapped in clothes 24/7
3. Space / sci-fi horror is my favorite movie genre
4. I own over 50 physical fantasy and sci-fi books
5. I don't own a single e-book, I find the very idea abhorrent.
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1. I never wear a shirt at home.
2. I’ve got a bum ticker.
3. When I have free roam of YouTube, I listen to Slipknot.
4. I drink much more than you do.
5. I will die before you do.
4. I drink much more than you do.
5. I will die before you do.

Come On GIF by Max

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Sounds funny:

1. I havend had a haircut for 15 years

2. the smell of banana makes me vomit

3. In my physical prime I played handball on national level and won twice

4. My physical prime wass so low that I wasnt drafted for military service (my stamina doesnt meet the criteria for anything of effort for more than 90 minutes)

5. I competed in a cart race against a German celebrity and beat him soundly (though this was not his profession, so this doesnt count as a feat of strenght ;) )
1. I really hate those depressing commercials that try to guilt-trip you into donating money to some cause. While I'm not against what they stand for and I'm aware it's for an important cause, the commercials are still annoying as heck.
2. I love buying country music compilation albums due to their variety and how it could potentially introduce me to new songs and artists.
3. When people make mods for games I like, I like to wait and play them after I feel like I have experienced the original game as it comes, that way I can appreciate the mod more. I have a similar sentiment towards remakes and remasters.
4. My biggest regrets in life are not about what I had said, but rather what I didn't say when I had the chance and knowing it could have made a difference. These sorts of things tend to bother me a lot more than they probably should and this feeling tends to follow me around for very very long periods. (unless I get the chance to do something about it again)
5. I like booths in restaurants more than chairs and will choose them every chance I get.
1. I really hate those depressing commercials that try to guilt-trip you into donating money to some cause. While I'm not against what they stand for and I'm aware it's for an important cause, the commercials are still annoying as heck.
YES YES YES I think the exact same thing.