Its bulletproof to work on SSRX aswell, I've been running for 19 hours now, and the laptimes are still within a few tenths of eachother. Howerver its now 7 seconds slower due to the power has started to drop.
I'm running with a race spec'ed setup for the suspension, LSD 60/5/60, minimum downforce ofcorse, CH tyres at the front, and RS tyres at the back, and TC at 10. thats it.
I did exactly 6000km, and it took about
20 hours to get it, but finally the TS030 is down in power, and then got down to
1:21.396 after about 40 minutes of driving. It is faster than the S2000 for sure.
I also need to correct myself,
@coryclifford , you where absolutely right, it seems the car really does'nt mind the lack of power at all. what it does mind is the extra weight, it only got faster the ligher it got.
But with the powerlimiter set at 50.0%, I was only able to get 250bhp and 173kg ballast, and since you got down to 249bhp and 167kg, there is more for me to grind.
(My oil was flashing red, but the engine overhaul was only yellow and "begun to deteriorate" after 6000km (3728miles))
This leads to further questions: What is the limit, what is the lowest possible power output you can get from this car? and how far do you have to drive it to get it there?
Anyway, I also found that the car really did'nt mind huge ammount of downforce, despite the low power, I still found the fastest setup to be 600/780
here is the rest of the setup for those who are interested:
Ride height: 85/80
Spring rate: 14.20/15.40
Dampers compression: 2/2
Dampers extension: 2/2
Anti-roll bars: 6/7
Camber angle: 0.0/0.0
Toe angle: 0.00/0.00
Brake balance: 4/3
Reset to default > Max speed 280kmh (173mph) > Set individual gears
1'st: 4.567
2'nd: 3.208
3'rd: 2.406
4'th: 2.055
5'th: 1.760
6'th: 1.505
Initial torque: 5
Acceleration sensitivity: 10
Braking sensitivity: 5
Powerlimiter @50.0%
Ballast as low as it will allow you given your power output (depending on mileage), at 0% position.
DF: 600/780
I looked through the
GT6 Oil, Engine, and High Mileage HP Deterioration Guide, and it seems the lowest possible power output will be achieved after 210 000km (130 488mi.)
Luckily, most part of the power loss will already be done after 15 300km (9 507mi.) and is probably the distance to aim for. 👍