5th GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship

  • Thread starter DonkeyFuzz
Basically it does this:

The light goes green when switched on, then goes yellow for a second then flashes blue violently then yellow for a second then flashes red violently then shuts down.

I rang SONY and they said 'You can either buy a brand new one, or, you can send us your one and we can 'try' and fix it'. The problem is, is that they don't know what the problem is and they'll charge me potentially £150 for something they not fix properly.
Well, that sucks. Sorry to hear that. I know what it feels like to have a PS3 die on you. It really sucks. But I hope to see you(behind me :D) in F1 2010. Just hope we all get a spot in the championship, since there are a lot of other GTP users looking forward to F1 2010, and no doubt they will want in with the championship that's bound to happen.

About the PS3 problem, you should just send it to Sony. They'll fix it. After all, they are Sony. And if anything is wrong with the PS3 again within a month, (or is it 3?), you can give it back and get another one.
Well, that sucks. Sorry to hear that. I know what it feels like to have a PS3 die on you. It really sucks. But I hope to see you(behind me :D) in F1 2010. Just hope we all get a spot in the championship, since there are a lot of other GTP users looking forward to F1 2010, and no doubt they will want in with the championship that's bound to happen.

About the PS3 problem, you should just send it to Sony. They'll fix it. After all, they are Sony. And if anything is wrong with the PS3 again within a month, (or is it 3?), you can give it back and get another one.

Thanks Peter for your words. Much Aprreciated.

As for the PS3, I've decided to buy a new one because SONY wanted £150 and no guarnutee that it would return working in a fully functional condition so I payed £80 extra and it's supposed to be here Saturday. So no chance of making the races tomorrow night and I definately can't next week so I'll quit while I'm still ahead.
What if nev the other lot race on friday take pictures and me and you meet up in the week and do the races you take pictures and we make the result on the finishing times. Just a idea
Not a bad idea, although it is bending the rules and it would mean you having to miss the race on Friday. I'll see what others say because some may disagree but I haven't raced you in ages and I was looking forward to racing you for a practice tomorrow.
Or we could race at a dfferent date. Saturday? Sunday? Thursday? Wednesday? anything that could work. Is friday really the only free day we all have?
Not a bad idea, although it is bending the rules and it would mean you having to miss the race on Friday. I'll see what others say because some may disagree but I haven't raced you in ages and I was looking forward to racing you for a practice tomorrow.

So was i but not to worry.
Gutted to hear about your PS3 problem NEV, i had exactly the same thing happen to me, the yellow light of death. The idea about you racing another time and comparing the end times wouldn't work because the pressures will be different, and it wouldn't be an accurate reflection. To be honest i would be willing to miss however many races neccesary or race on a different day, because it will be no fun winning the championship by default i want to race you all the way for it. Thats my thoughts...
I am in a really big dilema right now because all of youare being very gratious about the whole aspect of this championship, but I want it to fair for you guys. I understand about racing with King may not work, so the only idea I have is move the race to another day like Peter suggested, however, I know others will not be able to make certain days and it will be very confusing to organise.

This is something I thought would be possible:

Do the races either Saturday night or Sunday night, what ever suits best, then have two races in the middle of the week like Tuesday or Wednesday for Hungary and Turkey.
I have work this saturday and i am off to watch Fulham vs Manchester United on sunday but will probably be back for 10pm if you want to race then. I can never race on a tuesday as im always working late but can do wednesday at 9pm if thats any help.
Sorry guys, I won't be able to make the race if it's tomorroww, saturday, and possibly sunday. So how about having it at a later date, for me? Perhaps in the week?
Just checking in to see if any racing will occur tonite. From what I've read it sounds like some of you definitely can't make it. I'm fine with rescheduling again, but I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything tonite. Thanks.
As far as I know, there is currently no race tonight. At this moment in time, this championship is very confused. I think tomorrow, we should either post times on when we can make a race (Some already have), or meet up in the 'chat' section of GTP and sort something out on there.
Hmm, I'm guessing that 9PM is 4PM where I'm at. I don't get back from work 'til 5:30PM, so I won't be able to attend.
Thanks Fishfash. It's very annoying when it dies on you as I'm sure you'll know. :)

Okay, Wedensday looks possible however, MadAd may not be able to make it and Lofasz most certianly won't be able to make it.

Right i think everyone needs to post the times they can attend. I can attend any week night if the race started between 7pm and 8pm. Weekends i can probably attend early afternoon or evening but it would depend on the exact time...
I cannot do this current weekend, but will be available on some week days from 7:30 - 12 at night. Others I may not be available until 9 at night. I will post the exact dates later on this evening or tomorrow.
I work 5 days a week, and the earliest I can get on is at 6PM my time, which means 11PM your time I believe. I could be on at 12 noon your time during the weekend. Up to this point, I've been lucky that you guys are willing to play so late, on your side of the pond. Hopefully we can work something out, but if not I understand.
Could we not do 2 races tomorrow at 11pm? I will check before i leave for the game say 11.30am and see what the result is on this but if no one has posted i will check when i get back home to see if we are racing.

Monday and tuesday i can't do wednesday 9pm and the same thursday.
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