9-11, conspiracy, silly thread made by me. Whoop whoop.

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No, but it burned full blast for about 28 hours longer than WTC.

It wouldn't have been burning at anything like enough of a temperature required to damage the steel. Obviously I don't know the exact temperature but the WTC fires would've been several times hotter than a normal building fire.
I have a cool picture around here... I ought to scan it just for show.

It's my wife and I (back when we were dating and I was living in NYC) on the WTC roof... awesome day, by the way. Picture was taken on August 28th 2001... just two weeks prior!
You could go on the roof? Or you just went on the roof anyway?

WTC2 had an observation deck for tourists that was open on good days.




Plenty of skyscrapers in NYC have a observation decks, though I'm sure many are now very strict in passage to get to.
You could go on the roof? Or you just went on the roof anyway?

as McLaren said.

The Empire State observation deck is probably the most famous in NYC, but the WTC also used to have, and I think the Chrysler Building has one too. But the one in WTC was to the actual top of the building, whereas the Empire State, Chrysler Building and Sears Tower (Chicago) still have some floors after the observation deck.
It's my wife and I (back when we were dating and I was living in NYC) on the WTC roof... awesome day, by the way. Picture was taken on August 28th 2001... just two weeks prior!

Did you throw any marbles of the top?? :D
Did you throw any marbles of the top?? :D

There were signs all over saying you shouldn't... and guards making sure people didn't. But if you looked off the side you wouldn't look straight down to the ground... the deck is much smaller than the whole floor, so you'd need a strong arm to throw something off the top, and since smaller kids are the ones that usually go for that, I guess no one did.
aww gutted....err, I mean thats very sensible of them, good thinking.

I suppose it was also to prevent, suiciders and base-jumpers.
as McLaren said.

The Empire State observation deck is probably the most famous in NYC, but the WTC also used to have, and I think the Chrysler Building has one too. But the one in WTC was to the actual top of the building, whereas the Empire State, Chrysler Building and Sears Tower (Chicago) still have some floors after the observation deck.
Doesn't the Rockefeller Building allow you to go up as well?
Did you throw any marbles of the top?? :D
While funny, I believe there's a gigantic fine if you're caught. Possibly small jail time.
While funny, I believe there's a gigantic fine if you're caught. Possibly small jail time.

I'm not surprised, I bet the terminal veolcity of marbles is well in excess of 200mph making them rather dangerous indeed.
I think all of the things happening in the US today is part of a conspiracy. All scripted to keep the publics attention from the dictators of America: The US Congress.
I think all of the things happening in the US today is part of a conspiracy. All scripted to keep the publics attention from the dictators of America: The US Congress.
Ironically, the chief targets of many conspiracy theories - the current administration and their related cronies - seem to think that they can actually achieve a level of control which is frankly beyond them. Take a look at the Wolfowitz Doctrine, for example. The general ideas behind it (and the majority of NeoCon thinking) involve maintaining US supremacy and tackling potential security risks to the US, even before they actually exist (or were ever going to!) - unsurprisingly, it's not a million miles from the Bush Doctrine, which has been played out for real in Iraq. The only problem with this idea - that total control can be achieved - is that it really isn't that difficult to prove them horribly wrong. 9/11 was a barbaric act - but it required no weapons more sophisticated than a collection of silverware to actually do it. No matter how many scenarios the government might envisage, and no matter how much they may actually be trying (and I don't doubt that they are) to control our perception of international events, the reality is that they cannot foresee or prevent every eventuality. If they believe that they can, then they are misguided. And if we vote for them because we believe that they can, then we are even more misguided than they are.
No, but it burned full blast for about 28 hours longer than WTC.

Other things that would have significant effect would be what floor the fire is on, and how well insulated the structure is (and, of course the material used as a load bearing member, which could be, for instance, steel reinforced concrete as opposed to steel beams).

Assuming the supporting structure is being weakened by the fire, then the number of floors above it will affect the chance of collapse. The more floors, the more weight and therefore the more strain is on the weakened structure.

Also, how widespread the fire is. If it is burning for a long time but is more or less moving along a front, a bit like a forest fire, then it might do less structural damage than a fire which burns the whole area at once.

All speculation, of course. I know nothing about the Madrid building you refer to, but your point has given give me food for thought. Nearly all the accidents where commercial size jets crashing into building that I know of involved low buildings of a few floors, so aren't really comparable.

Still, I'm 100% sure that the twin towers collapsed because someone flew a passenger jet into each one, and that there was no other helping hand.
The building was 29 stories high, and the fire started out in the 21st floor. In the end floors 21-29 collapsed on top of the rest, and the structure didn't fall.
Looking through these links I can point you to the most obvious difference.

BBC story
Several top floors have slumped onto lower ones, and Madrid fire chief Javier Sanz told local radio the 106m (350ft) tall building was still unstable.
In reference to the WTC towers the difference is the difference between setting your hand on a paper cup (it holds the weight) and slamming your hand down on the paper cup (it collapses). See in WTC1 there were 30 floors that fell down five floors (~50 feet) before impacting with the next solid floor. WTC2 was even more floors falling. The situation you are posting is a case of floors crumbling down to the floor below. The force is extremely different.

Looking at the image from after the fire you can see that the floors that have slumped aren't completely collapsed, just the area where the fire was located is. Also, it shows what appears to be reinforced concrete pillars, not just steel. Huge difference.

Now, in the case of WTC7 it had severe structural damage along with the fire. To make a fair comparison we would have to throw a wrecking ball through the building in Madrid a couple of times and then increase the heat.
I was pointing out the differences... I'm not going to throw myself at you wolves saying 9/11 was a conspiracy... hell no, I learned my lesson well.
There was no firefighting done in WTC7 at all. Also, several tenants in WTC7 had emergency generators located in an upper mechanical space, fueled by diesel tanks in the basement. There is strong evidence that at least one of these generators was destroyed by debris early in the day, breaking its fuel line. In the resulting fire, the fuel tank in the basement emptied itself by pumping several thousand gallons of diesel fuel up to the destroyed generator. Although diesel is not explosive, it does burn steadily at atmospheric pressure. Surely this made the unfought fires worse.

Also, because of a large, atruium-style lobby at the ground floor of WTC7, most of the structural load from the tower above was concentrated into a small number of very large columns - I forget the exact number, but it was less than 10, and more like 6. More than one of these critical columns was heavily damaged by falling debris and aircraft parts (at least one of the engines definitely went through the main WTC tower and fell through the roof of WTC7). There was not enough structural redundancy to survive the damage the building took as a combination of the initial impacts, the resulting fires, and the seismic action of the giant demolition that had occurred directly next door.
It was designed to take multiple impacts from the largest jets of the time. Multiple ones. Once again. Watcheth the movie and the light will click on.

Also, certain types of steel melts at different points, so I think they'd go for a pretty damn high strength steel.

It was designed to take a hit from a 707 if I remember correctly and not multiple ones. It was not designed to withstand whatever kind of monstrosity of a plane that hit it.The people who make these videos are nuts, they want to brain wash you. There is not solid proof of anything except 2 planes hit and two towers fell. Trust me if there was a conspiracy the media would be all over it.
I just watched this and i must say, the way the US and the world is heading, something needs to be done.

The whole North American Union thing is just insane! Why would we want that? Seriously.

And microchips? Sure it might make things easier.. But at the same time it will cause more problems.

And that one thing about how if the government labels you as a terrorist they can enter your house take you and anything you own and torture you.. That scares me. Alot.
I just watched this and i must say, the way the US and the world is heading, something needs to be done.

The whole North American Union thing is just insane! Why would we want that? Seriously.

And microchips? Sure it might make things easier.. But at the same time it will cause more problems.

And that one thing about how if the government labels you as a terrorist they can enter your house take you and anything you own and torture you.. That scares me. Alot.
Good thing it is all just a bunch of conspiracy BS then, huh?
Arter reading Duke's post, I gotta say:

Zeitgeist LOOKS like it could a big bunch of BS on the 9/11 part.
Arter reading Duke's post, I gotta say:

Zeitgeist LOOKS like it could a big bunch of BS on the 9/11 part.

Why did you bump this thread? Do you realize what you've done? The cycle just begins again!:dopey:
I actually read through this whole thread, because I watched the zeigeist part with religion and then the parts about americas central banking system, and maybe 1 or two posts were made about those, the rest were about how the 9/11 conspiracies are crap. The video only makes a small mention about 9/11 and only suggests that it was a conspiracy.

The video is not loose change, in fact zeigeist suggests that 9/11 may or may not have been -allowed to happen-. Watch the video folks.
I actually read through this whole thread, because I watched the zeigeist part with religion and then the parts about americas central banking system, and maybe 1 or two posts were made about those, the rest were about how the 9/11 conspiracies are crap. The video only makes a small mention about 9/11 and only suggests that it was a conspiracy.

The video is not loose change, in fact zeigeist suggests that 9/11 may or may not have been -allowed to happen-. Watch the video folks.

9/11 conspiracy or not, most of the claims (including almost all of the Egyptian and pagan) are fabrications, and none of them provide any resources as to where this information is cited.
This thread needs to die peacefully. We managed it once, but then it miraculously came back to annoy us all again.
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