This is the first, and so far only event that made me feel the urge to break something. I understand that the physics in this game are apparently completely incapable of accurately simulating the Nascar experience, but handicap you by forcing you to be considerably slower than the AI competition through the turns is a ridiculously cheap technique to use. I ended up getting gold after I don't know how many tries (30 or 40?), and I only stuck it out because I'm seeking a platinum in this game.
The reason I hated this so much is because it seems to have more to do with luck than it does with skill. The AMG event is quite challenging and has taken me a bit of effort to get all golds up to the point where I'm at, but when I finish in one of those events I actually feel like I accomplished something that was legitimately difficult where no luck was required.
If you haven't played the Daytona race in the Extreme Series just wait, because it's almost as bad. Except you have to survive ten laps before you see if you're lucky or not. .....and by "survive" I mean just that, at any point in the race the idiot AI drivers will punt you into a wall if they feel like it. Sadly it all comes down to being able ride a guy's bumper in second place for 9 2/3 laps and pass him in a short amount of space praying that nobody else gets in your way.
Oddly enough for this challenge changing the ABS to 10 seemed to actually have an effect. I have no idea why this is, but after I did that the car seemed to hang in there a little better.