a gallery into an empty space [speed thrills - 2.19.08]

sure :)

it seems its best to work colours before doing other work. i got the airbox to where i was mostly happy with it. tweaked the colours now i need to tweak some more.

another thing i noticed, the shadows went green when i played with the saturation which is why theyre all pitch black. lowered the gamma quite a bit.
Ahh ok. The comparison look quite pleasing, that grey texture patches were cleaned... looks good. Every pic is different, so one has to find a way how to reach the goal with making compromises between positive and negative consequences of the editing. If you found a way to achieve the wanted appearance, then all is good... :)

Prost! :cheers:
[empty space]
p1 - ive never been very good at blurring/smugding pics to fix textures or getting rid of jaggies so i took so detail shots of a fgt and im getting practice. he suggestions would be helpfull. id love to see what other users who better skilled at editing programs could do with these pics ...

If you search for my tutorial on how to blur/smudge out the jaggies, you may find it very helpful.
wow, thanks 👍

fgt crash @ hsr


i think while i still have the patience, ill uplad a moment for my lmp @ nordschliefe as well.
thanks guys, i guess it was a sucess 👍

ekmatt - using the tone is a nice change on occasion. specially if you consider most of my gallery ive been trying to make the colours look better, or, more "real" i guess. i appericate the comment 👍
oh, ****! @ nordschliefe


coming up on the very fast, downhill left just before sector 2 marker. there was a 787b and r92cp a head of me, i pull along aside the nissan and as we turn in. it slaims into me, sending me over the curb at over 200mph. the rear end bust loses and i neatly slide between the two. luckly, i dont get onto the grass and was able to recover enough to out brake the 787b going into the next right. :D

Krame - thanks 👍

anyone notice in picture 10 of the fgt update, the flame is reflecting onto the ground even though theres a car between the glame and the ground :dunce:
thanks, guys :)

ive a question for those of you who have "watched" my gallery from the start or seen most of it ... has it gotten better start to finish? i know ive never really fixed the jaggies nor the textures, but, ive never been able to do anything but ruin pics with blur/smudge. kenny tutorial should help a lot though.

these are the three i was talking about in the apmc thread.

and those are the other two. hm5 looks good, but, bland at the same time.

ill admit the first bmw shot was attempt to get the same effect that the skyline from the blue comp won had. didnt turn out so well :lol:
I like 'em. I especially like #2, 4, and 5. Stop by my gallery when you get the chance, and have a look at my latest update.
thanks for the comments guys 👍

vonie - i was thinking about using that one as my entry, but, it feels too similiar too to the blue skyline that has previously won. but, with a lot of people switching to radial bluring recently copying isnt that bad of an idea :-|
I like the last one in post 162 and the fifth R92CP because it looks pretty real 👍

I think your gallery has improved some. Just be sure to SCOUR your pics looking for any corners, bad textures, anything! :)
so, basically texture/jaggie work? i can do texture work fine (i think), its just that when start moving the textures around, i lose the sharp edge and it gets blurly ... worse.

would someone please give me a link to gimp?
[empty space]
so, basically texture/jaggie work? i can do texture work fine (i think), its just that when start moving the textures around, i lose the sharp edge and it gets blurly ... worse.

would someone please give me a link to gimp?

Take your last picture for example... front end of the green 2002.

Right away I see the headlight on the far right has a corner all the way on the right side, I see the roof has corners, and I see the wheelwells are completely straight lines. THAT's what I'm talking about. I manually fix that for almost every pic I do using the smudge tool... except lately I've been incorporating more scenery, which means zooming out more and lots of blur.


a further edited version of my pmc47 entry

krame & FaLLeNAn9eL thanks 👍

im finally getting around to editing my extra pics from the german manu comp. i also have my current rpmc pictures ready to be edited, but, i cant post those until 2 weeks into the future.

my smudge skills are of the weak, but, considering im using a touchpad they cant be that bad. :indiff: