60+ New GT5 Screens on IGN

  • Thread starter Jakemania
Sorry if someone posted this already. Here is the link... Looking pretty good. đź‘Ť
Forgot to mention in title they are all 720p. A lot of NASCAR cars in there unfortunately (I don't mind it, but I like the ones that show off the scenery).


Here is one of the many images!
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Haha, gotta love Kaz. I wish he knew English... It would make the many confusions (such as interior) of GT5 a lot simpler!

I'm pretty sure even the standard cars will have at least a dash, along some standard seats and such.
Not liking the NASCARs in Madrid. It just looks wrong, like they don't belong.

Why, cause they're turning right? People complain that all they do is turn left, then when you put them on a road course....OMG they don't belong there. :crazy:
:lol: I wouldn't say cartoony but it would've been more realistic if the sky was dark and gray with many a cloud. I think its too bright and sunny, considering you hardly ever see the sun shining in England. ;). Apart from that (which is no huge deal) I think it looks real.
I commented on an earlier GTPlanet post about the track and such looking a bit... Waxy. Sort of like Ninja Gaiden... Great detail but with a look of being made of wax. I don't think this screen is too bad though.
I debated on using that post in my topic post as well but I decided on the other one :P

The sky is looking too blue, the grass a lot too green and the road looks.. stale

I actually thought the grass looked great. The track does look a bit stale but it's probably about as good as it's gonna get. I'm hoping they will have rain in some races but I'm doubtful :guilty:
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That Top Gear track looks too clean IMO. They need to add more imperfections to the grass and road textures. Some permanent skidmarks over the start/finish line would be nice as well.

For that Nurburgring pic 4 posts above, the cars look as if they're not really connected to the road. The tire smoke coming from the two cars in the background (ZR1 and Camaro?) looks weird as well, but it might be the draw distance.

Otherwise they're all stunning đź‘Ť.
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I wouldn't say "cartoony", but the Top Gear test track is legendary - and has been used a lot over the years - so, more tire marks/skid marks are necessary to convey that realism to the players.

Add those tire marks and the "cartoony" aspect is gone. PD could do that in half an hour! :sly:
That Top Gear track looks too clean IMO. They need to add more imperfections to the grass and road textures. Some permanent skidmarks over the start/finish line would be nice as well.

Yeah that's true. It just seams like a repeated texture doesn't it. I still like the grass though :).

Add those tire marks and the "cartoony" aspect is gone. PD could do that in half an hour! :sly:

Maybe some grit and saturation would do the trick ;)
I wouldn't say "cartoony", but the Top Gear test track is legendary - and has been used a lot over the years - so, more tire marks/skid marks are necessary to convey that realism to the players.

Add those tire marks and the "cartoony" aspect is gone. PD could do that in half an hour! :sly:

Let me add the skid marks :)
"......And accross the line!"
This looks too... cartoony

Agree. I thought that pic came from the Modnation Racers. :ouch:

That Top Gear track looks too clean IMO. They need to add more imperfections to the grass and road textures. Some permanent skidmarks over the start/finish line would be nice as well...

...and more clouds.

Realism pic here:
For that Nurburgring pic 4 posts above, the cars look as if they're not really connected to the road. The tire smoke coming from the two cars in the background (ZR1 and Camaro?) looks weird as well, but it might be the draw distance.

I see nothing wrong with vehicle-road connection. But what are they (the Camaro and Corvette) doing there? Trying to do some burnouts? :P

Otherwise they're all stunning đź‘Ť.

You're right.
It's largely the colours with that TG track shot, you're all used to seeing it all washed out and through the blue filters that the TG crew religiously use. Fiddle with the colour settings on your monitor, or run it through photoshop and you'll find it looks much better.
Why, cause they're turning right? People complain that all they do is turn left, then when you put them on a road course....OMG they don't belong there. :crazy:
No, because they look out of place. Yes, I associate NASCARs with ovals - but not because they only turn left. I asociate them with ovals because they are built for oval racing. I know they occasionally have a race on a road course, but on a street circuit in the middle of Madrid? It kind of sticks out like a sore thumb. NASCAR looks at home on an oval, but here you might as well have put a Formula 1 car on a rally stage. You could do it if you really wanted to, but it sure as hell wouldn't look right.
No, because they look out of place. Yes, I associate NASCARs with ovals - but not because they only turn left. I asociate them with ovals because they are built for oval racing. I know they occasionally have a race on a road course, but on a street circuit in the middle of Madrid? It kind of sticks out like a sore thumb. NASCAR looks at home on an oval, but here you might as well have put a Formula 1 car on a rally stage. You could do it if you really wanted to, but it sure as hell wouldn't look right.

Aww come on. You know you want to race a NASCAR on the Nurburgring. :lol:

-Actually, I wonder what kind of time a NASCAR would set on the Ring. It'll be interesting to find out for sure!
It actually took me a while to realize that top gear track pic was ingame. I thought it was real for about 10 seconds.
Kaz said that this is just a demo. These aren't FINISHED GAME pictures. Give him a break guys. And to those of you thinking that there are supposed to be numerous tire marks on the top gear track, it's located in England. One of the most rainy countries in the world. It rains religiously out there, the tire marks get washed away. On other pictures you'll see tire marks.
It's largely the colours with that TG track shot, you're all used to seeing it all washed out and through the blue filters that the TG crew religiously use. Fiddle with the colour settings on your monitor, or run it through photoshop and you'll find it looks much better.

With most driving games in the PS3 and especially GT5 Prologue I have a separate pre-set where I reduce saturation, adjust each of the colour saturation and hue, reduce contrast while increasing brightness. Just this little tweak makes a huge difference in giving you a more realistic colour pallate and image presence.

Using the same kind of adjustment in PS, I've tried to replicate the result with the Top Gear track shots from IGN:


Original I (IGN)


Original II