60fps Replays for GT6?

Only the default dynamic camera in replays runs at 30fps,all other views target 60fps.

just trying to work on a new video... thought i could do some nice slomotion shots...
really dissapointed, because GT5 had 60fps nomatter what
As you know in GT5, gameplay runs at 60fps, but replays only ran at 30fps. If you look at GT3 and GT4's replays, they also ran at 60fps. What I wonder is whether they will stick to 30fps replays or buff them back up to 60fps.

The replays run at 60fps depending on the camera. Some cameras have post processing effects (like blur) and those need to be done after the frame is rendered, which dictates that you use half the frames for rendering and half for post processing, ergo, 30fps
I couldn't care less about the fps in replays; I'd just be happy to get the (as-advertised) 60 fps during gameplay. The fps rate was much better in the previous iteration.
I couldn't care less about the fps in replays; I'd just be happy to get the (as-advertised) 60 fps during gameplay. The fps rate was much better in the previous iteration.

You can get that too, just stay away from the day/night/weather tracks. Those tracks have dynamic lighting and shadows which sucks up processor power.

I've said before that the game REEKS of outsourcing. The physics is the only improved bit. The rest seems shortcut by folks who don't love the franchise. GT Auto is a great example...it looks FAR worse now and there is little gained. My bet is that the main team at PD is working on GT7 while some white label company out of China did GT6.