50th anniversary for Australia's famous Bathurst 1000

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The famous racetrack in Australia, the Mount. Pamorama Circuit: home of the Bathurst 1000 Endurance Race; is on this weekend for the 2012 V8 Supercars Championship for Australian viewers.
To celebrate the 50th year of racing at the Mount. Panorama circuit, the Championship contenders: Mark Winterbottom & Will Davison of FPR, and Craig Lowndes & Jamie Whincup (championship leader) of HRT; are using special colour liveries on their cars to celebrate the 1-2 win for ford in 1977, & the record 9 wins by late holden driver Peter Brock.

The Top 10 Shootout winner is FPR driver Will Davison, which is teamed up by Co-Driver John Micintyre.

Sunday's big race will start at approx. 11:00 am, AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) only on Channel 7 & 7mate.
(Convert to local time zone)

For some areas in Australia, Daylight Savings standard time will change to summer time, & will begin very early sunday morning. Be sure to set your clocks 1 hour foward prior to the change.

Good luck to all drivers in the race!
Are you serious? You may not agree with the rules but don't keep breaking them, there is a V8 Supercar thread, and this is your 3rd attempt at making this thread, it's been locked twice already, get the message.
There is a thread for V8 Supercars, you could just use that thread to post about the race. There's no need to keep on making new threads for this race.
I insist more.

Goodbye. If you want to do a blog, do it at one of the many blogging sites.
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