99th Indianpolis 500 - May 24th

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My friend Stan just returned from a long trip back east including the Indy 500, where he has a seat high in turn 1 every year.

He told me what happened to Hinchcliffe. When the rescue team got to him he was code 5. The suspension penetrated both thighs and his abdomen. The parts were sawn from the car and he was transported with the parts skewering him, bleeding profusely. He could have died.

Stan told me the fans were standing and screaming - most for Kimble - for the final 20 laps.

Stan said that Montoya had the rear tire 4 inches into the grass one lap, with a blur of green cut grass left in the air he was through, the car twitching at 223mph.

Another time he saw Montoya go 3 wide on the outside, but wisely dropped in line, Another time, his hands were a blur on the steering wheel as he went through turn 1. Montoya is scary; he now has brains and experience to go with his giant, hairy nads.

Stan thought it was the best 20 laps in his 5 decades of attending the 500, and doesn't want the aero regs changed one iota!
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