a gallery into an empty space [speed thrills - 2.19.08]

kenny - the picture going up the back straight? i think i was too far to get a decent amount of blurring :|

heres a further edited version of my pmc week 40 entry

btw - with my connection (never better than 24000bps) its hard enough to keep my own gallary updated, let alone admire *everyone* elses :(

*uploading gt's*

i know theres a lot of pictures here, but, i hope theres enough vareity to warant looking through. 6-7 minute replay looked through 3 times. once for the zonda race car, ford gt lm spec II, and the mclaren f1.
i couldnt get all 6 in in one picture. all the car on the track were the aforemeantioned ford, zonda, and mclaren as well as a concept skyline lm, clk-gtr, and panoz gtr-1. the only picture the panoz is in is 4 down and 2 accross.

Vonie - thanks, i was trying to capture the few racing moments. a couple of them i really wondered if they could fit in the same space they were trying to fit themselves into O_o good thing theres no damage :lol:
thanks for the comments guys 👍

manu comp 6 HM and extras :)

i thought about using picture #12 as nothing says peugeot beter than a big white sign with blue letters :Þ

vonie - thanks ... i nearly went with that one, but, theres a similiar pic in the current zonda poll.

concentric - probably because the 905 is one of the cars on the list that pd eff'ed up. it should have f1 levels of downforce, very quick shifting and be the second fastest car in the game since the 905 was nothing more than a early 90s spec f1 car with full body work.

the 905 annd ts010 would have qualifed at silverstone gp mid feild in 93.
twisted teasers


ive not updated for a while since im not sure its worth the effort while connected at speeds slower than 56k :(
TVR&Ferrari_Fan - thanks :) ive another 3 or images to upload ... at 1 minute a piece :P im doing a little more editting to some as go though since editing saturation isnt allowed in pmc.


anyone else notice the reflections in pics 3 and 4? :scared:

well, what do you think? be gentle, i usually work better with movement ... ive a couple of pics of the vw w12 in phototravel if anyones interested in seeing them.
3rd and 4th shots are both spookey, its how the wheel shows up still in the same angle in the water. On the 4th shot, like how it mirrors the same on the 3rd shot.
TVR&Ferrari_Fan - i took a couple of pics like those because at first i thought it was like the spectators in rally stages and the starting lights. apparently not :-|

thanks for the comments all 👍

i wish i had something that handled layers, ive some pics thatd look better with some motion blurring.


can´t GIMP handle layers...?
I shouldn´t have told you, as I like that pic as it is. :dunce:

Prost! :cheers:

i dont know ... never tryed it. right now im working with photofiltre and pisasa 2. i wonder how big of a download it is.

btw - like my new avatar?

p1: p2:

p1 - ive never been very good at blurring/smugding pics to fix textures or getting rid of jaggies so i took so detail shots of a fgt and im getting practice. he suggestions would be helpfull. id love to see what other users who better skilled at editing programs could do with these pics ...

p2 - i wanted to find out how people got that brown tint without losing a lot of colour. some came out fine, others not so. im about to upload the rest.

extra just because:

Did you smudge jaggies and textures in p1? If yes, put an unedited comparison pic, so that we can see how you did. I assume you cleaned out the mirrors a bit, did you? At the moment it looks just fine to me.

Prost! :cheers:

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