520PP Super GT/GT300 Super Lap: Brands Hatch GP Circuit

  • Thread starter nowcontrol
After another 25 miles or so, I've been able to improve my time to a 1:33.894 lap for 218th place:)

I keep thinking that I should be able to gain even more time, but as I near the end of the lap I lose a chunk of time to the ghost that I'm chasing since I have to weave side-to-side as I drive up the S/F straight to avoid all the cheering fans who have streamed onto the track to cheer for all the alien drivers who have already crossed the S/F line about two seconds ahead of me:(;):D

Great fun!:cheers:

I think that he's saying he's doing it to highlight that there are others on the leaderboard that are doing the same as him, i.e. gaining an unfair performance advantage.
I think he's hinting that there are others who are doing it, in an unnoticeable manner, i.e the lack of wider tyres.

Obviously, I'm not condoning his, or any other cheaters behaviour, just trying to answer you're question.

Look back to his post at #294 and my reply at #295
Tbh mate, he highlighted it once, got banned, and made another PSN to continue cheating..

What he's saying is just his excuse
Please DO NOT mistake, many use it sneaky way . means that if I do not change width of tires would you believe made time? banning useless to have to fix the game soon !
Let me translate in some other languages what you're saying and your behaviour in the leaderboards.

English: "who is at fault, suspects everybody" // " the thief believes that everybody is like him"
Spanish: "cree el ladrón que todos son de su condición"
German: "Der Dieb meint, sie stehlen alle"
Italian: "il ladro crede che tutti è come lui"
French: "le voleur croit que tout le monde est comme lui"
Portuguese: "o ladrão pensa que todo mundo é como ele"

You're right in one thing, "banning is useless" because we still can see you in the leaderboards.
Bruno no matter what excuse you have or reasoning for your actions you still continue to cheat in most of the seasonal events you take part in and you should be ashamed of your actions... Not Proud! 👎 Who made you PD's unofficial security tester?

Anyway here's a nice avatar for you just in case you decide to hang around GTP and stink the place up with more of your BS... we will see the notification on the main page when you post and know it's nothing worth reading :dopey:


Nothing more to say to a gloating cheat with no conscience :rolleyes:
If anyone is interested. This is my tune for the RX7 👍.

Many thanks to @praiano63 for the suspension settings :cheers:.

RE Amemiya RX7 GT300 Base Model '06 @ Brands Hatch GP.

520pp, 347bhp, 1100kg.

OIL Change

Racing: Heavy wet tyres.


Brakes 5/5


Initial FG: 3300
Max speed 112mph (min)
1: 5188
2: 3846
3: 3249
4: 2740
5: 2334
6: 1990
FG: 2500

LSD: 10/7/20

Power 92.5%. low turbo

DF 350/600

Hope it helps a few people out 👍.


Thanks for this tune, mate, I won 1,5 seconds with it, although I changed it a bit:
Brakes 7/8
LSD: 10/10/20

Usually I like Praiano's Tunes most, but with this car in this race, your Tune is the better choice (for me), sorry, Praiano, no offense! I still take your Android-App to see if you have a tune before I start any race!

Another pic of the cheating here... this time of the second place car which has the exact same hacked tyres as Bruno in 1st and so we can only assume that this is either an alias/2nd account of his or it is a friend of his.....

My normal car...
View attachment 300264
2nd place hacked car...
View attachment 300266

Come on PD, Take them down and ban them! :mad:

I'm not an expert, but I wonder how you found out the cheat!?:confused:
When I look at your 2 snapshots, I can just see that you have Slicks while the other car has profiles tyres.
So how did you find out? I never could!
Thanks for this tune, mate, I won 1,5 seconds with it, although I changed it a bit:
Brakes 7/8
LSD: 10/10/20

Usually I like Praiano's Tunes most, but with this car in this race, your Tune is the better choice (for me), sorry, Praiano, no offense! I still take your Android-App to see if you have a tune before I start any race!

I'm not an expert, but I wonder how you found out the cheat!?:confused:
When I look at your 2 snapshots, I can just see that you have Slicks while the other car has profiles tyres.
So how did you find out? I never could!

Really?! You can't see that the second pic shows a car with much wider tyres than the first pic?
Bruno no matter what excuse you have or reasoning for your actions you still continue to cheat in most of the seasonal events you take part in and you should be ashamed of your actions... Not Proud! 👎 Who made you PD's unofficial security tester?

Anyway here's a nice avatar for you just in case you decide to hang around GTP and stink the place up with more of your BS... we will see the notification on the main page when you post and know it's nothing worth reading :dopey:


Nothing more to say to a gloating cheat with no conscience :rolleyes:

I'm a little annoyed that I can't like this more than once! Spot on and well said!
I'm not an expert, but I wonder how you found out the cheat!?:confused:
When I look at your 2 snapshots, I can just see that you have Slicks while the other car has profiles tyres.
So how did you find out? I never could!

I think that @nowcontrol studied the replay of the offending lap, specifically looking for anything that didn't look "stock"

Wide tires
Wide chassis
Ride height, etc

Sometimes, just from visual inspection, you can tell that a car has been hacked.

I'm not an expert, but I wonder how you found out the cheat!?:confused:
When I look at your 2 snapshots, I can just see that you have Slicks while the other car has profiles tyres.
So how did you find out? I never could!

As @GTsail290 has said, suspicion [lap time] leads to curiosity which calls for a visual inspection.

This should be the main focus of the pics for the difference between normal and hacked tyres....



The extra width is unmistakable.

And FYI my car has heavy wets just as everyone else's does, not slicks. Look more closely at the top of the tyre in the original pics.
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Nice lap nicokin89 :cool: Next time I try, I'm going to have to try staying in the higher gears also as you make it look so easy... 1st place legitimately as far as the eye can see without a microscope :D

Well done and great laptime! :cheers:
what do you mean by as far as the eye(...) ? Thanks for the compliment , it looks easy but it is not haha ;) i will try to do a sub 31 then i stop .. ho and tank you for the tunes, often a good base ! i may not participate a lot in this forum but i m watching you haha
Bruno has created so many accounts that he has cast suspicion on any Brazilian account that ends up in the Top 10. Then he has the nerve to claim he is only doing it to point out that OTHERS are doing it? Oh, I sincerely hope someone has contacted Sony with this information so they can remove his time(s) and ban these PSN accounts, like they have done with several of his other accounts. I don't compete in these events - I literally run a lap, get gold and never try again, so I don't really have a dog in this hunt. However, I respect what many of you do in these events. I admire and respect the skills you posses and even though it's just a silly online leaderboard that disappears as soon as the event closes, I feel those of you who legitimately accomplish a Top 10 finish deserve your moment in the sun, however short it may be. :bowdown:
Nicos got some real speed.. Did real well at the subaru vgt. Good job mate 👍
thank you ! Do you remember my final ranking a subaru vgt ?By the way anyone have a good suspension set up to advise me ? because i would like my care more stable for the last 5 corner . thank you
i have made some changes will update my tune,i will put them in as bold,i'm down to 34.5xx but have blown many under that :banghead:

Nice close times again 👍. Difficult to not mess up the last few fast corners when your up on your ghost.

I switched back to the RX-7 and for me, it is quicker then the Impreza. Down to a 1:34,343 (DS3,ABS1).
Managed 1:34.214 for # 304, that's almost poetic. Hopefully I'll make it less poetic.
Not bad! Read what @IBZ6L20VT says here!
Well, without seeing your lap or how you deal with corners is pretty hard to give some advice. But the key, and even more in a wet track, is smoothness in the inputs. Also, be aware that sometimes is better to maintain half throttle more time than smash it earlier. When I began to improve in the leaderboards and made a big leap, was in this very track. I improved when I realised that half throttle is really important to obtain great times. Also, if you see top drivers braking late, is because they release the brake while turning in the early stage of the corner to rotate the car. This allows a later brake. Also, despite ABS on, you don't need to smash the brake pedal.

Hope you find some piece of advice useful. And of course, if I said something wrong, everybody is free to correct my mistakes.

Great stuff amigo!! I just want to add that it's important to be quite easy on the throttle even though on praiano tune the car allows smashing the throttle on low gears, preventing wheel spin is the key for good exit on slow, as well fast corners. I have actually increased the slip for acceleration to maybe make it bit more noticeable when wheels start spinning too fast... At leas I think it helps :D
Yep,totally agree with what IBZ6L20VT says about throttle control on corners. I'm still learning to use this wheel but love the control I have with the throttle compared to the buttons on the DS3. Of course knowing it's there and being able to actually do it is not how it always plays out, but when I get it right it feels awesome.
I've been in front of Nowcontrol a few times so I must be doing it right some times.
Can you tell me ODB what you mean by, "I have actually increased the slip for acceleration"? Thanks mate.