9-11, conspiracy, silly thread made by me. Whoop whoop.

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Also when steel is heated, it's structure significantly weakens, under Jet-Fuel Temps, steel melts.
I agree with your post, but that is incorrect -

Jet fuel burns at around 800 degrees Celsius, steel melts at 1200 or something. BUT - Steel loose 50% of it's strength at 600 or so..

Please don't quote me for the exact numbers - I suck at those...
Hello. I'm sorry, but Reality is not around to take your call at the moment. Please leave your half-baked illuminati-style century-long conspiracy theory after the tone and we'll be sure to facepalm at our next opportunity.

The thing I love about conspiracy theories is that they seem to favour just about any other possibility over what the evidence suggests, while at the same time disregarding the blindingly obvious. Modern-day conspiracy theories thrive on the fact that the internet allows everyone and anyone to share 'information' (usually more like misinformation, depending on your sources) at the touch of a button, with little (and rarely any) regard for whether that information is even remotely true, plausible or even physically possible. But there is such a thing as keeping such an open mind that your brain falls out... Whereas many possible scenarios may well be 'plausible', it is the job of those who actually know and understand the available evidence to deduce which plausible scenario is actually true. Everything else is at best pure speculation, and at worst a deliberate attempt to misguide people into a conclusion that supports a predetermined agenda... it seems most conspiracy theories have both of these things in abundance.
The thing I love about conspiracy theories is that they seem to favour just about any other possibility over what the evidence suggests, while at the same time disregarding the blindingly obvious. Modern-day conspiracy theories thrive on the fact that the internet allows everyone and anyone to share 'information' (usually more like misinformation, depending on your sources) at the touch of a button, with little (and rarely any) regard for whether that information is even remotely true, plausible or even physically possible. But there is such a thing as keeping such an open mind that your brain falls out... Whereas many possible scenarios may well be 'plausible', it is the job of those who actually know and understand the available evidence to deduce which plausible scenario is actually true. Everything else is at best pure speculation, and at worst a deliberate attempt to misguide people into a conclusion that supports a predetermined agenda... it seems most conspiracy theories have both of these things in abundance.

You're only saying that because you're controlled by Invisible Possessed Robot Zombie Ninja Ghost Pirate Government Spies from JUPITER.

The evidence is all there, man. Look at the way you lean playing GT4. Look at the way the top of the WTC leaned. Coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO.
You're only saying that because you're controlled by Invisible Possessed Robot Zombie Ninja Ghost Pirate Government Spies from JUPITER.

The evidence is all there, man. Look at the way you lean playing GT4. Look at the way the top of the WTC leaned. Coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO.

And how was your w/e Famine ?.... ;-)
Just because I've spent most of the weekend doped up on over-the-counter drugs doesn't mean my insights are any less valid...
Hello. I'm sorry, but Reality is not around to take your call at the moment. Please leave your half-baked illuminati-style century-long conspiracy theory after the tone and we'll be sure to facepalm at our next opportunity.

I have a conspiracy....
Famine is not a human. He is a fat, hockey playing lesbian built by the U.N. to destroy the internet with the most dangerous weapon known to man....

A brain.
God... WTH, if I don't get a cold from my family members that are all sick I'm gonna get an eCold from Famine? :grumpy:
Just because I've spent most of the weekend doped up on over-the-counter drugs doesn't mean my insights are any less valid...

"Ladies and Gentlemen - We have reached a point where the "Over the counter" drugs are actually stronger than anything you can buy on streets.."...

NyQuil is the answer :-)
I'm pretty sure that the jews did it...I watched all these videos on youtube and they proved it. Just watch them a few times and it'll all click in your head.
That'll be your brain cells popping.

I'm in a bit of a rush atm due to coursework, could someone answer this part of a conspiracy for me.

Were the towers sold the day before the impact? This isn't my question, just something I heard and I'm short on time to do it myself.
to discredit "conspiracy theories" simply because you think the US government is righteous and good (or any government) is pretty ignorant and naive. Zeitgeist, however, is just as silly. Still, money is power, and its proven that war makes money. I believe the government at least knew of the impending attacks and at the very least decided to allow them to happen.
This thread actually does a great job of seperating the two types of people on the GTP (not going to give those groups names). :rolleyes:

Controlled demo? :lol:
I suppose the people worried about windows blowing out never learned anything about basic physics. :dunce:

There's just so much wrong with the idea of a conspiracy...
What's that old saying about the blind leading the blind? :lol:
Why aren't any of you actually watching the movie? Maybe you should watch it, and then comment!
Because it's full of crap.

Look, I've been through this entire subject of the alleged "controlled demolition" at length, and most of it is either wrong or deliberately made up.

Honestly. Conspiracies don't work. Particularly not conspiracies that involve more than 3 people and a couple of months in duration.
My favorite conspiracy related event was Tom Clancy being asked who killed Kennedy, he responded- one man, Lee Harvey Oswald. :lol:
I'm going to watch this tonight just out of pure interest. After watching the conspiracy theories on 9/11 I read the official 9/11 commission report which does have some information on why the trade centres collapsed, but it also contains loads of information on the planning and events leading up to 9/11. Definitely worth a read (it's about 500 pages excluding index). Link here

Although an official government report could be a conspiracy in itself.
I agree with your post, but that is incorrect -
Jet fuel burns at around 800 degrees Celsius, steel melts at 1200 or something. BUT - Steel loose 50% of it's strength at 600 or so..
Please don't quote me for the exact numbers - I suck at those...

Jet fuel burns anywhere from 700°C - 1600°C, depending on many factors, including altitude (pressure), and available oxygen.

You are correct, I mis-spoke when I stated that Steel Melts at that temperature, what I should have said is that 'steel significantly softens' at those temps. The Melting point of Steel (when it becomes liquid) can be as low as 1300°C or as high as 2000°C depending on the make-up of the alloy.

How did he die ? :eek:

"I read the first draft of the Warren report, and it said he was killed by a drunk driver..." -Wag the Dog quote (great movie)
Yes, designed to take impacts, and the building survived a impact larger than what it was designer for, quite well. The Engineers never took into effect what the Jet-Fuel would do to the steel. Also Todays Jet-Fuel burns hotter than what was used at the time of construction.

Jet fuel burns at around 800 degrees Celsius, steel melts at 1200 or something. BUT - Steel loose 50% of it's strength at 600 or so..

One question: The jet fuel would have expanded and been consumed within seconds of the impact. What temperature do desks, papers, chairs and drywall burn at? Surely the steel that was severely weakened by the jet fuel would not have held up for the several minutes before the building collapsed.
The steel was molten at temperatures that exceed that of burning jet fuel.
Hey, can your oven immediately reach 400 degrees (F)? See I do this pre-heat thing on mine where a heat source reaches temperatures and then the heat builds up inside my oven. Is it possible, maybe, perhaps, that as the fuel burned the heat actually built up to exceed said jet fuel burning temperatures?

Just a thought. Someone may tell me I am wrong.

You notice how the floors collapsed upon themselves? Where are the core beams? THEY SHOULD BE STICKING UP A FIFTH OF A MILE IN THE SKY.
Funny thing. They are building these new skyscrapers in my city and I see nothing that would be called a core beam the finished height of the building. I do however see plenty of girders being put together to create a framework.

Why aren't any of you actually watching the movie? Maybe you should watch it, and then comment!
Because I am at work and if I were going to watch online movies at work it would not be this. You know what? I will start to watch this tonight when I get home, but if it even begins to get stupid or close to Loose Change crap I am done.

By the way, we all know that Kyle did it. Cartman proved it.

Were the towers sold the day before the impact? This isn't my question, just something I heard and I'm short on time to do it myself.
If by sold you mean leased, and if by "day before" you mean announced to take bids in 1998 and finalized in April of 2001, closed in July of 2001.

It was a 99 year lease, but the Port Authority still owned the property. It was and is still their responsibility.

One question: The jet fuel would have expanded and been consumed within seconds of the impact.
Would it? I'm no jet fuel expert but I have made plenty of home made Molotov cocktails and those things continue to burn for a long, long time. Unless jet fuel has some kind of different expanding and instantaneous burning characteristic different from other flammable liquids I don't imagine it happening like that.
to discredit "conspiracy theories" simply because you think the US government is righteous and good (or any government) is pretty ignorant and naive. Zeitgeist, however, is just as silly. Still, money is power, and its proven that war makes money. I believe the government at least knew of the impending attacks and at the very least decided to allow them to happen.
I highly doubt that. If anything, I would believe the government chose to ignore the warnings, not, "Well, let's just let 6,000 people get killed or hurt, and see what happens next."
One question: The jet fuel would have expanded and been consumed within seconds of the impact. What temperature do desks, papers, chairs and drywall burn at? Surely the steel that was severely weakened by the jet fuel would not have held up for the several minutes before the building collapsed.
Which we already established :-)

But - and this is bluntly assuming, chairs, desks and drywall burn at a temperature at lot lower than jetfuel :-)
Note to all: read books on statics, materials, and building design. Everything that happened makes sense. I'm not trying to be condescending, but the people most convinced by conspiracy theories are those who do not have a firm grasp of the subject at hand.

Also, a fully loaded 757 holds roughly 10,000 gallons of fuel. That will burn for a long time at a very hot temperature. It doesn't all just vaporize at once.
This thread actually does a great job of seperating the two types of people on the GTP (not going to give those groups names). :rolleyes:

Yup. People who post in conspiracy threads and people who don't bother... :lol:

There's just so much wrong with the idea of a conspiracy...
What's that old saying about the blind leading the blind? :lol:

Uhhh... they get the worm?
LOL, wow. There are still people slow enough to believe this? You must really want to hate your government and think they would rather kill you then protect you? Even if it was controlled demolition, why not do it when there MORE people in there. Seriously, if there are usually 50K people in those buildings during peak times, the govenment knows this, why not do it then?

Oh man, why don't we watch the movie? Because it's meant to make you hate, fear and loathe your government. And of course, without actual proof.
Thanks FK, of course conspirators will still say that is part of the plan, etc. All bollocks to me. Infact has any conspiracy theory turned into knowledge/fact?
Thanks FK, of course conspirators will still say that is part of the plan, etc. All bollocks to me. Infact has any conspiracy theory turned into knowledge/fact?

No, because the government - who are so wonderful at covering things up and killing people in secrecy, yet so woeful at creating a fair tax system that works, running administrative systems and stopping people from finding out they're being fellated by interns - stop that from happening.
No, because the government - who are so wonderful at covering things up and killing people in secrecy, yet so woeful at creating a fair tax system that works, running administrative systems and stopping people from finding out they're being fellated by interns - stop that from happening.

Yep. They seed contrails in the sky to wipe our brains clear from thinking further about them.

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