50 million credits in 7 minutes

I'm not at my ps3 at the moment, if you could please send me a request i'd be happy to add you ASAP.
Youve got the max amount of friends so I can't add you. I'd be happy if you got rid of a friend for a couple of days so I can add you, get all the money I need and then delete you a couple of days later.
I wish I could, your friends limit has been maxed out. Delete some and add me when you can? I'll give you a tuned car of mine as compensation. 👍

oh no need my friend, i dont mind as i like to help the community,, i will delete someone in about 10 minutes from now.
Kudos to KTalloutdrags and playnthru for letting me borrow their sweet rides. Not only that but KTalloutdrags had to go through the extra trouble of deleting people off his friends list to make room for me. I feel so special. I can see why he's so popular. Thanks guys.
Are you sure it lets you get 48 million because the two times that I've done it, it only stayed at 20 mill.
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And to think, back when I needed money to build my garage I had to do it the hard way(braking through the wall at nurb 24h and attach rubber bands for 200 laps lol). These kids nowadays :rolleyes:
:indiff: Hmm...
That will pretty much be the last nail in the coffin for GT5.

I knew better when I did those kind of exploit playing the Elder Scroll series,
Playing the game religiously untill I could cheat, only to never play them again. Stupid alchemy potion, at least it was offline.

I know its just my humble opinion but I hope you will get the point.
Can someone with Hybrids on share or willing to trade me add me please? I daont have any and i so want them so badly...
PSN: Tantricx

Thank you very much ;)
Can Someone add me and let me borrow their x2010 pls Name: D-NICE25222

This guy just joined because he wanted to get in on the action.. :rolleyes:

Nice find though, I did it just once to get the Mark IV. (I also jumped from Level 28 -> 33)
I won't be doing it anymore though. Grinding of that much money (in my opinion) takes away the value of expensive cars and the feeling that you "earned it" if you know what I mean. Still though, good find 👍
I'm sure the guy who created the hybrid x2010 lowered the PP for this reason.

And well said Drevenger 👍
If someone wouldn't mind letting me borrow the hybrid I would greatly appreciate it. Been playing GT5 legit since launch but I need to finish my collection and this would really help me getting those 20mill$ cars. Between work and school I don't have the time so if anyone is nice enough to help me out I would really appreciate it...thanks
...This is a nice little breeze from the grind, Cheating? man, i completed GT5, All of it, level 40 in Bobspec and Aspec. all 60 gold licenses, all events finished, endurances, special events etc...i think i deserve a ton o' money for all my hard work, just like alot of others.

Agreed. Like it gets boring seeing the same cars while you grind the seasonals. Its kinda funny ramming the crap out of cars when your doing the 50 mil race lol
Dear all, would someone be kind enough to add me and borrow me the x1 hybrid? I'm on level 36 and I'm tired of grinding the same races and have no interest in b spec so this would be a nice way to get enough money to buy the £20 mil cars.
Dear all, would someone be kind enough to add me and borrow me the x1 hybrid? I'm on level 36 and I'm tired of grinding the same races and have no interest in b spec so this would be a nice way to get enough money to buy the £20 mil cars.

Same here :/

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